
Polyolefin Film

What Is Polyolefin Film?

Polyolefin film, a vital agricultural material, is crafted predominantly from olefin resins like polyethylene. Marketed under names like “No-PO” or “No-Poly,” this film has gained prominence in agriculture, surpassing the previously popular polyvinyl chloride films. Its rise in popularity is attributed to its enhanced sludge resistance, strength, and workability.

Key variants of polyolefin films include general agricultural poly, special agricultural poly, and silver poly.

Uses of Polyolefin Film

Polyolefin film finds extensive use in applications such as small tunnel cultivation and the nurturing of medium-sized rice seedlings. Its types are tailored to specific agricultural needs:

  • General Agricultural Polyolefin Film: Opted for its affordability and lightweight, this film is a common choice for small tunnel cultivation.
  • Specialty Agricultural Polyolefin Film: Enhanced with additional features like ventilation holes, this film is ideal for rice seedling and vegetable cultivation.
  • Silver Polyolefin Film: Though pricier, this film excels in temperature control, non-stickiness, and ease of ventilation.


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