
Zinc Chloride

What Is Zinc Chloride?

Zinc chloride is a compound of zinc and chlorine with the chemical formula ZnCl2. Zinc chloride exists in anhydrous form as well as several hydrates, which form at temperatures below 28 degrees Celsius.

It is a white crystalline powder that is deliquescent and has a very high affinity for water. It is extremely soluble in water and is also soluble in ethanol, acetone, and ether.

Zinc chloride is obtained by reacting metallic zinc with hydrochloric acid. In the recycling process for obtaining purified zinc chloride and high-purity zinc from electric furnace dust, zinc chloride is produced by allowing chlorine gas to act on crude zinc oxide.

Uses of Zinc Chloride

Zinc chloride is used in the zinc plating process. Among the bath types used for zinc plating, zinc chloride baths can be used to plate materials that are difficult to plate with zinc (castings, high carbon steel).

Zinc chloride has a so-called astringent effect that constricts blood vessels, mucous membranes, and skin tissue. Therefore, in the medical field, low concentrations of zinc chloride solutions are used to treat nasopharyngitis and nasopharyngitis. It is also used in mouth rinses and toothpastes because of its ability to prevent bad breath.

Other uses include wood preservative, material for dry cell batteries, and flux for soldering.


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