
Binding Machinery

What Is Binding Machinery?

Binding Machinery

Binding machinery is used to bundle cardboard boxes, books, and other packages for easy transportation. Some binding machines are also used to secure larger pallets.

There are two types of binding machinery: those that hang PP bands and weld the ends together (also called packing machines), and those that hang strings and tie the ends together (strapping machines).

Binding machinery can be used to improve the efficiency of packaging operations, prevent accidents due to variations in precision, and reduce costs.

Uses for Binding Machinery

Binding machinery is used in factories, distribution warehouses, financial institutions, bookstores, and many other locations to improve packaging operations.

Binding machinery using PP bands is suitable for packing and securing corrugated cardboard boxes. They are often used primarily in logistics-related settings. Binding machinery using string is used for more general purposes, such as product packaging.

In general products, the object to be bundled is carried to the machine, placed on the machine, and operated.

Principle of Binding Machinery

In the most commonly used foot-pedal type binding machinery, the object to be bound is placed on the machine stand, and a foot pedal activates the motor. This, in turn, rotates the arm and wraps the PP band or cord around the object. The end of the band is crimped to hold the PP band in place, while the cord is tied and cut for products that use cord.

Binding machinery does not use a sequencer, which is the mainstream machine control system, but is driven by a cam, so it requires more detailed adjustments than other machines. In addition, because they are driven by a machine, regular lubrication is essential to maintain their functionality.

Semi-automatic binding machinery is the same up to the point where the object to be bound is placed in the machine, but there are no pedals or switches, and binding is performed by inserting the binding tape into the designated location.

Although less efficient than fully automatic binding machinery, these machines are more compact because they do not require a binding arm.


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