
Gate Array

What Is a Gate Array?

A gate array is a manufacturing approach for integrated circuits (ICs), allowing for the creating of specific functionalities by initially fabricating generic logic circuits and subsequently interconnecting them through customized wiring.

This manufacturing method involves laying down a set of fundamental logic components, such as transistors and gates, according to predefined patterns (masks). These components are then interconnected with metal wiring, enabling the creation of customized circuits tailored to specific needs. Gate arrays find applications across a wide range of products, including communication devices, computers, household appliances, and industrial machinery, offering considerable adaptability.

The fabrication process starts with the production of basic logic circuits on a silicon wafer, followed by the application of metal layers through masking techniques to form the required interconnections. The final step is the functional verification of the completed application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC). Gate arrays are prized for their short production lead times, suitability for volume manufacturing, and their high degree of flexibility in adapting to diverse application requirements.