
Hang Rail

What Is a Hang Rail?

Hang Rails A hang rail is a versatile fixture installed on ceilings and walls for hanging items like sliding doors, tools, and semi-finished products. It serves as a track for sliding mechanisms in various settings.

Constructed from materials like aluminum, stainless steel, and steel, hang rails are available in both straight and curved designs, suitable for diverse applications.

Selection of a hang rail involves considering its shape, length, and material, based on the specific requirements of the installation site.

Uses of Hang Rails

Hang rails are widely used in industrial and commercial settings, including factories, warehouses, construction sites, agricultural facilities, and healthcare institutions. They offer practical solutions for:

  • Sliding doors and vinyl curtains in industrial environments
  • Transporting products and tools in factories
  • Moving agricultural materials in greenhouses and farms
  • Supporting fittings, sliding doors, and partitioning in various locations
  • Providing hanging solutions for dustproof and soundproof materials, tools, and cables
  • Creating partitions in areas where aesthetics or hygiene are crucial, like gymnasiums, hospitals, and food processing facilities
  • Discreet curtains hanging in bathrooms and changing areas

Principle of Hang Rails

Hang rail systems comprise several components to ensure functionality and durability:

  • Brackets for mounting the rails
  • Joint bearings and doorstops for connecting and positioning the rail
  • Matching hanging wheels for the intended load
  • Rail holders for connecting rails between brackets
  • Side covers for aesthetics and safety
  • Guide rollers for stability and wind resistance

Materials like steel and stainless steel, often treated with powder coating or urethane resin, provide strength, corrosion resistance, and easy maintenance, making them ideal for various applications.


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