

What Is a Shooter?

A shooter is a generic term for a mechanism or object that releases or drops items.

There are numerous products bearing the name “shooter,” with “shooter” preceding and following it, and most of them have been registered and renewed as trademarks.

For instance, the name “double shooters” is registered under “Category 5: insecticides (limited to pesticides)” and is maintained by a foreign company.

Uses of Shooters

Machines and devices known as shooters find applications in various fields.

For example, inclined racks referred to as shooters are used in factory production lines and warehouses. Other applications include plumbing systems in construction, both outdoors and indoors, as well as products like fishing tackle, automobiles, and beer, which have also been trademarked.

Features of Shooters

Shooters can be categorized based on commercial registration as follows:

The fields where the trademark “shooters” is registered encompass “09,” “12,” “28,” “32,” “33,” and “42.” Trademarks featuring the word “shooters” before or after it span various classes, including “services” (service trademarks indicating labor).

Specifically, category 09 includes glasses, swimming goggles, sunglasses, life preservers, cylinders for automatic inflatable life vests. Category 12 comprises motor vehicles and parts and accessories, power machinery and apparatus for land vehicles, shafts, bearings, shaft couplings, bearings, power transmission equipment, buffers, springs, braking devices, alternating or direct-current motors for vehicles, and theft alarms for vehicles.


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