
Cutting Compound

What Is Cutting Compound?

Cutting compound is a cutting fluid with improved applicability and retention.

It can be applied to a wide range of materials and is ideal for tapping and low-speed cutting operations. Generally, chlorine and non-chlorine types are commercially available. The chlorine type has excellent machinability, but it is pointed out that heat generated by machining may generate dioxin. On the other hand, the non-chlorine type is less harmful than the chlorine type, but has inferior processability. The appropriate type should be selected according to the method of use.

Uses of Cutting Compound

Cutting compound can be used for all kinds of low-speed cutting operations and difficult-to-cut materials, such as “drilling,” “reaming,” and threading operations. Also, there is no need to change the oil type depending on the material. For example, it can be applied to “carbon steel,” “alloy steel,” “stainless steel,” “cast iron,” and “aluminum alloy,” making it highly versatile. In particular, it is immensely effective for tapping difficult-to-cut materials such as “stainless steel” and “heat-resistant steel.”

In addition, since it is in paste form at room temperature, it is easy to handle and suitable for horizontal hole drilling. It can be used not only for tapping work but also for all kinds of low-speed cutting work. Since it can be applied by brush or brush application, it is effective enough for difficult cutting operations such as threading, hail finishing, milling, drilling, reaming, through-die threading, and over-vibratory threading.

Principle of Cutting Compound

Heat and chips are generated when metal materials are processed. These can deteriorate the working environment and lead to deformation and damage of tools and tools. Therefore, cutting fluid is used when cutting metal materials. This cutting fluid has a lubricating effect to reduce friction, a cooling effect to dissipate the heat generated, and a cleaning effect to wash away fine particles generated by cutting. Therefore, cutting fluid is in paste form at room temperature and does not scatter during operation as liquid cutting fluid does. Therefore, it does not need to be used in large quantities.

It is also easy to handle and can be held in the area to be tapped, eliminating the need for troublesome work. Furthermore, the heat generated during the tapping process transforms the paste into a liquid. This allows the paste to penetrate into the cutting area, making it ideal for manual processing and tapping machines.

Because it is composed of sulfur and chlorine chemicals, it is not too viscous and cuts smoothly. However, the active sulfur system, which has the strongest effect on copper plate corrosion, is not applicable to copper and copper alloys because of its discoloration in copper systems. Since this type is for reaming, tapping, broaching, and other low-speed, finish surface-oriented applications, it is preferable to select the type according to the material to be machined and the machining method.

How to Use Cutting Compound

Cutting compound is applied by applying a small amount to a brush or bristle and applying it to the cutting edge of the tap or the lower hole. Too large a quantity is sufficient, as it will reduce visibility when machining holes and make cleaning difficult and inefficient.

In cold environments such as winter, the paste tends to harden, reducing penetration and bite.

Since it is necessary to apply the cutting compound to the tap for each hole processing, cutting oil, instead of the cutting compound, is always used for continuous tapping processing using a machining center.

Other Information on Cutting Compound

Cleaning of Cutting Compound

A degreasing cleaning agent is used to clean the cutting compound.

Remove chips after processing by air blow and wipe off the cutting compound that has come out of the hole with a rag.

Because it is in solid form, excess cutting compound tends to adhere to holes, surfaces, and jigs after machining and is more stubborn than when cutting oil is used, so it must be cleaned with a degreasing cleaning agent.

While the cutting compound provides excellent protection and lubrication regardless of the material, it has the disadvantage of being time-consuming to clean up after machining.

Cutting compound should be used when machining a small amount of holes by hand using a hand tap and cutting compound should be used when machining a large amount of tapping using a machining center.


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