
Power Control Unit

What Is a Power Control Unit?

A power control unit is a unit that controls the power supply of a system. It can also be a device that centralizes and controls several power supplies in a factory, building, etc. In either case, it still controls the power supply, which is the initial input to the system. In either case, the unit still controls the first input to the system, the power control unit.

In addition, some power control units are now equipped with general-purpose advanced functions, such as various types of communications, to enable communication with other systems.

Uses of Power Control Units

The range of applications for power control units is expanding. Conventional power control units, for example, are stabilized power supplies that can supply power even during power outages, such as UPS, or power supply units that control the power supply units of various products and systems, which are units whose main role is to supply power. However, with the recent digitalization and increase in the number of general-purpose products that use wireless technology, power control units are becoming mainstream, not only supplying power but also enabling communication with other systems using Wi-Fi or LAN.

Principle of Power Control Units

The principles of power control units vary widely depending on the scope of the device called power control units, but we will focus on the common point of controlling the power supply. Controlling the power supply means controlling the power supply. In other words, since the main role of a power supply is to input power from an external source such as a commercial power supply, and output electricity to the system to be supplied, it can be controlled by setting the power supply voltage, current, and frequency required for that system.

In addition, in the event of abnormalities such as overvoltage, overcurrent, lightning surges, or other hazardous noise input, the power control units have functions to protect the entire system by performing protective operations. Furthermore, with the recent evolution of the information society in the world, power control units, which control the power supply status of the entire system, are now equipped with external communication functions to enable system linkage through communication with other systems.


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