
Channel Base

What Is a Channel Base?

A channel base is a type of base on which heavy objects are placed and secured.

A channel base is made mainly from channel steel, which is processed and welded to increase strength. It is used to secure switchboards, servers, emergency generators, and other equipment to protect them in the event of an earthquake or other emergency.

When installed, the channel base is generally leveled by interlocking liner plates under the legs of the channel base. Some channel bases can be leveled with a jack.

There is a wide variety of channel bases to suit different applications, and custom-made products can be manufactured by specialized vendors.

Uses of Channel Bases

Channel bases are often used as “earthquake-resistant racks.”

Simply placing the switchboards and servers introduced above on the ground can easily leave them to topple over in the event of a large-scale earthquake, increasing the risk of secondary damage that could lead to fire. The purpose of the course is to protect and secure the equipment itself, but it also plays a role in preventing secondary damage in the event of an emergency. In the case of an earthquake, it is no good if the power goes out and the generator loses its functionality when you want to use it. In this way, the channel bases play a role in preventing secondary damage during an emergency and protecting the necessary functions during an emergency.

Features of Channel Bases

The following is an explanation of the types and characteristics of channel bases.

There are three main types of channel bases:

  • Standard type
  • Dice type
  • Jack-up type

The standard type is a general channel base, which is a small base with four legs that can accommodate a power distribution panel. Since there is enough space under the channel bases for wiring and piping, it can be installed as is.

The die type is a collection of regular cubic shapes. The shape is made up of finely spaced groove-shaped steel, and its appearance conveys its sturdiness. The space under the legs is slightly smaller, but it is sufficient for wiring and piping. However, there are also more sturdy types that have completely blocked leg space under the legs. In such cases, some ingenuity will be required to route the wiring and plumbing.

The jack-up type has a jack attached to each leg of a regular channel base. Normally, the height of the channel base needs to be fine-tuned using liner plates, but with this jack-up type, the adjustment is easy. The jack-up type can also be used for steps that cannot be fully adjusted with the liner plate, and the height can be adjusted even if the installation location is changed, thus increasing the possibility of use. It is the most versatile among channel bases.


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