
Helical Couplings

What Is a Helical Coupling?

A helical coupling is a type of mechanical connector used to join two rotating shafts while compensating for misalignment. It consists of a single piece of metal, often stainless steel or aluminum, with a helical cut or slit that provides flexibility and allows the coupling to absorb misalignments between shafts. This design ensures precise transmission of motion without backlash and has vibration damping capabilities.

Applications of Helical Couplings

Helical couplings are favored in applications requiring high precision and minimal backlash, including:

  • Encoders and rotary angle measuring instruments, where accuracy and torsional rigidity are critical.
  • Medical and optical equipment, where slight misalignments can significantly impact performance.
  • Precision stages used in fine angle adjustments and positioning tasks.

These couplings are particularly useful in systems where eccentricity, angular misalignment, or axial displacement occurs, offering a compact and efficient solution.

Operating Principle

The helical design allows the coupling to act like a spring, absorbing misalignments and vibrations. The single-piece construction eliminates backlash, ensuring smooth and accurate power transmission. The coupling’s performance, including its ability to deflect and its torsional rigidity, varies based on the length and number of helical slits.

Varieties of Helical Couplings

Helical couplings can be categorized by their deflection capacity, torsional rigidity, and the method used to attach them to shafts:

  • Deflection and Torsional Rigidity: Longer slits increase misalignment tolerance but reduce torsional rigidity. Couplings with more slits offer higher torsional rigidity.
  • Shaft Fixing Methods: Options include clamping or screw-fastening, with some screw-fastened types also utilizing a keyway for added security.

This versatility, combined with their durability and low maintenance, makes helical couplings a preferred choice across various industries.


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