
Precision Grinding Vise

What Is a Precision Grinding Vise?

A precision grinding vise is a jig used on a machine tool to grip and fix a workpiece. The term “precision” is used because it is intended for use on a machine tool and enables high-precision parallelism of the material to be fixed.

Precision grinding vises, also called “machine vises,” are manufactured to maintain parallelism of various contact surfaces, such as parallelism with the base surface of the machine tool to which they are attached, parallelism between the fixed and movable end caps of the main body, and parallelism with the sliding surface of the movable end cap.

Uses of Precision Grinding Vises

Precision grinding vises are used on various types of machine tools, such as cutting machines, milling machines, and machining centers. Since the size of the workpiece varies with the machine tool of the same type, the most suitable precision device is selected for each machine tool.

As it is said that the machining accuracy of a machine tool is affected by the parallelism accuracy of the precision device, various types are manufactured according to the size of the workpiece and the machine tool, and it is important to choose the right type for each application.

How to Select a Precision Grinding Vises

The selection criteria for precision grinding vises are as follows:

  • Size of Workpiece
    The dimensions of the “opening,” “width,” and “depth” of the vise are determined according to the length and height of the two sides of the workpiece that are parallel to the base surface.
  • Types of Machine Tools
    The type of machine tool and its machining direction may also affect the selection of machine tools.
  • Machining Method
    The number of processes, machining conditions, and machine tools, as well as the difference between small-lot production and mass production, also affects the selection of machining methods, while machining efficiency also affects costs.
  • Processing Precision
    Although precision grinding vises are manufactured with higher precision than general vises, it is important to consider this when further processing precision is demanded. Factors related to machining accuracy include sufficient clamping force, measures to prevent floating of the workpiece, machining accuracy of the precision grinding vise itself, materials used, structure, durability, and other factors.


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