
Rail Clamp

What Is a Rail Clamp?

Rail Clamps

A rail clamp is a device designed to securely clamp rails, typically used in train track systems. These clamps are specialized for exerting high force, crucial for maintaining the stability and alignment of the rails.

Rails often feature a hollowed-out middle section to facilitate easy bolting and joining. Rail clamps leverage this design to provide a robust and secure grip.

Uses of Rail Clamps

Rail clamps are primarily used in settings where rail handling and maintenance are common, such as factories that produce or assemble rail tracks. While they are fundamentally designed for train rails, their application extends beyond trains. Expired railway tracks, repurposed for other uses like trolley and crane tracks in shipyards, docks, and factories, also utilize rail clamps. These clamps are particularly useful in securing gantry cranes that move along rail systems.

Principle of Rail Clamps

Rail clamps function similarly to hydraulic paper clips, clamping down in the hollows of rails to ensure a firm hold. These clamps are typically used as part of larger systems like cranes or trains that require secure anchoring to the rails. For instance, a gantry crane operating on two rails would need at least two rail clamps for proper security.

Moreover, rail clamps can themselves be mobilized on the rails. In some configurations, four clamps can be attached to a single unit, allowing it to move along the rails and also secure it firmly when stationary.

In addition to standard railroad rails, rail clamps can also be applied to lighter rails, such as those used in trolley systems, highlighting their versatility across different rail types.


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