
Base Plate

What Is a Base Plate?

A base plate is a foundational component, typically a flat or thin plate, manufactured in various types for different applications. Its role and design vary significantly based on its field of use.

In machining, base plates are robust and thick, serving as stable platforms for securing workpieces. They often come equipped with high-precision holes to attach jigs and tools.

Uses of Base Plates

Base plates have diverse applications across multiple industries:

  • In machining, they function as tables for jigs and molds.
  • In construction, they are integral to building structures and mounting seismic isolation devices.
  • In electronics, particularly hard disk drives (HDDs), base plates are selected for their strength and thin profile.

Features of Base Plates

The material and characteristics of base plates vary based on their specific application:

  • For jigs and tools, common materials include S45C, S50C, SS400, SCM steels, and SUS303/304 or SUS400 series stainless steels.
  • For aluminum base plates, A2017 (duralumin), A5052 series, and A7075 are frequently used.
  • Base plates for jigs and tools typically feature numerous pre-drilled holes for mounting, providing versatility and eliminating the need for additional processing by users.
  • In equipment manufacturing, base plates are often custom-designed to meet specific customer requirements regarding material, shape, and dimensions.
  • In construction, materials are selected for their strength, durability, and air resistance. Seismic isolators, for example, use a pair of base plates – one on the ground side and the other on the building side – to encase the seismic isolation material.


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