
Fume Collectors

What Is a Fume Collector?

A fume collector is a device used to extract and remove fumes generated during welding operations. Fumes consist of solid particles suspended in the air, resulting from the vaporization and solidification of solid materials or chemical reactions in gases. The primary source of fumes is arc welding. Additionally, fine dust produced during grinding processes can also be harmful and necessitates the use of a dust collector.

Welding fumes contain various toxic substances, including iron oxides, silicon oxides, beryllium, cadmium, zinc, lead, and asbestos.

Uses of Fume Collectors

Inhalation of fumes can lead to a condition called pneumoconiosis. Individuals working in environments where inorganic or mineral dust is generated are particularly vulnerable to this disease, primarily due to the inhalation of small dirt particles or metal grains over an extended period. This condition causes lung tissue to become fibrotic, hardened, and lose elasticity. Fume collectors are employed to prevent pneumoconiosis.

Examples of places where fume collectors are utilized include auto body shops, metal fabrication facilities (sheet metal fabrication, laser cutting, welding), and more.

Principles of Fume Collectors

The operating principle of a fume collector closely resembles that of other dust collectors. An impeller is used to create suction, and the impeller is equipped with various filter structures to prevent fumes from adhering to it. Inside the collector, a baffle structure is incorporated to intercept heavy fume particles, ensuring their collection. Subsequently, a wire mesh filter is employed to capture most of the remaining fumes. Fumes that manage to bypass the baffle are also collected by the filter.

To address concerns related to spatter and sparks produced during welding, precautions are taken. Welding sparks, when combined with molten metal particles, can solidify and adhere to nearby metal surfaces. These solidified grains around the weld are known as spatter. To prevent sparks and spatter from entering the dust collector, safety measures are in place to mitigate the risk of fires or malfunctions.

The collected fumes are then removed from the dust collector, often utilizing a pulse jet system that intermittently pulses air to efficiently dislodge and remove the collected fumes.


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