
Wet Grinding Mills

What Is a Wet Grinding Mill?

A wet grinding mill is a device that uses liquid to grind objects. Particles can be milled in different ways, depending on their size and condition. Wet milling is suitable for milling finer particles. Relatively small particles are close to ideal strength and cannot be crushed by simple collision alone. Therefore, by adding a liquid such as water and beads together with the particles, the surface is scraped and the particles are crushed into smaller particles. This process is particularly useful in the medical field for pulverizing pharmaceuticals. Wet grinding mills are used in the medical field to grind pharmaceuticals, and are particularly useful in the medical field.

Uses of Wet Grinding Mills

Wet grinding mills are used to grind fine particles. Wet milling pulverizes particles not only by impact but also by friction and stress, with beads placed together with the liquid. Wet milling can crush particles that could not be crushed by dry milling, and can crush small particles down to a few microns or less. It is used in a variety of situations where fine grinding is required and is specifically used in the manufacture of the following products.

Principle of Wet Grinding Mills

This section introduces the specific principles of wet grinding mills, as well as their advantages and disadvantages.

First, in addition to the particles to be ground, a liquid such as water and beads involved in the grinding process is fed into the wet grinding mill. These are rotated at high speed in the grinding chamber, causing the beads and particles to collide with each other, resulting in crushing. The crushed beads are diffused, and one after another, the beads are used to break the particles into smaller and smaller pieces. The beads used here are generally about 2 mm or smaller. In the past, balls of several centimeters in diameter were used for grinding, but beads are now used because it is more efficient to fill the mill with a large number of fine beads.

The greatest advantage of wet grinding mills is that they can grind smaller particles than dry mills. The high-speed rotation of the beads with the liquid increases their fluidity and makes them more easily collide with each other. In addition, the surface of the beads is removed by friction and stress, resulting in smaller particles than with the dry method. On the other hand, there is a disadvantage in terms of cost. The use of water and other solutions makes grinding more expensive than the dry method. It is also inferior in terms of energy efficiency since part of the energy used to rotate the material at high speed is absorbed by the liquid.


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