
Underground Pipes

What Is an Underground Pipe?

Underground pipes are channels used to manage water, primarily in agricultural settings. Culvert drainage involves burying pipes underground to redirect water away from the groundwater table and the surface. This offers benefits such as improved soil drainage and enhanced efficiency of agricultural machinery. Since these pipes are buried, it’s essential to use materials that are durable, easy to install, and environmentally friendly. The choice of construction method should also suit the specific crop and region. For instance, in cold climates, pipes suitable for freezing conditions are preferred to mitigate the risk of freezing.

Uses of Underground Pipes

Underground pipes are predominantly installed in agricultural areas like fields and orchards. They provide several advantages to agriculture, including lowering the groundwater table and controlling drainage. Firstly, they positively impact crops by creating a better growth environment, preventing issues like root rot. Secondly, they enhance farmland usability by aiding in snowmelt during early spring and improving soil temperature. This facilitates soil management, access to agricultural machinery, and the overall versatility of the farmland. Additionally, culvert drainage pipes may also be installed in residential yards to enhance drainage.

Principle of Underground Pipes

Culvert drainage can be broadly categorized into two types: surface water drainage and seepage water drainage. The primary material used for underground pipes is polyethylene. However, other materials are also utilized for specific underground applications and convenience:

  • Rigid PVC Pipe: Lightweight and easy to handle, suitable for various soil types. However, they are vulnerable to low temperatures and impacts and are not suitable for soft ground.
  • Polyethylene Pipe: Suitable for a wide range of soil types and resistant to low temperatures, though they have lower strength.
  • Vinyl Chloride Corrugated Pipe: Rigid with burial method options but sensitive to low temperatures and impacts.
  • Polyethylene Net Pipe: Offers a large water-absorbing cross-section and low-temperature resistance, but is less adaptable to soil properties.
  • Concrete Pipe: High pressure resistance, but heavy and challenging to install.
  • Ceramic Pipes: Applicable for many soil types but challenging to handle and install due to their weight.
  • Polyethylene Corrugated Pipe: Provides higher strength against pressure and low-temperature resistance compared to standard polyethylene but with slightly higher roughness and reduced water flow.

Underground pipes are buried alongside a hydrophobic material, collectively known as the main culvert. Hydrophobic material selection considers factors such as permeability, availability, durability, and its impact on water and soil contamination. Safe materials like rice husks, gravel, and bamboo are used. Based on the main culvert, auxiliary culverts like soil crushing, trenching, perforated culverts, and bullet culverts are employed to further enhance drainage.


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