
Infrared Dryer

What Is an Infrared Dryer?

An infrared dryer is a machine that utilizes infrared radiant heat to dry materials.

Infrared radiation is a type of electromagnetic wave with a wavelength longer than visible light, approximately 700 nm to 1 mm. Although it is not visible to the human eye, when it strikes an object, a portion of the radiated energy is absorbed and emitted as thermal energy. Taking advantage of this property, infrared radiation is used in devices such as infrared lamps for heating.

An infrared dryer operates based on this principle, using infrared lamps or infrared radiators to apply heat to an object, causing the moisture to evaporate and facilitating the drying process. These dryers find applications in various industries, including drying grains and other food products, drying plastics, automotive painting, and even integrated into inkjet printers for drying ink, showcasing their versatility.


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