
Folding Door

What Is a Folding Door?

A folding door is a type of door made up of several panels that are connected by hinges or similar mechanisms. 

When not in use, it can be neatly folded to the side, occupying much less space than traditional swinging doors. This makes folding doors an efficient choice for areas where space is at a premium, as they eliminate the need for the wide clearance required by regular doors during opening and closing.

Folding doors find applications in various settings, including residential homes, office spaces, and commercial establishments. They serve various purposes, such as acting as room dividers, and closet doors, or providing access to outdoor areas like patios and gardens. The materials used in folding doors vary widely, ranging from wood and metal to glass and plastic, each offering different aesthetic and functional benefits.

These doors are particularly valued for their ability to maximize the use of limited space and offer flexibility in altering room layouts. Additionally, their unique and stylish designs make them a popular choice for enhancing interior decor.


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