
Exterior Wall Material

What Is an Exterior Wall Material?

An exterior wall material forms the outermost layer of a building, playing a crucial role in its aesthetics as it constitutes the majority of the building’s exterior. Additionally, exterior wall materials are constantly exposed to outdoor elements such as temperature fluctuations, humidity, wind, rain, and ultraviolet rays. Therefore, these materials must be durable and functional to withstand environmental changes while also offering excellent design qualities.

Common types of exterior wall materials include siding, mortar, tile, and autoclaved lightweight concrete panels (ALC). In selecting an exterior wall material, considerations should extend beyond the material’s features, design, and initial cost to include maintenance and long-term upkeep.

Uses of Exterior Wall Materials

Ceramic siding is a popular choice for detached houses due to its diverse color and design options and the balance it offers between functionality and cost. However, the choice of exterior wall material may vary depending on the geographic location. In cold climates, metal or resin siding, which is resistant to frost damage, may be preferable. Near the sea, materials like tiles or galvalume steel plates are ideal for their resistance to salt damage.

Tile and ALC, known for their durability and fire resistance, are commonly used for condominiums and other buildings, in addition to detached houses. ALC panels are particularly favored for public facilities and sound insulation walls on train platforms due to their disaster resistance and soundproofing capabilities.


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