
Block Trowel

What Is a Block Trowel?

A block trowel, a tool for piling materials like bricks, is essential in plastering. It typically has an isosceles triangle shape for efficient and even spreading of mortar.

The trowel’s long, thin end is ideal for applying mortar in block holes, while its side is useful for kneading mortar, scooping it onto the trowel plate, and cleaning off excess mortar from stacked blocks.

How to Use a Block Trowel

Hold the block trowel similarly to a brick trowel, with a light grip and a small space between the handle and your palm. When stacking blocks, knead the mortar on the trowel plate, then scoop and spread it evenly across the block’s width. Tilt the trowel during application for proper placement. After use, thoroughly clean and dry the trowel.

How to Select Block Trowels

Choose block trowels based on size, shape, and material for the specific work environment and purpose. Consider the following:

  • Size
    The size, defined by the trowel’s length and base width, should match the blocks’ size.
  • Shape of the Trowel
    Commonly isosceles triangle-shaped, there are also special shapes like semi-shaped trowels. Each shape offers different usability.
  • Material of the Iron Part
    Choose based on the iron part’s hardness and characteristics. Stainless steel is strong and rust-resistant but less suitable for mortar due to its slipperiness.


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