
joint tournant

Qu’est-ce qu’un joint tournant ?

Un joint tournant est un joint de tuyauterie permettant d’alimenter en fluides tels que l’eau, l’air et l’huile une pièce de machine qui effectue un mouvement rotatif ou un mouvement linéaire dans le sens vertical, latéral ou avant/arrière.

Un mécanisme similaire est un joint rotatif, appelé joint tournant. En général, les joints tournants sont des raccords pour une rotation continue et sont utilisés pour la tuyauterie dans les sections de machines qui tournent à grande vitesse, telles que les broches de machines-outils.

Les joints tournants, en revanche, ont souvent une limite supérieure à l’angle auquel ils peuvent pivoter, et sont montés sur des machines qui tournent à un angle compris dans une plage définie.

Utilisations des joints tournants

Les joints tournants sont couramment utilisés dans les machines-outils et les engins de construction. Les joints tournants sont utilisés, par exemple, pour alimenter en fluide à basse ou haute pression une section de glissière dans une unité de machine qui se déplace en ligne droite dans trois directions (X, Y et Z). L’angle du joint change au fur et à mesure qu’il se déplace, de sorte que le mouvement régulier de la section de glissement n’est pas entravé.

Les canalisations mobiles sont constituées de plusieurs joints tournants et de tuyaux. Elles sont utilisées avec une plage de mouvement définie et trouvent des utilisations dans les laminoirs d’acier, les presses à chaud, les presses à pneus, les machines de moulage sous pression et les machines de moulage par injection.

Les joints tournants sont utilisés dans les enrouleurs de tuyaux, qui peuvent supporter de faibles vitesses de rotation dans la mesure où ils sont tournés manuellement. Dans l’automobile, ils sont également souvent utilisés dans les compteurs de vitesse, les camions-citernes et les camions-grues. Ils sont parfois utilisés non seulement dans les machines et les équipements, mais aussi dans les tuyauteries des bâtiments dotés de structures d’isolation sismique.

Principe des joints tournants

En tant que mécanisme rotatif, l’arbre du joint tournant contient des billes ou des roulements en acier. Pour maintenir une rotation régulière, les joints tournants sont généralement alimentés régulièrement avec une certaine quantité de graisse par l’intermédiaire d’un graisseur.

La section de l’arbre et le corps sont scellés par une garniture afin d’éviter les fuites de fluide. Des performances d’étanchéité plus élevées sont requises pour une utilisation avec des fluides à haute pression, de sorte que les types dotés d’un système à double joint sont la norme.

L’avantage des joints tournants est que le mécanisme de rotation permet à la tuyauterie de se déplacer librement. En revanche, il présente l’inconvénient d’affaiblir la résistance du joint lui-même en raison de sa structure en deux parties, qui se compose d’une section d’arbre et d’un corps. La partie rotative est soumise à des charges radiales de poussée et à des charges de moment, et doit donc être conçue de manière à présenter une résistance suffisante.

Autres informations sur les joints tournants

1. Joints tournants utilisés sur les grues

Les joints tournants utilisés dans les lignes de pompage des pièces mobiles sont également utilisés dans les machines lourdes telles que les grues. Les machines lourdes telles que les grues sont divisées en une partie inférieure, comme les chenilles, qui se déplace, et une partie supérieure qui pivote. Les joints tournants relient les parties supérieure et inférieure.

Le mécanisme du joint tournant permet le déplacement de machines lourdes telles que les grues. Un joint tournant avec un mécanisme similaire peut également être utilisé.

2. Joints tournants utilisés dans les conduites à haute pression

Les joints tournants utilisés dans les conduites à haute pression utilisent un joint torique ou similaire comme joint d’étanchéité sur l’arbre. En général, un ou deux joints toriques sont utilisés. Pour les applications à haute pression, plusieurs joints toriques sont utilisés pour les labyrinthes.

De plus, ils peuvent être utilisés en combinaison avec ce que l’on appelle des anneaux en Sanflon pour améliorer l’étanchéité. L’assemblage est réalisé à l’aide d’une presse ou d’un vérin hydraulique.

3. Méthode d’installation de la tuyauterie à l’aide de joints tournants

Il existe une méthode d’installation des tuyauteries utilisant le mécanisme des joints tournants utilisés dans les pièces mobiles. Lorsque le fluide circulant dans la tuyauterie est chaud, la tuyauterie est chauffée et une élongation thermique se produit. Pour absorber cet allongement thermique, plusieurs joints tournants sont utilisés dans la méthode de construction.

En utilisant plusieurs joints tournants à 90° dans une forme de tuyauterie comme un coude en U, chaque joint tournant se déplace et absorbe l’allongement thermique. Cette méthode est souvent utilisée pour les conduites en acier inoxydable, car l’allongement thermique est plus important que pour les conduites en acier. Il existe également une méthode de construction dans laquelle l’isolation thermique est utilisée et où la tuyauterie est soutenue par des rouleaux ou des bandes de caoutchouc.


Chromium Hydroxide

What Is Chromium Hydroxide?

Chromium hydroxide exists in different forms based on the oxidation state of chromium. The most commonly used and sold form is trivalent chromium hydroxide. Trivalent chromium hydroxide is an amphoteric hydroxide, meaning it can react with both acids and bases. It is insoluble in water and dilute acids but can dissolve in strongly acidic or strongly basic solutions. This compound typically appears as a blue or green solid powder.

Chromium hydroxide forms as a blue precipitate when chromium ions in an aqueous solution react with hydroxide ions. While chromium hydroxide itself is nonflammable, it decomposes upon heating to produce chromium oxide.

Uses of Chromium Hydroxide

Chromium hydroxide is primarily used as a pigment due to its excellent resistance to light, acids, and alkalis. Its bright blue-green color is more vibrant than chromium oxide, making it particularly valuable in the cosmetics industry for products such as makeup, hair colorants, nail paints, and skin care products.

Additionally, chromium hydroxide has been utilized as a water-soluble preservative for wood, favored for its fixation, preservative, and antiseptic properties. However, its usage has declined due to environmental concerns.


Bismuth Subgallate

What Is Bismuth Subgallate?

Bismuth subgallate, commonly known as “Delmatol,” is a compound with the molecular formula C7H5BiO6. It is yellow, odorless, and tasteless. This solid substance has a melting point of 223°C and is insoluble in water, alcohols, chloroform, and ether, but soluble in dilute alkaline solutions such as sodium hydroxide.

Due to its astringent properties, bismuth subgallate creates a protective barrier on the skin and mucous membranes, making it beneficial for treating skin wounds and hemorrhoids. It is also used as an oral antidiarrheal agent, helping to reduce intestinal motility by alleviating inflammation and irritation of the mucous membranes.

Uses of Bismuth Subgallate

Bismuth subgallate is versatile, with applications for both oral and topical treatments.

1. Oral Use

Orally, it is prescribed to manage diarrhea, with dosages for adults ranging from 1.5 to 4 g in divided doses throughout the day, based on symptoms and patient age. Long-term use is discouraged due to potential neuropsychiatric side effects such as anxiety and tremors.

2. Topical Application

Topically, bismuth subgallate aids in healing minor skin erosions, ulcers, and hemorrhoids. It can be used in various forms, including powders, ointments, and pastes, without any side effects.

3. Treatment of Peptic Ulcers

It is also applied in treating peptic ulcers, including those in the stomach and duodenum, by shielding the gastric mucosa and encouraging ulcer healing.

4. Antibacterial Therapy

Due to its antimicrobial properties, bismuth subgallate is effective against bacteria, notably Helicobacter pylori, which is linked to gastrointestinal issues and ulcers.

5. Antiviral Therapy

Emerging research suggests potential antiviral applications, with ongoing studies into its efficacy against specific viral infections.

6. Gastric Mucosa Protection

Its ability to safeguard the gastric lining from acidity plays a role in mitigating acid-related gastrointestinal discomfort.

7. Treatment of Inflammatory Diseases

The anti-inflammatory properties of bismuth subgallate are being explored for their effectiveness in managing conditions like arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease.

Properties of Bismuth Subgallate

As a compound derived from ellagic acid and bismuth, bismuth subgallate possesses notable properties:

1. Antioxidant Action

Known for its robust antioxidant capacity, it protects cells from oxidative stress, mirroring the antioxidant effects of its base components.

2. Antibacterial Activity

Its antimicrobial action inhibits the growth of certain pathogens, offering therapeutic potential in infectious disease management.

Other Information on Bismuth Subgallate

Bismuth Subgallate and Bismuth

Hypoglycolic acid, a member of the polyphenol family found in various plants and foods, exhibits antioxidant capabilities by neutralizing free radicals. When combined with bismuth in bismuth subgallate, the compound’s properties are modified, though bismuth alone can be toxic in certain conditions. The interaction and effects of this combination are currently under investigation.


Pyroligneous Acid

What Is Pyroligneous Acid?

Pyroligneous acid, commonly known as wood vinegar or wood acid, is a highly acidic (pH 1.5 to 3.7) liquid obtained from the dry distillation of wood. It contains about 90% water and about 5% acetic acid, along with roughly 200 other organic components such as alcohols, esters, and phenols. The composition of pyroligneous acid varies depending on the type of wood used.

When wood is subjected to dry distillation, the resultant liquid typically separates into two or three layers.

Uses of Pyroligneous Acid

Pyroligneous acid has a wide range of applications, particularly in agriculture, livestock production, and as a feed additive. Its uses have been developed to leverage its various effects based on the dilution ratio.

1. Disinfection and Sterilization

A 1 to 100 times diluted solution of pyroligneous acid exhibits sterilizing effects, primarily due to the acetic acid and alcohol content. It can be used for soil disinfection by applying a highly concentrated solution (diluted 20-30 times) to the soil before planting crops. The bactericidal effect diminishes after 10 to 14 days, making it safe for subsequent crop growth. Additionally, pyroligneous acid has been used in treating athlete’s foot and in traditional medicine.

2. Inhibition of Plant Growth

A solution diluted 200 to 300 times with wood acid effectively inhibits weed growth. Pyroligneous acid’s aroma is repellent to many creatures, making it useful for repelling harmful insects and pests in agriculture and gardening.

3. Promotion of Crop Growth

Diluting pyroligneous acid 500 to 1000 times can promote the growth of plant shoots and roots. Applying low concentrations to crops and turf every 10 to 15 days can enhance root and shoot growth. The organic acid components, such as acetic acid and propionic acid, help to convert soil minerals into a form more easily absorbed by plants.

4. Other Uses

Pyroligneous acid is also used in the production of preservatives, deodorants, and acetic acid lime.

Other Information on Pyroligneous Acid

1. Production of Pyroligneous Acid

Pyroligneous acid is produced by carbonizing wood at high temperatures, then cooling and condensing the smoke. The steam and smoke generated when wood is heated at high temperatures are collected and condensed to form wood vinegar, which contains various organic and inorganic compounds. Wood is heated in a sealed container to promote carbonization, producing charcoal and smoke. The liquid obtained is distilled to isolate and purify pyroligneous acid, while the charcoal can be used as fuel or fertilizer.

2. Safety Information

While pyroligneous acid has a strong pungent odor, it is not toxic and generally does not cause skin irritation. However, it is recommended to use gloves, masks, and protective eyewear when handling the substance.


Lead Chloride

What Is Lead Chloride?

Lead chloride refers primarily to lead(II) chloride (PbCl2), an inorganic compound of lead and chlorine, recognized for its white solid appearance at room temperature and use in various applications. Lead(IV) chloride (PbCl4), another compound with lead in a +4 oxidation state, is less commonly encountered.

Uses of Lead Chloride

Lead(II) chloride is pivotal in synthesizing perovskite solar cell precursors and serves as a fluxing agent in single-crystal growth. Its role in perovskite solar cells is due to their high energy conversion efficiencies and low production costs. Lead(II) chloride is also crucial in manufacturing catalysts and as an analytical reagent.

Properties of Lead Chloride

Lead(II) chloride exhibits notable thermal decomposition, producing toxic fumes, and is highly soluble in hot water compared to cold. In contrast, lead(IV) chloride is a yellow oily liquid that decomposes explosively on heating. Both compounds are regulated under safety laws due to their toxicity.

Structure of Lead Chloride

Lead(II) chloride forms white orthorhombic crystals, with lead ions coordinated to nine chloride ions in a complex geometric arrangement. In the gas phase, it adopts a bent structure with a Cl-Pb-Cl angle of 98°.

Other Information About Lead Chloride

1. Synthesis of Lead(II) Chloride

Lead(II) chloride can be synthesized through the reaction of lead compounds with chloride sources or directly by treating metallic lead with chlorine gas. It naturally occurs as cotunnite in volcanic regions.

2. Characteristics of Lead(IV) Chloride

Lead(IV) chloride, a yellow molecular crystal, is soluble in organic solvents and forms unstable hydrates with water. Its hydrolysis in moist air or decomposition in water highlights its reactive nature.


Platinum Chloride

What Is Platinum Chloride?

Platinum chloride refers to complexes of platinum and chlorine, notably hexachloroplatinic acid (H2[PtCl6]) and tetrachloroplatinic acid (H2[PtCl4]). Hexachloroplatinic acid, often used in its hexahydrate form, is the more commonly utilized variant in various applications.

Uses of Platinum Chloride

Platinum chloride serves as a precursor for synthesizing platinum-based compounds and catalysts, and in analytical chemistry as a source of platinum ions. It’s instrumental in producing oxidation catalysts like platinum asbestos, utilized in generating hydrogen and oxygen, and in platinum plating for its cost-effectiveness compared to rhodium plating.

Properties of Platinum Chloride

Hexachloroplatinic acid hexahydrate is a reddish-brown solid, highly deliquescent, and soluble in water and ethanol. It exhibits strong acidity in aqueous solutions and has a molecular weight of 517.891, a melting point of 60°C, and a density of 2.431 g/mL.

Types of Platinum Chloride

The two main types of platinum chloride include platinum(IV) hexachloride and platinum(II) tetrachloride acids, with the former primarily sold as a hydrate for research and development, and the latter available as potassium or sodium salt hydrates.

1. Platinum(IV) Hexachloride Acid

This form is primarily available as hexahydrate for R&D purposes and as a precious metal chemical in quantities suitable for synthesis, catalyst production, and plating.

2. Platinum(II) Tetrachloride Acid

While not widely sold directly, its sodium and potassium salt hydrates are available for use as reagents.

Other Information on Platinum Chloride

Synthesis of Platinum Chloride

Hexachloroplatinic acid can be synthesized by dissolving platinum in royal water or more purely by suspending platinum powder in concentrated hydrochloric acid and introducing chlorine gas or hydrogen peroxide to oxidize the metal.


Ruthenium Chloride

What Is Ruthenium Chloride?

Ruthenium chloride, typically referred to as ruthenium(III) chloride (RuCl3), is a compound of chlorine and ruthenium. It is primarily encountered as a hydrate, RuCl3・xH2O, which is more commonly used than the anhydrous form. These compounds are dark brown to black and serve as important precursors for various ruthenium-based materials.

Uses of Ruthenium Chloride

Ruthenium chloride hydrates are versatile precursors used in preparing ruthenium catalysts for organic synthesis, including asymmetric hydrogenation and metathesis reactions. They are also key in developing ruthenium plating solutions, which offer a cost-effective alternative to rhodium plating. Further applications include the production of electrodes and as catalysts in precious metal processes.

Properties of Ruthenium Chloride

With a melting point of around 500°C, ruthenium chloride exists as a black or dark brown solid at room temperature. It forms a variety of compounds and exhibits multiple oxidation states, such as +2, +3, and +4. The hydrates, particularly the monohydrate and trihydrate, are crucial for synthesizing other ruthenium compounds.

Structure of Ruthenium Chloride

Ruthenium chloride can assume alpha and beta crystal forms, with the alpha form being insoluble in water and ethanol, while the beta form is soluble in ethanol. The beta form can irreversibly convert to the alpha form upon heating.

Other Information on Ruthenium Chloride

1. Reaction of Ruthenium Chloride

Ruthenium chloride reacts with carbon monoxide under mild conditions to form various carbonylated complexes. These reactions can lead to the synthesis of complexes with different ligands, showcasing the compound’s versatility in coordination chemistry.

2. Compounds Synthesized From Ruthenium Chloride

Examples of compounds that can be synthesized using ruthenium chloride as a raw material include RuCl2(PPh3)3, [[RuCl2(C6H6)]2, RuCl2(C5Me5)2, [Ru(bpy)3]Cl2, and Ru(C5H7O2)3. All can be synthesized from the hydrate RuCl3・xH2O.

For example, RuCl2(PPh3)3 and [RuCl2(C6H6)]2 are chocolate-colored, while RuCl2(PPh3)3 is soluble in benzene. Aromatic hydrocarbons such as hexamethylbenzene can also be used as a ligand for [RuCl2(C6H6)]2; Ru(C5H7O2)3 is soluble in benzene.


Palladium Chloride

What Is Palladium Chloride?

Palladium chloride, also known as palladium dichloride, is a chloride of the precious metal palladium, with the formula PdCl2. Its CAS number is 7647-10-1. Classified under the GHS as an eye irritant, and respiratory and skin sensitizer, palladium chloride has significant applications in both industrial and research contexts.

Uses of Palladium Chloride

Used as a catalyst in organic synthesis, palladium chloride facilitates the creation of various palladium complexes, such as Pd(PPh3)4 and PdCl2(PPh3)2, due to the ease of desorption of its chlorine atoms. It finds use in hydrogen detection, photographic chemicals, colorants, electronic component plating, conductive paints, and conductive pastes. Additionally, it serves in surface treatments, including catalyst granules for plastic plating and palladium-tin colloidal catalyst solutions.

One notable application is in Wacker oxidation, where it acts as a catalyst for oxidizing alkenes to carbonyl compounds, showcasing its utility in industrial processes and as a catalyst in exhaust gas purification.

Properties of Palladium Chloride

Palladium chloride, a brown to dark brown powder at room temperature, has a molecular weight of 177.33, a melting point of 678°C, and a density of 4 g/mL. It is insoluble in water and ethanol but dissolves in dilute hydrochloric acid. Notably stable and hygroscopic, it requires careful handling and storage.

Types of Palladium Chloride

Available as both a reagent for research and as an industrial product, palladium chloride is offered in various quantities suitable for laboratory and industrial use.

1. Reagent Products for Research and Development

For research purposes, it comes in amounts like 1g, 5g, 25g, and 100g, designed for easy laboratory handling and storage at room temperature.

2. Industrial Products

As a precious metal chemical, it is available in small quantities for industrial applications, categorized under precious metal catalysts and chemicals for surface treatment.

Other Information on Palladium Chloride

1. Synthesis of Palladium Chloride

Palladium chloride can be synthesized by dissolving palladium in aqua regia or hydrochloric acid with chlorine, or by heating palladium metal in chlorine gas.

2. Synthesis of Palladium Complexes Using Palladium Chloride

It serves as a precursor for synthesizing palladium complexes, such as PdCl2(PPh3)2 through reaction with triphenylphosphine in benzonitrile, further reacting to form Pd(PPh3)4.

3. Wacker Oxidation

In Wacker oxidation, palladium chloride catalyzes the conversion of alkenes to carbonyl compounds, with copper chloride as a co-catalyst under oxygen, illustrating its significant role in organic synthesis.


Indium Chloride

What Is Indium Chloride?

Indium chloride refers to chlorides of indium, encompassing indium (I) chloride (InCl) and indium (III) chloride (InCl3). Indium (I) chloride, also known as indium monochloride, has a CAS number of 13465-10-6. Indium (III) chloride, or indium trichloride, is more commonly utilized and sold, and has a CAS number of 10025-82-8.

Uses of Indium Chloride

Indium chloride serves as a Lewis acid in synthetic organic chemistry, a radiopharmaceutical, and a diagnostic agent for hematopoietic bone marrow. It aids in manufacturing photoanodes for dye-sensitized solar cells and catalyzes Michael addition reactions. The 111InCl3 form, marketed as Indium Chloride 111In Injection, diagnoses hematopoietic function by accumulating in active bone marrow through binding to serum transferrin.

Properties of Indium Chloride

1. Indium (I) Chloride

Indium(I) chloride is a dark yellow powder with a molecular weight of 150.27, melting at 225°C and boiling at 608°C.

2. Indium (III) Chloride

Indium (III) chloride appears as a white powder, with a molecular weight of 221.18, melting at 586°C, boiling at 655°C, and a density of 3.46 g/mL. It is deliquescent and water-soluble.

Types of Indium Chloride

Available mainly for research and as Indium Chloride 111In Injection radiopharmaceutical, indium (III) chloride is the more prevalent form. Indium (III) chloride and its tetrahydrate variant are supplied in various quantities, with the latter requiring refrigeration.

1. Research and Development Reagents

Both indium (I) and indium (III) chloride are marketed for R&D, but indium (III) chloride is more commonly available, including as an anhydrous form and a tetrahydrate requiring refrigerated storage.

2. Radiopharmaceuticals

The 111InCl3 radiopharmaceutical, a radioactive isotope solution, is utilized for bone marrow diagnostics via scintigram.

Other Information on Indium Chloride

1. Synthesis of Indium (III) Chloride

Indium (III) chloride can be synthesized by direct reaction with chlorine or electrochemically in a methanol-benzene mixture.

2. Chemical Reactions Involving Indium (III) Chloride

As a Lewis acid, indium (III) chloride forms complexes with donor ligands, reacts with lithium hydride to produce LiInH4, and facilitates the synthesis of trimethylindium and other complexes. It also acts as a catalyst in Friedel-Crafts and Diels-Alder reactions.


Nitrous Acid

What Is Nitrous Acid?

Nitrous acid is a weak and unstable inorganic acid, typically existing only in aqueous solution and vapor form. It is a pale blue compound with a chemical formula of HNO2. Nitrous acid is insoluble in water, acetonitrile, methanol, and ethanol, but it is soluble in chloroform.

Nitrous acid can be produced in an aqueous solution at low temperatures by reacting barium nitrite with dilute sulfuric acid or silver nitrite with hydrochloric acid and then filtering out the precipitate. It can also be generated by dissolving a mixture of nitrogen monoxide and nitrogen dioxide in ice water.

Uses of Nitrous Acid

Nitrous acid is primarily used in the synthesis of diazonium salts, which are intermediates in the production of various aromatic compounds. These salts are formed when nitrous acid reacts with organic amines. Nitrous acid and its salts are also used in the food industry as colorants for processed meats and as substances to inhibit botulism bacteria. They contribute to the bright red color of processed meat products, such as sausages, by interacting with heme iron.

Properties of Nitrous Acid

Nitrous acid is a weak acid with a pKa of about 3.3, making it significantly less acidic than nitric acid. In its pure form, it is unstable and decomposes readily into nitric oxide and nitric acid in water. Nitrous acid exhibits both oxidative and reductive properties, being oxidized to nitric acid by strong oxidants, and reduced to various compounds like nitric oxide, hydroxylamine, and ammonia by different reducing agents. The standard redox potentials as an oxidizing and reducing agent are E° = 0.996 V and E° = 1.093 V, respectively.

Structure of Nitrous Acid

In the gas phase, nitrous acid has a structure of H-O-N-O with bond angles of ∠HON and ∠ONO being 102° and 111°, respectively. It exists in both cis and trans forms, with the trans form being more stable. The molecular mass of nitrous acid is 47.01.

Other Information on Nitrous Acid

1. Diazotization With Nitrous Acid

Nitrous acid reacts with secondary amines to form nitrosamines and with aromatic primary amines to produce aromatic diazonium ions, which are used in the Sandmeyer reaction and in the synthesis of azo compounds for dyes. Diazonium salts are reactive and contain the -N+≡N group.

2. Nitrous Acid-Related Compounds

Nitrous acid ions can coordinate with various metals to form complexes. Nitrogen-coordinated complexes are known as nitro complexes and oxygen-coordinated ones as nitrito complexes. Examples of nitrous acid salts include potassium nitrite (KNO2), calcium nitrite (Ca(NO2)2), silver nitrite (AgNO2), sodium nitrite (NaNO2), and barium nitrite (Ba(NO2)2).