
Sodium Selenite

What Is Sodium Selenite?

Sodium selenite is an inorganic compound with the chemical formula Na2SeO3. It exists stably in both anhydrate and pentahydrate forms at room temperature and pressure, with CAS registration numbers 10102-18-8 (anhydrate) and 26970-82-1 (pentahydrate). This white powdery solid is naturally present in the bodies of animals.

Uses of Sodium Selenite

1. Industrial Applications

Sodium selenite serves various industrial purposes, including as a raw material for glass and pigments, a decolorizer for glass, an alkaloid reagent, and for surface treatment of light metals and coloring ceramics. It is also employed as a nutrient fortifier in the pharmaceutical and feed industries.

2. Clinical Uses

In clinical settings, sodium selenite is used in injectable dosage forms to treat hyposelenemia. This condition, characterized by selenium deficiency in the body, can lead to various symptoms, including nail whitening, muscle weakness, and myocardial damage. Sodium selenite injection solutions are crucial for addressing heart failure associated with selenium deficiency.

Properties of Sodium Selenite

Sodium selenite has a molecular weight of 172.94 and a melting point of 710°C (decomposition). It appears as a white crystalline powder at room temperature, with a density of 3.1 g/mL. While it is somewhat soluble in water (89.8 g/100 g), it is insoluble in ethanol.

Types of Sodium Selenite

Sodium selenite is available in different forms for various applications:

1. Reagent Products for Research and Development

Reagent-grade sodium selenite comes in various capacities, from 1g to 500g, and is used for research purposes. Proper storage below 25°C is necessary.

2. Pharmaceutical Products

Sodium selenite is sold in injectable solutions for clinical use in treating hyposelenemia.

3. Industrial Raw Materials

For industrial applications, sodium selenite is provided in bulk quantities, such as 25 kg fiber drums, for ease of handling in factories.

Other Information on Sodium Selenite

1. Synthesis

Sodium selenite is synthesized by reacting selenium dioxide with sodium hydroxide, with the hydrate losing its hydration water at 40°C to become anhydrous.

2. Hazardous Properties and Regulations

Sodium selenite is harmful to human health and is regulated under various laws. It is important to handle it in compliance with legal requirements due to its toxicity and potential health hazards.


Phosphorus Pentoxide

What Is Phosphorus Pentoxide?

Phosphorus pentoxide is a colorless solid oxide of phosphorus. It is also known as diphosphorus pentoxide, tetraphosphorus decapoxide, and phosphorus (V) oxide.

Uses of Phosphorus Pentoxide

1. Desiccant

Phosphorus pentoxide is utilized as a desiccant due to its strong dehydrating properties. It reacts relatively mildly with water, making it suitable for use in desiccators where safety is paramount. Other desiccants include calcium chloride and soda lime, each serving different purposes based on their reactivity.

2. Condensation Reaction Reagent

In organic synthesis, phosphorus pentoxide acts as a condensation reagent, facilitating the synthesis of acid anhydrides from carboxylic acids and nitriles from primary amides.

3. Oxidation Reaction Reagent

Phosphorus pentoxide is employed in the Swern oxidation reaction to convert alcohols into carboxylic acids. It serves as an alternative to oxalyl chloride in this process.

Properties of Phosphorus Pentoxide

Phosphorus pentoxide has a chemical formula of P2O5, a molecular weight of 141.94, and a CAS number of 1314-56-3. It is solid at room temperature and pressure, with a melting point of 340°C and a sublimation point of 360°C. It is highly deliquescent, corrosive, and irritating, soluble in water but insoluble in acetone.

Types of Phosphorus Pentoxide

Despite being represented by the compositional formula P2O5, phosphorus pentoxide actually exists in the form of P4O10, also known as tetraphosphorus decapoxide. It exhibits various crystal structures, with the most common being hexagonal and orthorhombic systems.

Other Information on Phosphorus Pentoxide

1. How Phosphorus Pentoxide Is Produced

Industrial synthesis of phosphorus pentoxide involves oxidizing yellow phosphorus in a dry combustion chamber or by burning phosphorus ore with coke, silica sand, and scrap iron. It can be purified through sublimation.

2. Regulatory Information

  • Phosphorus pentoxide is regulated under various national laws and regulations, including the Regulations on Carriage and Storage of Dangerous Goods by Ships, Ship Safety Law, Civil Aeronautics Law, and Port Regulations Law.

3. Precautions for Handling and Storage

Handling Precautions: Phosphorus pentoxide reacts violently with water and other substances. Handle with care, wear protective gear, and use in a draft chamber.

In Case of Fire: Use fire extinguishing sand or carbon dioxide (CO2) to extinguish fires involving phosphorus pentoxide. Do not use water.

Storage: Store phosphorus pentoxide in light-shielding polypropylene or polyethylene containers in a cool, well-ventilated area away from direct sunlight.


Vanadium Pentoxide

What Is Vanadium Pentoxide?

Vanadium pentoxide, or vanadium (V) oxide, is an inorganic compound with the formula V2O5. It has a molar mass of 181.88 g/mol, a density of 3.357 g/cm3, a melting point of 690°C, and a CAS number of 1314-62-1.

Uses of Vanadium Pentoxide

Vanadium pentoxide is utilized in the smelting of alloyed steels such as stainless steel, in the catalytic oxidation of sulfur dioxide during sulfuric acid production, and as a catalyst in the manufacture of organic acids, pigments, ferrites, batteries, and phosphors.

1. Additive to Steel

As an additive to steel, accounting for 90% of vanadium consumption, vanadium enhances hardness, high melting point, and corrosion resistance. Ferrovanadium alloys exhibit excellent toughness, heat resistance, and corrosion resistance, and are used in automobiles, building reinforcements, turbines, and tool steels.

2. Catalyst in Organic Synthesis

As a strong oxidizer, vanadium pentoxide can oxidize stable compounds like benzene and naphthalene into maleic anhydride and phthalic anhydride, respectively. It also plays a critical role in the contact process for sulfuric acid production by oxidizing sulfur dioxide to sulfur trioxide.

3. Battery Materials

Vanadium pentoxide is a key material in vanadium redox batteries for large-scale energy storage and serves as a host material for various types of batteries. It is also utilized in organic electronic devices for charge injection and extraction.

Properties of Vanadium Pentoxide

Vanadium pentoxide is yellow to red, stable at room temperature, and slightly soluble in water but insoluble in organic solvents. It dissolves in acid and alkaline solutions and is typically produced from slag during the steel smelting process.

Structure of Vanadium Pentoxide

Vanadium pentoxide features a unique structure where a vanadium atom is coordinated to five oxygen atoms. Its crystal structure varies with different metal oxides.

Other Information on Vanadium Pentoxide

Hazards of Vanadium Pentoxide

Classified as acutely toxic, carcinogenic, and harmful to aquatic environments, vanadium pentoxide requires careful handling. It is regulated under various safety and health legislations, emphasizing the need for protective measures and risk assessment.


Phosphorus Pentachloride

What Is Phosphorus Pentachloride?

Phosphorus pentachloride is an inorganic compound with the formula PCl5. It is a widely used reagent in the synthesis of various substances, similar to phosphorus trichloride and phosphoryl chloride.

It has a molar mass of 208.2 g/mol, sublimates at 160°C, has a specific gravity of 2.1, and a CAS number of 10026-13-8. In its gaseous form, phosphorus pentachloride exhibits a trigonal bipyramidal structure. Upon loss of a chloride ion, it forms a tetrahedral cation, and with an additional chloride ion, an octahedral anion.

Uses of Phosphorus Pentachloride

Phosphorus pentachloride is utilized in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals, dyes, and other chlorides. Its strong reactivity makes it an effective chlorinating agent for both organic and inorganic compounds.

1. Synthesis of Organic Compounds

It is employed to produce carboxylic acid chlorides from carboxylic acids and alkyl chlorides from alcohols. While efficient, byproducts like trichloride phosphate can complicate purification, leading to the preference for alternatives like thionyl chloride in laboratory settings. Phosphorus pentachloride is also used to prepare the Vilsmeier-Haack reagent, aiding in the synthesis of aromatic ketones and aldehydes.

2. Synthesis of Inorganic Compounds

It can chlorinate inorganic substances, including metals, and form adducts with metal chlorides. For example, it reacts with lithium fluoride to produce lithium hexafluorophosphate, a key electrolyte in lithium-ion batteries.

Properties of Phosphorus Pentachloride

A white or pale yellow crystalline solid, phosphorus pentachloride fumes in moist air due to its high hygroscopicity. It is produced from phosphorus trichloride and chlorine gas, and is extremely reactive, especially with water, producing hydrogen chloride and phosphoric acid.

Other Information on Phosphorus Pentachloride

Hazards of Phosphorus Pentachloride

Phosphorus pentachloride is acutely toxic, corrosive, and severely irritating to skin and eyes. It poses explosion risks when reacting with water. Proper protective gear, including eyewear and rubber gloves, is essential for handling. It is regulated under various safety and health legislations, emphasizing the need for careful risk assessment and handling precautions.


Sulfur Dioxide

What Is Sulfur Dioxide?

Sulfur dioxide is a colorless gas with a pungent odor, comprising of sulfur and oxygen.

Its chemical formula is SO2, with a molecular weight of 64.07 and a CAS number of 7446-09-5. Known as sulfurous acid gas or anhydrous sulfurous acid, sulfur dioxide occurs naturally in volcanic gases and mineral springs.

Structure of Sulfur Dioxide

The molecule has a bent structure with C2v symmetry, similar to that of ozone. The S-O bond distance is approximately 143 pm, and the bond angle is about 119°.

Properties of Sulfur Dioxide

1. Physical Properties

With a melting point of -75.5°C and a boiling point of -10°C, sulfur dioxide has a liquid specific gravity of 1.4. It is soluble in water and various organic solvents including acetone, ethanol, and benzene. It acts as both an oxidizing and reducing agent.

2. Other Characteristics

As a corrosive and toxic substance, sulfur dioxide can corrode metals and contribute to urban air pollution and acid rain through its presence in flue gas emissions from fossil fuel combustion.

Uses of Sulfur Dioxide

1. Food Additives

It serves as a preservative, bleaching agent, and antioxidant in alcoholic beverages and dried fruits, helping to prevent bacterial growth and oxidation.

2. Solvent

As a liquid, sulfur dioxide dissolves various substances and is used in nuclear magnetic resonance research and synthesis. It is available as liquefied gas in cylinders for commercial use.

3. Bleaching Agent

Employed as a reducing agent, it is used for bleaching paper, textiles, and other materials, although it does not offer long-lasting effects due to reoxidation.

4. Other

Additionally, sulfur dioxide is a precursor in the production of sulfuric acid and sodium sulfite and is used in insecticides, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, and petroleum refining.

Other Information on Sulfur Dioxide

1. Manufacturing Process

Produced by burning sulfur, hydrogen sulfide, or metal sulfides, sulfur dioxide is also a byproduct of cement production.

2. Regulatory Information

It is classified as hazardous under the Industrial Safety and Health Law and requires careful handling.

3. Handling and Storage Precautions

Precautions include storing in a cool, well-ventilated area, avoiding moisture and contact with incompatible materials, using protective gear, and ensuring proper ventilation during use.


Chlorine Dioxide

What Is Chlorine Dioxide?

Basic Information on Chlorine Dioxide

Figure 1. Basic Information on Chlorine Dioxide

Chlorine dioxide is an inorganic compound with the formula ClO2, first prepared by Humphry Davy in 1811. It is produced industrially by reducing chlorate or oxidizing chlorite. At room temperature, chlorine dioxide is a gas that decomposes upon exposure to light and heat, posing challenges for long-term storage.

It is classified as a hazardous substance under the Industrial Safety and Health Law, necessitating proper notification and labeling.

Uses of Chlorine Dioxide

Thanks to its potent oxidizing properties, chlorine dioxide is effective against viruses, bacteria, odors, and fungi. It is commonly used for bleaching paper pulp and disinfecting water in taps and pools. It is water-soluble, allowing for versatile application methods, including gas, aqueous solutions, and tablets.

Properties of Chlorine Dioxide

Chlorine dioxide is a yellowish gas at standard temperature and pressure, with a pungent smell akin to ozone and chlorine. It has a melting point of -59.5°C, a boiling point of 11°C, and varies in color and odor intensity with concentration. It is unstable in the presence of light and heat, with a solubility of 0.8 g per 100 mL of water at 20°C.

Structure of Chlorine Dioxide

The oxidation state of chlorine in ClO2 is +4, with a molar mass of 67.45 g/mol and a density of 3.04 g/cm3. The Cl-O bond length is 147.3 pm, and the O-Cl-O bond angle is 117.6°.

Other Information on Chlorine Dioxide

1. Synthesis of Chlorine Dioxide

Chlorine dioxide can be synthesized through various methods, including the oxidation of sodium chlorite with chlorine or the reaction of potassium chlorate with oxalic acid. The majority of chlorine dioxide used industrially is produced by reducing sodium chlorate for pulp bleaching, often in acidic solutions with reducing agents like hydrogen peroxide or sulfur dioxide.

2. How Chlorine Dioxide Sanitizes

Its oxidizing action disrupts the proteins of bacteria and viruses by reacting with amino acids such as tyrosine and tryptophan, altering their structure and function. It also directly attacks mold, sterilizing it effectively.

3. Dangers of Chlorine Dioxide

Chlorine dioxide can explosively decompose into oxygen and chlorine at partial pressures above 10 kPa, triggered by light, heat, or chemical reactions. To mitigate risks, it is typically used in aqueous solutions at specific concentrations, with cold water preferred for higher concentration storage.

4. Related Compounds of Chlorine Dioxide

Other chlorine oxide compounds include chlorine monoxide, chlorine tetraoxide, and various chlorides and radicals derived from the thermal decomposition of chlorine dioxide and its related substances.


Selenium Dioxide

What Is Selenium Dioxide?

Figure 1. Basic Information on Selenium Dioxide

Figure 1. Basic Information on Selenium Dioxide

Selenium dioxide, also known as selenous anhydride, is an oxide of selenium formed by burning selenium or oxidizing it with nitric acid. It appears as a colorless crystal at room temperature.

Under the Industrial Safety and Health Law, selenium dioxide is classified as a hazardous and toxic substance. It is also recognized as a chemical hazard under the Labor Standards Law, a class 1 designated chemical substance under the PRTR Law, and a toxic substance under the Poisonous and Deleterious Substances Control Law.

Uses of Selenium Dioxide

Selenium dioxide serves as an oxidizing agent in organic chemistry, enabling the synthesis of compounds that are challenging to produce by other means. It is particularly useful for oxidizing carbonyl compounds, olefins, acetylenes, and alcohols. Additionally, it is used in glassmaking to decolorize glass with impurities, giving it a colorless appearance.

Properties of Selenium Dioxide

At room temperature, selenium dioxide forms colorless, needle-like crystals. It sublimates at 315°C into a yellowish-green gas and melts at 340°C in a sealed tube, turning into a blue liquid. It dissolves in water at 73.3 g per 100 g at 25°C, emits a characteristic unpleasant odor, and is highly toxic. The LD50 values are 23.3 mg/kg for mice and 68.1 mg/kg for rats when administered orally. It can be absorbed through inhalation and skin contact, necessitating careful handling.

Structure of Selenium Dioxide

Selenium dioxide has a chemical formula of SeO2, a formula weight of 110.96 g/mol, and a density of 3.95 g/cm3. It forms chain-like polymers at room temperature, with alternating selenium and oxygen atoms. The polymer’s selenium atoms are pyramidal, with oxide groups at the ends. In the gas phase, it exists as dimers and oligomers, and at high temperatures, it becomes monomeric, adopting a curved structure similar to that of sulfur dioxide.

Other Information on Selenium Dioxide

1. Reaction of Selenium Dioxide

Figure 2. Reactions of Selenium Dioxide

Figure 2. Reactions of Selenium Dioxide

When reduced by ammonia, selenium dioxide forms elemental selenium. Oxidation by hydrogen peroxide or oxygen in nitric acid yields selenite.

2. Reaction With Selenium Dioxide

Figure 3. Reaction using Selenium Dioxide

Figure 3. Reaction using Selenium Dioxide

As a valuable reagent in organic synthesis, selenium dioxide can oxidize various organic compounds, such as converting paraldehyde to glyoxal and cyclohexanone to 1,2-cyclohexanedione. The oxidation reactions, including Riley oxidation, highlight its utility in synthesizing complex molecules like 1,2,3-selenadiazoles from acylated hydrazone derivatives.


Silicon Dioxide

What Is Silicon Dioxide?

Silicon dioxide, also known as silica, is a compound of silicon and oxygen.

It occurs naturally in several forms, including quartz, scaly silica stone, and cristobalite. Quartz is the most prevalent, making up about 12% of the Earth’s crust. Beyond minerals, organisms such as diatoms and some sponges use silicon dioxide for their skeletons or shells, and it is also found in certain plants like some ferns and grasses.

Uses of Silicon Dioxide

Silicon dioxide is utilized in various applications, including:

1. Silica Glass

As silica glass, silicon dioxide is used in analytical cell materials, semiconductor manufacturing, and optical fibers. It is valued for its purity, heat resistance, broad light transmission range, and resistance to acid and alkali attack.

2. Silica Gel

Silica gel, derived from silicon dioxide, is a popular moisture absorbent used as a desiccant, particularly in food preservation.

3. Silica Particles

Depending on their shape, size, and porosity, silica particles find use in cosmetics, HPLC columns, and as coating agents. Colloidal silica, water or solvent-dispersed silica particles serve as an abrasive.

4. Fumed Silica

Fumed silica is a white, low-density powder produced by flame hydrolysis of silicon tetrachloride or by decomposing water glass with inorganic acid. It is a rheology modifier.

5. Silica Aerogel

Silicon dioxide aerogel, a highly porous material, consists mostly of air and is transparent due to its fine particle network and small pore size. It is an effective insulator and is made by hydrolyzing tetraethoxysilane (TEOS) in a solvent, followed by supercritical drying.

Properties of Silicon Dioxide

With the formula SiO2 and a molar mass of 60.08, silicon dioxide is used in glass and ceramics for its high heat and corrosion resistance. It reacts with hydrofluoric acid to form hexafluorosilicic acid (H2SiF6).

Types of Silicon Dioxide

Silicon dioxide exists in several crystal forms, based on different arrangements of the SiO4 tetrahedra, which influence its stability under varying conditions.

1. Cristobalite

A cubic or octahedral crystal with a structure similar to diamond when considering only the Si atoms.

2. Tridymite

Hexagonal plate-like crystals with high and low-temperature forms; the latter has a slightly altered lattice.

3. Quartz

Exists as high-temperature hexagonal pyramidal crystals and low-temperature hexagonal columnar crystals. The latter is known as quartz crystal when well-formed.

4. Coesite

Monoclinic crystals, resistant to concentrated hydrofluoric acid erosion.

5. Stishovite

A tetragonal crystal with a rutile-type structure.

More Silicon Dioxide Information

Silicon Dioxide as a Raw Material for Glass

Silicon dioxide is the primary component of soda-lime glass, used widely in buildings and vehicles. It is sourced from silica sand, with soda ash or lime added to reduce the melting temperature and stabilize the glass.


Molybdenum Disulfide

What Is Molybdenum Disulfide?

Molybdenum disulfide is a compound of molybdenum and sulfur, with the chemical formula MoS2.

Also known as molybdenum (IV) sulfide, it is identified by the CAS registration number 1317-33-5. This compound features a hexagonal, layered structure that facilitates its lubricious properties. Molybdenum disulfide is typically extracted from natural ores through purification processes.

It is classified as a hazardous substance under the Industrial Safety and Health Law and as a Class I Designated Chemical Substance under the PRTR Law.

Uses of Molybdenum Disulfide

Molybdenum disulfide is primarily used as a lubricant, a steel additive, and a precursor for synthesizing molybdates.

1. Lubricants

As a solid lubricant, molybdenum disulfide is commonly added to grease, particularly for use in environments where dust contamination of grease is a concern, such as construction sites.

2. Additive

It also serves as an additive to various materials (e.g., sintered alloys, brakes, friction materials, plastics, rubber) to reduce friction. For instance, adding molybdenum disulfide to brake materials can prevent seizing while preserving the coefficient of friction.

3. Dry Film

Additionally, it is employed in the production of dry films, where it is mixed with resin to create a coating. Unlike oil-based lubricants, molybdenum disulfide does not evaporate and effectively reduces shear force on frictional surfaces.

Properties of Molybdenum Disulfide

Molybdenum disulfide has a molecular weight of 160.07, melts at 2,375°C, and boils at 1,450°C. It appears as a black solid at room temperature and pressure, with a density of 5.06 g/mL. Insoluble in water, most acids, alkalis, and organic solvents, it dissolves in concentrated nitric acid and aqua regia.

Types of Molybdenum Disulfide

Available for both research and industrial use, molybdenum disulfide is sold in various forms.

1. Reagent Products for Research and Development

For R&D purposes, it comes in manageable sizes like 25g, 100g, and 500g, suitable for laboratory use and storable at room temperature.

2. Industrial Materials

In industrial settings, it is available in forms such as powder and crystals, used in applications like solid lubricants and additives. Single crystals are also utilized in research for AFM, STM, and thin film coatings. Supply quantities vary by manufacturer, typically starting from 25 kg to accommodate factory use. Powders come in a range of particle sizes, requiring selection based on specific needs.

Other Information on Molybdenum Disulfide

1. Chemical Reaction of Molybdenum Disulfide

Upon heating in oxygen, molybdenum disulfide yields molybdenum oxide. It reacts with chlorine gas to produce molybdenum chloride (V). While stable under normal conditions, it decomposes at high temperatures to emit sulfur oxide, posing an explosion risk with potassium nitride and magnesium upon heating or friction. Molybdenum trioxide, another industrially significant compound, is derived from roasting molybdenum disulfide.

2. Crystal Structure of Molybdenum Disulfide

The hexagonal layered structure of molybdenum (IV) sulfide consists of molybdenum layers sandwiched between sulfur atoms. The Mo=S bonds are strong, whereas the bonds between sulfur atoms across layers are weak, facilitating easy slippage under shear forces. This characteristic is fundamental to its low friction and excellent lubrication properties.


Ethyl Lactate

What Is Ethyl Lactate?

Ethyl lactate is the ester of lactic acid and ethanol, and is a clear, colorless liquid with a characteristic odor.

Also known as ethyl 2-hydroxypropanoate, it occurs in trace amounts in poultry, fruits, miso, and other foods. Ethyl lactate contains a chiral carbon atom in its lactic acid component, resulting in two optical isomers: the L- and D-forms. It features hydroxyl and ester functional groups, making it freely miscible with water and most organic solvents. It is also highly soluble in natural and synthetic resins, synthetic fibers, and various other materials.

It is classified as a Hazardous Substance, Class 4 under the Fire Service Law and as a Hazardous and Flammable Substance under the Industrial Safety and Health Law, requiring careful handling.

Uses of Ethyl Lactate

Ethyl lactate is widely used as an organic solvent because it is biodegradable, with a very low environmental impact in work environments and in the event of leaks. It serves as an ink and polymer solvent, benefiting from its high boiling point and low volatility.

Ethyl D-lactate is employed across a broad spectrum of fields, including as a resist solvent in semiconductor manufacturing, a cleaning agent in LCD panel production, a fragrance additive, a component in perfumes, pesticides, agricultural chemicals, and as a soil conditioner. It is also used as a starting material for compounds requiring an optically active D-lactic acid backbone.

Properties of Ethyl Lactate

1. Solubility

Ethyl lactate is soluble in water and organic solvents. Its ester bond provides polarity, acting as a hydrophilic group, while its hydroxyl group enhances water compatibility. The ethyl groups afford oil compatibility, making it dissolve well in organic solvents. 

2. High Boiling Point

The boiling point of a substance generally increases with molecular weight due to greater intermolecular forces. Ethyl lactate has a higher boiling point than lactic acid due to its larger molecular weight and the strong hydrogen bonds it forms, unlike other esters.

Name Chemical Formula Molecular Weight Boiling Point
Lactic Acid CH3CH(OH)COOH 90 122℃
Methyl Lactate CH3CH(OH)COOCH3 104 144℃
Ethyl Lactate CH3CH(OH)COOC2H5 118 154℃
Acetic Acid CH3COOH 60 118℃
Methyl Acetate CH3COOCH3 74 56℃
Ethyl Acetate CH3COOC2H5 88 77℃

3. Peculiar Aroma

Ethyl lactate has a distinctive aroma reminiscent of fruits, dairy, or nuts. Its molecules diffuse through the air upon vaporization, reaching the olfactory cells and interacting with olfactory receptors, thus producing specific aromas.

Found in sake, shochu, and other alcoholic beverages, ethyl lactate is an indicator of aroma, produced during alcoholic fermentation by the reaction of lactic acid with ethanol.

4. High Safety as an Organic Solvent

Compared to petroleum-based solvents, ethyl lactate is less toxic and biodegrades into harmless substances, positioning it as a “green solvent” with minimal environmental impact.

Other Information on Ethyl Lactate

1. Production Method of Ethyl Lactate

Produced through esterification of lactic acid and ethanol in the presence of a strong acid catalyst such as sulfuric acid, ethyl lactate formation is favored by the removal of water, shifting the reaction equilibrium to the right.

2. Safety Information on Ethyl Lactate

While ethyl lactate is among the less toxic organic solvents, its liquid and vapor forms are flammable, and it may irritate the eyes and respiratory tract. It is designated as a Hazardous Substance, Class 4 under the Fire Service Law and as a Hazardous and Flammable Substance under the Industrial Safety and Health Law, necessitating careful handling.