
Phosphorus Pentoxide

What Is Phosphorus Pentoxide?

Phosphorus pentoxide is a colorless solid oxide of phosphorus. It is also known as diphosphorus pentoxide, tetraphosphorus decapoxide, and phosphorus (V) oxide.

Uses of Phosphorus Pentoxide

1. Desiccant

Phosphorus pentoxide is utilized as a desiccant due to its strong dehydrating properties. It reacts relatively mildly with water, making it suitable for use in desiccators where safety is paramount. Other desiccants include calcium chloride and soda lime, each serving different purposes based on their reactivity.

2. Condensation Reaction Reagent

In organic synthesis, phosphorus pentoxide acts as a condensation reagent, facilitating the synthesis of acid anhydrides from carboxylic acids and nitriles from primary amides.

3. Oxidation Reaction Reagent

Phosphorus pentoxide is employed in the Swern oxidation reaction to convert alcohols into carboxylic acids. It serves as an alternative to oxalyl chloride in this process.

Properties of Phosphorus Pentoxide

Phosphorus pentoxide has a chemical formula of P2O5, a molecular weight of 141.94, and a CAS number of 1314-56-3. It is solid at room temperature and pressure, with a melting point of 340°C and a sublimation point of 360°C. It is highly deliquescent, corrosive, and irritating, soluble in water but insoluble in acetone.

Types of Phosphorus Pentoxide

Despite being represented by the compositional formula P2O5, phosphorus pentoxide actually exists in the form of P4O10, also known as tetraphosphorus decapoxide. It exhibits various crystal structures, with the most common being hexagonal and orthorhombic systems.

Other Information on Phosphorus Pentoxide

1. How Phosphorus Pentoxide Is Produced

Industrial synthesis of phosphorus pentoxide involves oxidizing yellow phosphorus in a dry combustion chamber or by burning phosphorus ore with coke, silica sand, and scrap iron. It can be purified through sublimation.

2. Regulatory Information

  • Phosphorus pentoxide is regulated under various national laws and regulations, including the Regulations on Carriage and Storage of Dangerous Goods by Ships, Ship Safety Law, Civil Aeronautics Law, and Port Regulations Law.

3. Precautions for Handling and Storage

Handling Precautions: Phosphorus pentoxide reacts violently with water and other substances. Handle with care, wear protective gear, and use in a draft chamber.

In Case of Fire: Use fire extinguishing sand or carbon dioxide (CO2) to extinguish fires involving phosphorus pentoxide. Do not use water.

Storage: Store phosphorus pentoxide in light-shielding polypropylene or polyethylene containers in a cool, well-ventilated area away from direct sunlight.


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