

What Is Cumene?

Cumene, or isopropylbenzene, is an aromatic organic compound in which one hydrogen atom in the benzene ring is replaced by an isopropyl group. Known also as 1-methylethylbenzene and 2-phenylpropane, its chemical formula is C9H12, and it has a CAS number of 98-82-8.

Initially prepared on a mass scale as a raw material for aircraft fuel during World War II, cumene was oxidized to produce cumene hydroperoxide, subsequently decomposed to yield acetone and phenol. This process, known as the cumene process, became an industrial method for manufacturing acetone and phenol.

Applications of Cumene

1. Cumene Method

The cumene process, an industrial reaction, synthesizes phenol and acetone from benzene and propene. This involves the alkylation of benzene with propene to form cumene, followed by its oxidation to cumene hydroperoxide. Acidic decomposition of cumene hydroperoxide produces acetone and phenol. The cumene method, utilizing oxidation at ambient pressure, is preferred for the mass production of acetone and phenol, crucial solvents and plastic precursors.

2. Plastic Raw Materials

The majority of cumene’s demand is for the production of phenol. Phenolic resins, synthesized from cumene-derived phenol, include bisphenol A, a key component in manufacturing polycarbonate and epoxy resins, from phenolic resins.

3. Fuel

Cumene is used in high-octane aviation fuels to enhance energy output during combustion.

4. Solvents

In the paint industry, cumene is added to solvents for paints, lacquers, and thinners to improve their properties.

5. Peroxide

Cumene hydroperoxide, derived from cumene oxidation, is a potent oxidizer used in polymer synthesis as a radical initiator due to its ability to generate radicals upon decomposition.

6. Other Raw Materials

Beyond its industrial uses, cumene serves as a precursor in pharmaceutical and fragrance production.

Properties of Cumene

A colorless liquid with a distinctive odor, cumene has a melting point of -140.8 °F (-96 °C), a boiling point of 305.6 °F (152 °C), and a specific gravity of 0.86. It is soluble in ethanol, ethyl ether, acetone, benzene, petroleum ether, and carbon tetrachloride but almost insoluble in water.

Regulated as a hazardous and flammable substance, cumene is recognized under various laws for its health and safety risks, including potential carcinogenic properties and explosion risk at high temperatures or under pressure.

Other Information on Cumene

Synthesis of Cumene

Cumene is synthesized using the Friedel-Crafts reaction, where propylene and benzene react in the presence of aluminum chloride as a catalyst. This process produces a propylene cation that reacts with benzene to form cumene, which is then extracted through hydrolysis. The industrial application of the Friedel-Crafts reaction is a common method for cumene production.


Xenon Gas

What Is Xenon Gas?

Xenon gas, with the atomic number 54, belongs to the noble gases in group 18. Discovered in 1898, it is named from the Greek word “xenos,” meaning stranger. Xenon exists as a colorless, odorless gas at room temperature and is sparsely found in the Earth’s atmosphere. It stands out for its chemical stability as an inert gas. Under safety regulations, xenon is acknowledged for its minimal hazard potential but is still regulated due to its industrial and medical applications.

Uses of Xenon Gas

Utilized for its natural light-like emission, xenon gas powers lamps in various applications from photography to automotive headlights. Its role extends to satellite propulsion systems as an ion engine propellant and to architectural uses for its thermal insulation properties when sealed in double-glazed windows. In medicine, xenon enhances CT scans as a contrast agent and is researched for its anesthetic capabilities due to its solubility and diffusion properties.

Properties of Xenon Gas

With a melting point of -111.9 °C (-169.42 °F) and a boiling point of -108.1 °C (-162.58 °F), xenon’s outer electron shell structure renders it nearly unreactive. However, its relatively low ionization energy compared to other noble gases allows xenon to form compounds with oxygen and fluorine under certain conditions.

Structure of Xenon Gas

Xenon’s elemental symbol is Xe, and in its solid state, it adopts a face-centered cubic structure. Its electron configuration is [Kr] 5s24d105p6. Notably, xenon has a diverse isotopic composition, including stable isotopes and over 40 radioactive variants, some of which serve as indicators of nuclear activity due to their formation in nuclear reactions.

Other Information on Xenon Gas

1. Purification of Xenon Gas

Extracted as a byproduct from the fractional distillation of liquefied air, xenon’s purification process is integral to the production of liquid oxygen, nitrogen, and argon, utilizing large air separation units.

2. Compounds of Xenon Gas

The synthesis of xenon hexafluoroplatinate in 1962 marked the discovery of noble gas compounds. Xenon forms various halides, including fluorides that hydrolyze upon contact with water. Xenon trioxide, an explosive oxide of xenon, and organoxenon compounds further illustrate xenon’s capacity to form chemical bonds under specific conditions.



What Is Gallium?

Gallium is a soft, odorless, silvery-white metal.

Gallium’s elemental symbol is Ga, its atomic number is 31, and its CAS number is 7440-55-3. Gallium is widely distributed in nature and is found in trace amounts in minerals such as bauxite and germanite, which are aluminum ores.

Uses of Gallium

Gallium is used as a semiconductor material because it is a compound semiconductor as gallium arsenide, a compound with arsenic. Gallium arsenide is used in electronic products such as laser printers, supercomputers, and cellular phones.

Gallium nitride (GaN), a compound of Gallium and nitrogen, is used in blue light-emitting diodes (LEDs). Blue LEDs are used in Blu-ray Discs, LED light bulbs, and new types of traffic lights.

Properties of Gallium

Gallium has a melting point of 29.8 °C and a boiling point of 2,403 °C. It exists as a solid or liquid at room temperature and has a density of 5.91 g/cm3 in the solid state. Among metals, Gallium’s best-known characteristic is its low melting point. It is antimagnetic in the solid state, but paramagnetic in the liquid state, with a magnetic susceptibility of 2.4 x 10−6 at 40 °C.

Structure of Gallium

Unlike other metals, Gallium does not crystallize in any of the simple crystal structures. The stable phases at ambient pressure are α-, β-, γ-, and δ-Gallium, which form under different conditions, and Ga-II, Ga-III, and Ga-IV, which form at high pressure.

1. Structure of Α-Gallium

α-Gallium is a polymorph of Gallium existing under normal conditions and has an orthorhombic structure with eight atoms in the unit lattice. The distance between the nearest atoms is 244 pm, and the six neighbors are separated by an additional 39 pm. This unstable, poorly symmetric structure is believed to be responsible for Gallium’s low melting point.

2. Other Polymorphs

Other crystalline forms of Gallium can be obtained by crystallization from supercooled liquid Gallium. Above -16.3 °C, monoclinic β-Gallium is formed with a zigzag structure of gallium atoms, and above -19.4 °C, triclinic δ-Gallium is formed with a distorted arrangement of 12 gallium atoms, a crystal structure similar to α-boron At -35.6 °C, δ-gallium is formed. At -35.6 °C, orthorhombic γ-Gallium is formed, which has a structure similar to that of α-boron, with seven gallium atoms arranged in a ring and a linear arrangement of atoms interconnected in the center.

Other Information on Gallium

1. How Gallium Is Produced

Gallium is produced only as a byproduct during the processing of ores of other metals, and its main raw material is bauxite, the main ore of aluminum, but it can also be extracted from zinc sulfide ore. In the Beyer method, Gallium accumulates in a sodium hydroxide solution during the processing of bauxite to alumina, so that Gallium metal can be obtained by electrolysis after the use of an ion exchange resin. For semiconductor applications, it is further purified by the zone melt process or single crystal extraction from melt, and very high purities such as 99.9999% are routinely achieved and commercially available.

2. Handling and Storage Precautions

Handling and storage precautions are as follows:

  • Seal the container tightly and store in a dry, cool, and dark place.
  • Use only outdoors or in well-ventilated areas.
  • Avoid mixing with acids, alkalis, oxidizers, and halogens.
  • Do not use on parts that may come in contact with metals, especially aluminum, as it will corrode them.
  • Wear protective gloves and glasses when using.
  • Wash hands thoroughly after handling.
  • In case of skin contact, flush immediately with water.
  • In case of eye contact, rinse cautiously with water for several minutes.


What Is Calcium?

Calcium, an alkaline earth metal with the atomic number 20, was first isolated by Humphry Davy in the early 1800s through electrolysis. This highly reactive element is crucial for both plant growth and human health, comprising 1-2% of the human body’s weight, predominantly in bones and teeth as calcium phosphate.

Uses of Calcium

Various calcium salts have broad applications, from deicing roads with calcium chloride to using calcium carbonate in chalk and animal feed. Calcium oxide acts as a desiccant and soil conditioner, while calcium hydroxide is used in food processing and as a soil neutralizer.

Properties of Calcium

With a melting point of 842 °C (1547.6 °F) and boiling point of 1484 °C (2703.2 °F), calcium’s reactivity with water, oxygen, and carbon dioxide necessitates storage under inert gas or in mineral oil to prevent oxidation.

Structure of Calcium

Symbolized as Ca, calcium’s atomic weight is 40.08, exhibiting a cubic close-packed structure at room temperature. It has four stable isotopes (40Ca, 42Ca, 43Ca, 44Ca), and natural radioactive isotopes like 46Ca and 48Ca.

Other Information on Calcium

1. Reactions of Calcium

Calcium reacts vigorously with air and water, producing hydrogen gas and calcium hydroxide, respectively. It forms calcium carbonate when reacted with carbon dioxide, a reversible process useful in various industrial applications.

2. Calcium in Nature

Found in limestone and marble, calcium plays a significant role in carbon sequestration and is essential for the cellular functions of eukaryotic organisms and plant nutrition. However, excessive calcium intake has been linked with health risks, including an increased likelihood of dementia.



What Is Potassium?

Potassium, with atomic number 19, belongs to group 1 of the periodic table, making it an alkali metal. Discovered in 1807 by Humphry Davy, it plays a crucial role in plant nutrition as a primary fertilizer component alongside nitrogen and phosphorus. Essential for human health, potassium regulates osmotic pressure in cells but is highly reactive, existing only in compound form in nature.

Uses of Potassium

Potassium salts, such as potassium sulfate and potassium chloride, are extensively used in agriculture, while potassium nitrate is a key ingredient in soap making. Potassium carbonate is employed in glass manufacturing, with potassium also finding applications in photoengraving, fireworks, and matches due to its reactivity and various compounds.

Properties of Potassium

This soft metal is lighter than water, with a low melting point of 63.7°C (146.66°F) and a boiling point of 774°C (1425.2°F). Potassium’s reactivity is intermediate within the alkali metals, rapidly oxidizing in air and reacting explosively with water. It is stored under mineral oil or argon to prevent reaction with air.

Structure of Potassium

Symbolized as K, with an atomic weight of 39.10, potassium features a silvery-white appearance and a body-centered cubic structure. It easily forms cations due to its low first ionization energy, with 24 known isotopes, including the stable 39K and 41K, and the radioactive 40K.

Other Information on Potassium

1. Natural Occurrence

While not found freely in nature, potassium is the seventh most abundant element in the Earth’s crust, extracted primarily as potassium chloride from various mineral sources.

2. Production Methods

Metallic potassium is produced through the electrolysis of potassium hydroxide, with potassium salts mined from ores like carnallite and langbeinite. Seawater, despite its low potassium content compared to sodium, serves as another source.

3. Hazards of Metallic Potassium

The metal reacts violently with water, posing explosion risks. It requires careful handling to prevent ignition or explosion when in contact with air or water.



What Is Cadmium?

Cadmium, a metallic element with element number 48, is widely found in the natural environment, including in minerals and soil.

Cadmium is distributed in the earth’s crust and is released into the environment through natural phenomena such as weathering of rocks, so naturally occurring cadmium is found in soil and water. Chemically similar to zinc, cadmium occurs not alone but with zinc minerals, especially sphalerite (ZnS) and rhyozincite (ZnCO3). Various foods and water contain trace amounts of cadmium, as it is taken up from the soil and water during plant and animal growth.

Consumption of foods with high levels of cadmium for many years can cause kidney dysfunction.

Uses of Cadmium

Cadmium has a silvery-white luster, is highly ductile, and is easily processed. Its uses include alloying materials as a metal, electroplating of iron and other metals, electrode plates of storage batteries, control rods of nuclear reactors, solder, silver solder, and cathode ray tubes of televisions. As a compound, cadmium yellow is used as a raw material for pigments, for example, in Van Gogh’s “Sunflowers.” Other uses include catalysts, batteries, stabilizers for vinyl chloride resin, and colorants for ceramics.

Properties of Cadmium

Cadmium has an atomic weight of 112.411, a melting point of 321 °C, and a boiling point of 765 °C. It has a specific gravity of 8.65 at 25 ºC and is insoluble in water. It is said to be contained in unpolluted river water at 0.02 to 0.1 μg/L and in seawater at 0.05 to 0.11 μg/L. The crystal structure of Cadmium is hexagonal.

Other information on Cadmium

1. Compounds of Cadmium

Cadmium compounds include the following.

Cadmium oxide (CdO)
It is a brown solid with a molecular weight of 128.41, a specific gravity of 8.15, and a CAS number of 1306-19-0. Applications include cadmium plating bath additives, pigments, catalysts, and alkaline batteries.

Cadmium chloride (CdCl2)
It is a solid with a molecular weight of 183.32, a melting point of 568 °C, and a CAS number of 10108-64-2. Applications include plating and catalysts.

Cadmium Sulfate (CdSO4)
It is a white solid with a molecular weight of 209.47, a specific gravity of 4.691, a melting point of 1000 ℃, and a CAS number of 10124-36-4. Applications include analytical reagents and cadmium batteries.

Cadmium sulfide (CdS)
It is a yellow solid with a molecular weight of 144.48 and a CAS number of 1306-23-6. It is known as the pigment cadmium yellow.

Cadmium Telluride (CdTe)
It is a black solid with a molecular weight of 240.00, a specific gravity of 6.2, a melting point of 1041 °C, and a CAS number of 1306-25-8. It is used in solar cells.

Cadmium Selenide (CdSe)
It is a black solid with a molecular weight of 191.37, a specific gravity of 5.81, and a CAS number of 1306-24-7. Its uses include pigments.

2. Cadmium Production Methods

The general production of cadmium involves the following steps

  1. The gas washing liquid generated from the exclusion equipment in the zinc and lead sintering process is separated from solid-liquid using a thickener or the like.
  2. The resulting overflow is brought into contact with an ion exchange resin to concentrate the cadmium to obtain a regenerated solution containing cadmium.
  3. The regenerated solution is neutralized with sodium carbonate, etc., and solid-liquid separated to recover cadmium as cadmium carbonate.
  4. Cadmium carbonate is dissolved in sulfuric acid to remove insoluble content, and then crude cadmium and electrolytic zinc are added to the cadmium sulfate solution to obtain sponge cadmium through cementation reaction.
  5. Sponge cadmium is dissolved to obtain crude cadmium, and crude cadmium is distilled to obtain distilled cadmium.

3. Health Effects of Cadmium

The oral lethal dose of cadmium to humans is estimated to be 350-3,500 mg. Chronic poisoning with cadmium is believed to be the main cause of Itai-itai disease, which causes osteomalacia. In terms of carcinogenicity, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) ranks cadmium as 2A (very likely to be carcinogenic to humans).



What Is Olivine?

Olivine is a significant rock-forming mineral commonly found in basic and ultrabasic rocks like basalt. It is characterized by its transparent to glassy texture and distinctive yellowish-green to dark-green color. Olivine’s unique color gives it its name, reminiscent of an olive’s green hue.

Olivine’s composition includes four main endmembers: magnesium olivine, iron olivine, manganese olivine (tephroite), and nickel olivine (Liebenbergite). The term “olivine” typically refers to the solid solution series of magnesium and iron olivine. Most olivine’s chemical composition is approximately 70-90% of this solid solution. Its general chemical formula is represented as M2SiO4, where M can be Mg, Fe, Mn, Ni, Ca, and Ti, among others. Olivine’s crystal structure is orthorhombic, based on a silicon Si ion-centered tetrahedron surrounded by four oxygen atoms, with metal elements like magnesium and iron forming nearly octahedral clusters with six oxygen atoms.

The transparent and beautiful crystal variants of olivine, known as peridot, have been highly valued as gemstones since ancient times.

Uses of Olivine

Olivine is not only crucial as a rock-forming mineral in the Earth’s crust but also finds applications as a gemstone due to its striking appearance.

In industrial contexts, olivine sand, derived from crushed and screened olivine, is utilized in various applications. It serves as an industrial material in steel production and fertilizer manufacturing. Furthermore, olivine’s properties of stability, hardness, and high refractory capacity make it suitable for use as a heavy aggregate in concrete and as a construction material for harbors. Its specific gravity is notably higher than that of many other rocks, which is a factor in these applications.



What Is Ozone?


Figure 1. Molecular Oxygen and Ozone

Ozone (O3) is an allotrope of oxygen (O2), consisting of three oxygen atoms. Known for its distinctive, pungent odor, ozone is naturally produced from oxygen molecules under strong stimuli like ultraviolet rays or lightning, contributing to atmospheric self-cleaning through sterilization and deodorization.


Figure 2. Formation and Dissipation of Ozone in the Stratospheric Atmosphere

Near the earth’s surface, ozone concentration is below 0.1 ppm, but it forms a protective layer in the stratosphere, absorbing harmful ultraviolet rays to shield terrestrial life.

Uses of Ozone

Ozone’s applications range from sterilization and deodorization in water treatment and food storage to medical and industrial settings. Its production from ambient air makes it accessible anywhere, with a variety of generators available for different scales of use.

Properties of Ozone

Ozone is a dense, colorless gas under standard conditions, with significant water solubility and an extraordinary oxidizing ability. It stands as one of the most potent naturally occurring oxidants, capable of oxidizing almost all organic matter and metals.

1. Oxidizing Power

Ozone’s high oxidizing power allows it to donate oxygen atoms readily, decomposing to oxygen over time even without a reactant. This makes it highly effective for oxidation processes.

2. Deodorizing and Sterilizing Effects


Figure 3. Detoxification of Harmful Molecules by Ozone

Ozone effectively deodorizes and sterilizes by oxidizing and decomposing organic and inorganic substances, surpassing other disinfectants like chlorine in efficiency at lower concentrations.

Other Information About Ozone

1. Advantages of Ozone

  • No risk of bacterial resistance.
  • Gas form allows for wide dispersal and effective odor and harmful gas decomposition.
  • Capable of bleaching by decomposing dyes within fibers.
  • Transforms into oxygen or harmless oxides, leaving no toxic residue.
  • On-site production from air is feasible with proper equipment, making it versatile and safe.

2. Toxicity of Ozone

High ozone concentrations can cause respiratory issues and mucous membrane irritation, along with potential harm to plant life and material degradation. It is a key component of photochemical smog, posing environmental and health risks.



What Is Octanal?

Octanal is a chained organic compound and an aldehyde.

Its chemical formula is CH3(CH2)6CHO or C7H15CHO. It has a molar mass of 128.21204 g/mol, a density of 0.821 g/ml, a melting point of -23°C, a boiling point of 171°C, and a CAS registration number of 124-13-0.

To distinguish it from isomers with branched chains, octanal with a linear chain is sometimes referred to as n-octanal (normal-octanal). Other names include octaldehyde, octaldehyde, octaldehyde, octaldehyde, octylaldehyde, caprylic aldehyde, and 1-octanone.

Uses of Octanal

1. Perfume

Octanal is mainly used in the preparation of lemon oil, orange oil, and other fragrances. It is also used as a raw material for jasmine, rose, and other perfume preparations, as well as for paints and varnishes. It can also be found in some alcoholic beverages.

Substances in which the aldehyde group is acetalized also have a distinctive odor and are characterized by the use of derivatives of octanal, as is the case commercially as a flavoring agent.

It can be said that the unique fruit odor of this substance is used for this application.

2. Synthetic Raw Materials

Octanal is an aldehyde with comparatively long alkyl chains and is therefore a synthetic raw material for a variety of natural products. Natural products with the structure of long-chain aldehydes are found in living organisms such as seaweeds.

Octanal, in particular, is an essential precursor for the total synthesis of (-)-dihydrosporotriolide, (+)-tetrahydropyrenoholol, and (+)-avajanomycin. It can also be used in the synthesis of hydrotropes based on erythritol and pentaerythritol.

Properties of Octanal

At normal temperature and pressure, octanal is a colorless to mono-yellow flammable liquid with a fruity odor reminiscent of citrus fruits in small quantities, but in larger quantities, it changes to a foul odor reminiscent of stink bugs. The substance is also present in lemongrass oil.

It is soluble in various organic solvents such as methanol, diethyl ether, and acetone, but very insoluble in water, and is obtained by the action of hydrogen and carbon monoxide on the double bond of 1-heptene (hydroformylation), or by oxidation of the hydroxyl group of 1-octanol.

Other Information on Octanal

1. Hazards

Cautionary Statement: Irritating to the human body, causing eye, skin, and respiratory tract irritation. It is also highly flammable, with a boiling point of 171°C and a much lower flash point of 51°C.

It is also classified as a Class 4 Hazardous Substance, Petroleum No. 2, as defined by the Fire Service Law, and must be handled with care. Specific designations are as follows.

Industrial Safety and Health Law Hazardous and Inflammable Substance (Appended Table 1, No. 4 of the Enforcement Order)
Fire Service Law Class 4 Inflammable Liquids, Tertiary Petroleum Non-water Soluble Liquids (Law Article 2, Paragraph 7, Hazardous Materials, Appended Table 1)
Ship Safety Law Inflammable liquids (Hazard Regulations, Article 3, Hazardous Materials Notification, Appendix 1)
Civil Aeronautics Law Inflammable liquid (Hazardous material notification, Appendix 1, Article 194, Enforcement Regulations)

2. Safety Measures

Safety measures should be taken when handling octanal. First, local ventilation and general ventilation as described in “8. Exposure Prevention and Protection Measures” must be taken.

In addition, the product must be kept away from ignition sources such as heat, sparks, naked flames, and hot objects, and smoking must be prohibited. It is also important to keep containers sealed and to ground and earth the containers.

It is also essential to use tools that do not generate sparks and take precautions against static discharge. In addition, rubber gloves, safety glasses, and a lab coat should be worn when handling to prevent skin and eye irritation.



What Is Oxamide?

Oxamide is an organic compound in the form of a white crystalline powder.

Its IUPAC name is ethanediamide. It is also known as oxalic diamide, diaminoglyoxal, oxalamide, oxamimidic acid, oxalic acid diamide, oxalic acid diamide Oxalic acid diamide, 2-Amino-2-oxoethanimidic acid.

Uses of Oxamide

1. Replacement of Urea Fertilizer

Oxamide is used as a slow-acting fertilizer that gradually imparts fertilizer into the soil after application. It is an excellent fertilizer because it is insoluble in water and does not absorb moisture, so there is little runoff to groundwater. It is also hydrolyzed over time by microorganisms in the soil, gradually releasing ammonia.

The decomposition rate of Oxamide and the release rate of ammonia can be adjusted according to particle size, making it easy to use and effective for labor-saving crop cultivation. Oxamide’s decomposition mechanism in the soil involves the release of a single molecule of ammonia to produce oxamic acid, which is then further decomposed into oxalic acid and ammonia.

The final decomposition products of oxalic acid are water, oxygen, and carbon dioxide. Since the decomposition products do not contain harmful byproducts such as sulfuric acid or chlorine, there is no adverse effect on the soil microbial environment, soil components, or crop growth. Oxamide itself is stable in air and is only hydrolyzed under alkaline conditions above pH 10 or acidic conditions below pH 1.

2. Other

Oxamide is also used as a stabilizer in nitrocellulose synthesis. It is also useful as a high-performance burn rate inhibitor in a fuel called ammonium perchlorate complex propellant (APCP). Oxamide at concentrations of 1-3 wt% can retard linear burn rate with minimal effect on propellant-specific impulse.

In addition, N, N’-substituted oxamides are used as auxiliary ligands in the Ullmann-Goldberg reaction. The Ullmann-Goldberg reaction is a coupling reaction of aryl halides and anilines in the presence of a copper catalyst. Among aryl halides, aryl iodide is known to be highly reactive. Aryl halides with electron-withdrawing groups also facilitate the coupling.

Properties of Oxamide

Oxamide has the chemical formula C2H4N2O2 and a molecular weight of 88.07. It is registered under CAS No. 471-46-5.

Oxamide is a solid with a density of 1.667 g/ml (20°C) that dicyanically decomposes with water at 350°C (melting point). It forms needle-like crystals and is partially sublimable. It is soluble in ethanol, almost insoluble in water, and insoluble in diethyl ether.

Other Information on Oxamide

1. How Oxamide Is Produced

Oxamide is obtained by the action of ammonia on diethyl oxalate. It can also be synthesized by partial hydrolysis of dicyanogen or by heating ammonium oxalate, the ammonium salt of oxalic acid.

2. Handling and Storage Precautions

Handling Precautions
Oxamide is designated as a dangerous substance when handled in contact with oxamide. Take care not to come in contact with it when handling or storing.

When handling, be sure to wear protective clothing, protective glasses, and protective gloves, and use them in a draft chamber. Wash hands after use.

In Case of Fire
Decomposition by combustion may produce carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), and nitrogen oxides (NOx). Use a powder fire extinguisher, foam, water spray, or carbon dioxide (CO2) to extinguish the fire. There are no prohibited fire extinguishing media.

In Case of Skin Contact
Oxamide is a skin irritant. If it gets on the skin, wash thoroughly with soap and plenty of water. If skin irritation or rash occurs, seek medical advice and attention. Wash contaminated clothing if it is to be used again.

In the Case of Eye Contact
Oxamide is a strong eye irritant. In the event of eye contact, rinse the eye carefully with water for several minutes. If eye irritation persists, seek medical attention.

Keep the container tightly closed in a cool, dark place. Store away from incompatible hazardous materials.