

What Are Demagnetizers?


Demagnetizers, also known as degaussers, are devices designed to eliminate unwanted magnetism from objects. This is crucial in applications where magnetic properties could interfere with electronic equipment, attract metal particles, or affect the quality of processes like electroplating.

Regular use of demagnetizers ensures that materials retain only their desired magnetic properties, enhancing safety and product quality in various manufacturing processes.

Applications of Demagnetizers

Demagnetizers are instrumental in various industries for their ability to remove residual magnetism from:

  • Industrial and Automotive Parts – Used extensively in manufacturing sectors to demagnetize engine parts, suspension components, and tools to prevent metal dust adhesion and improve machining quality.
  • Metal Products and Tools – Essential for the maintenance of metal tools like screwdrivers to remove unwanted magnetization that could hinder their use.

Principle of Demagnetizers

Demagnetizers work by disrupting the alignment of magnetic domains within an object, effectively neutralizing its magnetic field. This is achieved through the application of an alternating magnetic field, which scatters the uniform orientation of the magnetic domains, thereby demagnetizing the object.

Key Information on Demagnetizers

1. Generating an Alternating Magnetic Field

Alternating magnetic fields necessary for demagnetization can be generated using:

  • Alternating Current (AC) – Suitable for surface demagnetization using common 50Hz or 60Hz AC.
  • Direct Current (DC) Reversal – Ideal for internal demagnetization, using a current that alternates between positive and negative at low frequencies.

2. Methods for Damping the Magnetic Field

  • Distance Attenuation – Gradually moves the object away from the demagnetizing coil to weaken the magnetic field.
  • Current Attenuation – Reduces the magnetic field by decreasing the current flowing through the demagnetizing device, allowing the object to stay stationary during the process.


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