
Sneeze Guards

What Is a Sneeze Guard?

Sneeze Guards

With the outbreak of the new coronavirus, the use of sneeze guards as a countermeasure against coronavirus infection is increasing.

Based on the recognition that coronavirus infection is caused by saliva droplets, sneeze guards are employed to block saliva droplets that fly mainly when people cough or talk. Accordingly, sneeze guards are used at places such as cash registers in stores, or offices, places where people come in face-to-face contact with each other.

Since they can physically block droplets, they provide greater droplet control and peace of mind than masks alone. Many of the sneeze guards currently on the market are transparent, which is an advantage because it allows people to see each other’s faces and situations even when being separated by the partitions, making it possible to have smooth conversations.

Places Sneeze Guards Are Useful

Sneeze guards have been introduced to prevent infectious diseases and are often used in offices, various sales outlets, bank and government offices, etc., where it is necessary to meet with many people, and are mainly installed on desks.

In addition, the sneeze guards are recommended for use in restaurants where removing masks is required and the spread of droplets from eating and drinking is a concern. These types of close contact situations are the partitions’ specialty.

In addition to full-surface panels, there are also panels with a partially open window for receiving tickets, money, etc.

Precautions for use of Sneeze Guards

Since droplets remain on the panel after use, it is advisable to disinfect the panel frequently after use by wiping it with wet wipes, etc. Whatever you use should be disposed of to avoid the infected droplets from spreading.

Acrylic, PET resin, and rigid polyvinyl chloride are used as materials for sneeze guards and PET resin and rigid polyvinyl chloride are resistant to alcohol and sodium hypochlorite used for disinfection. However, acrylics may develop minute cracks when wiped with highly concentrated alcohol, so use caution.

Also, since flammable plastics may be used, please read the precautions and avoid using the product in areas where fire is present, such as around stoves or lit cigarettes.

Effectiveness of Sneeze Guards

Saliva from coughing or talking can be splashed over a wide area, with an average distance of 1 to 2 meters if not wearing a mask and no sneeze guard is used.

When we tested how much of the droplets could be prevented from spreading with a sneeze guard, we confirmed that when a person coughs with the panel 120 cm from the floor (about the mouth height of a person sitting on a chair), some fine droplets spread beyond the partition panel to the person directly in front, diagonally in front, and to the person beside him. In the case of a panel about 140 cm high (about enough height to cover the seated person’s head), the droplets were almost nonexistent on those around the panel. In other words, panels at least as high as the head should be placed to prevent splashing.

Characteristics of Sneeze Guards by Material

There are two types of sneeze guards: foldable and assembled. The characteristics vary greatly depending on the material of the panel part. Typical materials and characteristics are as follows.

Polystyrene foam used for building boards, fish boxes, etc. is a very inexpensive, lightweight, strong, and hygienic material that can be disinfected with alcohol, making it a good choice. However, it is opaquely colored white or black and is not transparent. Therefore, it is not suitable for use in places where face-to-face interaction is required, as the view is obstructed.

Like styrene foam, corrugated fiberboard is inexpensive and lightweight. It is also easier to dispose of than other materials. On the other hand, like styrene foam, it is not suitable for use in places where face-to-face interaction is required because it blocks the view.

Acrylic material, originally used as acrylic glass and acrylic cases, is the most robust material because of its thickness. It is also highly permeable and has a luxurious feel, making it suitable for face-to-face customer service situations.

Plastic materials such as PET are relatively transparent and lightweight, are less likely to break, and are easier to handle than acrylic materials.

On the other hand, vinyl curtains are sometimes used for the same purpose as sneeze guards. Since they are easy to install, they can be used in different ways depending on the location and situation to be used.

Criteria for selecting Sneeze Guards and future prospects

The following five points are the criteria for selection.

  1. Location and situation of use
  2. Type of the splash prevention panel
  3. Precautions for use
  4. Size of the panel
  5. Material of the panel

Demand is expected to continue to increase as a means of preventing the spread of infectious diseases. Some companies have more than doubled their sales of plastic and acrylic panels, while others have increased production by as much as 50%, which is having an impact on raw material manufacturers. A survey conducted at a certain exhibition showed that about 60% of companies have introduced sneeze guards, indicating that many companies feel the need for the panels and that demand will further increase in the future. Therefore, it is expected that this will also continue to have an impact on raw material manufacturers, manufacturers, and sales distribution companies involved in the panels.

This product can be a great business opportunity for both buyers, manufacturers, and distributors.


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