
Hot Filling Machine

What Is a Hot Filling Machine?

A hot filling machine is a device that fills containers with liquid or gel products in a heated state. By heating the product to a high temperature, the growth of microorganisms is inhibited, extending the product’s shelf life. This process prevents oxidation and spoilage, maintaining the product’s quality. Additionally, a vacuum can be created in the container after filling, enhancing sealing effectiveness.

Uses of Hot Filling Machine

Hot filling machines are widely used in the following applications:

1. Food Products

Hot fillers play a crucial role in enhancing product shelf life in the food industry. Juices, iced teas, and smoothies are produced using hot filling, which controls microbial growth and maintains product quality for extended periods. Similarly, soups, sauces, jams, and other paste products benefit from this technology.

2. Health Care Products and Cosmetics

Hot fillers are also utilized for healthcare products and cosmetics. Nutritional and vitamin drinks can be hot-filled to ensure stable quality over time. Cosmetics such as creams and lotions are processed using hot-filling technology to suppress microbial growth and ensure safety. Additionally, medicinal syrups and extracts are often packaged using this method.

3. Industrial Products

Hot fillers are used for industrial products, such as automotive lubricants and industrial oils, to prevent oxidation and maintain quality for long-term use. Chemicals and solvents can also be processed at high temperatures to avoid deterioration.

Principle of Hot Filling Machine

A hot filling machine has three main components: a temperature controller, a filling head, and a container feeder.

1. Temperature Controller

The temperature controller heats and maintains the product at a predetermined temperature. It includes a built-in temperature sensor that monitors the product’s temperature. Based on sensor feedback, the controller uses steam or an electric heater to adjust the product to the desired temperature.

2. Filling Head

The filling head precisely dispenses the product into containers. To enhance productivity, multiple filling heads can be used to fill several containers simultaneously. Some filling heads also have a heating function to prevent the product from sticking.

3. Container Feeder

The container feeder supplies containers at regular intervals. It uses a positioning sensor to automatically align containers transported by a conveyor, ensuring accurate filling.