
Dustproof Rack

What Is a Dustproof Rack?

Dustproof racks are racks that have been designed to protect against dust. They are used for protecting items in racks, such as PCs and precision equipment, from dust.

Manufacturing plants, distribution centers, and other facilities are equipped with a variety of machines, such as conveyor belts and work robots. In conjunction with this, many PCs are installed to control these machines.

In most cases, these facilities generate more dust than offices and other such facilities, so it is necessary to provide dustproofing for the equipment.

Applications of Dustproof Racks

Dustproof racks are used in manufacturing plants and other workplaces where dust is likely to be generated.

Manufacturing plants generate various types of dust depending on the products being manufactured. In the paper and pulp industry, paper dust is generated, in the metal processing industry, metal powder, and in some processes that use oil, oil mist is generated in large quantities.

With the development of IoT and AI, control terminals such as PCs will become even more widespread in the future. Dustproof racks can be installed to protect these precision devices from dust.

Principle of Dustproof Racks

Dustproof racks are products that protect items inside the rack from dust. If the terminals inside fail due to dust, it could lead to serious consequences such as loss of stored data or stoppage of the manufacturing process. Since they are expected to be used in locations with high dust concentrations, strong dustproof performance is required.

Dustproof racks prevent the entry of dust mainly by sealing the inside of the rack. However, since equipment needs to be maintained and moved in and out, it is not possible to design a completely sealed space, for example by welding all parts together. Gaps between parts are sealed with gaskets, and assembly methods and structures are devised to make the rack as airtight as possible while maintaining operability.

The devices that are placed in dustproof racks are mainly electronic devices such as PCs, which generate heat when in use. Accumulation of heat can lead to malfunctions, so the rack must be designed to maintain an airtight space and allow heat to escape.

Dustproof racks use fans and heat exchangers to remove heat, and cooling functions are incorporated to cool the equipment. These heat removal and cooling facilities are also designed to be dust-proof.


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