
Miramat Polyethylene Sheet

What Is a Miramat Polyethylene Sheet?

A Miramat polyethylene sheet is a highly foamed polyethylene sheet commonly used in cushioning and packaging materials. In agricultural settings, they serve as house curtains and heat insulators for rice seedlings. These products are predominantly produced and used in Japan.

Uses of Miramat Polyethylene Sheets

Typically, Miramat polyethylene sheets are employed as protective cushioning for fragile ceramics and as insulation in cold storage bags for frozen foods. As an agricultural material, it is used to nurture rice seedlings and as greenhouse curtains, leveraging itsheat-retaining capabilities.

Types of Miramat Polyethylene Sheets

While Miramat is a specific type of highly foamed polyethylene sheet developed by JSP, it encompasses various characteristics and finds applications across multiple industries. Related products include Mirasheet, a low-foamed polyethylene sheet, and Miramat Ace, a persistent antistatic high-foamed polyethylene sheet.

How to Choose Miramat Polyethylene Sheets

When selecting Miramat polyethylene sheets, consider the thickness, width, and roll length based on your specific application:

1. Thickness

Available in thicknesses from 0.5 to 10 mm, choose a thickness that meets your physical property requirements, such as thermal conductivity for heat retention purposes.

2. Width and Roll Length

Select the width and length that fit your needs, whether for small-scale rice seedling growth or larger greenhouse curtain installations.

How to Use Miramat Polyethylene Sheets

Miramat polyethylene sheets have versatile applications:

1. Cushioning Material for Fruits

Used in fruit transportation, their shock-absorbent properties protect the fruits from damage.

2. Heat Insulator for Greenhouses and Outdoor Cultivation

With excellent thermal insulation, these sheets are effective in greenhouses and open fields, maintaining optimal growth conditions.

3. Thermal Insulation for Poultry Farming

Important in poultry farming, especially during the chick-rearing stage, these sheets help maintain a constant temperature crucial for chick survival.

4. Heat Insulators for Seedling Growth

Used to stabilize temperature fluctuations during the critical seedling growth phase.

5. Frozen Bags

These materials are also utilized as freezer bags for frozen products, offering both insulation and cushioning.

Features of Miramat Polyethylene Sheets


Miramat sheets are highly valued for their heat-retaining properties, making them ideal in agriculture for seedling growth and chick rearing. They also serve as effective cushioning materials during transportation.


The primary drawback of Miramat polyethylene sheets is their cost. Despite their versatility and effectiveness, their price can be a consideration for some applications.


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