

What Is Cytidine?

Cytidine is a nucleoside composed of the pyrimidine base cytosine bonded glycosidically to the 5th carbon of ribose. Cytosine is one of the four bases in DNA, and when bonded to ribose, it forms a nucleoside. These nucleosides join with phosphate and other compounds to construct DNA. In RNA, cytidine corresponds to uracil and is involved in processes like transcription, translation, cell division, and proliferation. It has been reported to inhibit the growth of cancer cells. When nitrite is applied to cytidine, uridine is produced.

Uses of Cytidine

  1. As a Building Block of RNA and DNA:
    Cytidine plays a crucial role as a component of RNA and DNA, which stores genetic information.
  2. Medical Applications:
    Cytosine arabinoside, a derivative of cytidine, is used as a pyrimidine metabolic antagonist in cancer treatment. Cytidine derivatives also exhibit antiviral activities.
  3. Food and Supplement Industry:
    Cytidine, along with thymine, is involved in metabolic processes in the body, making it a component in foods and supplements.

Properties of Cytidine

Cytidine is soluble in water, alcohol, and organic solvents like acetone, dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), diethyl ether, and chloroform. It is stable under normal conditions but more susceptible to degradation in acidic environments due to its basic nature.

Structure of Cytidine

Cytidine is a nucleoside with a nitrogen-containing pyrimidine base, cytosine, attached to the 5-position carbon of ribose. It exhibits weak basicity due to a negative charge on the nitrogen atom and can be hydrolyzed by acids.

Other Information on Cytidine

Production of Cytidine

Cytidine is synthesized intracellularly but industrially produced mainly through chemical synthesis, where cytosine reacts with ribose under basic conditions. Biochemical methods using microorganisms like yeast and bacteria exist but are more common in research than industrial applications due to the complex mixture produced.


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