
Electronic Multimeter

What Is an Electronic Multimeter?

Electronic Multimeters

An electronic multimeter is a digital instrument used to convert and display analog data in digital form. It processes data through an input signal conversion section, an A/D (analog-to-digital) conversion circuit, and a display section, ultimately showing the data on an LCD monitor.

Different A/D conversion circuits, such as sequential comparison type, parallel comparison type, and integral type, are used in electronic multimeters based on their specific applications.

Uses of Electronic Multimeters

Electronic multimeters require wiring for operation and can be used for power metering in various environments, including factories and commercial facilities. They are versatile, supporting single-phase, three-phase, and multi-wire systems, and can be fixed to buildings or switchboards. Some models feature communication functions for remote measurement, and others are specialized for specific measurements like weight or wind speed.

How to Select Electronic Multimeters

When selecting an electronic multimeter, consider factors like measurement objectives, desired features, and the operating environment. Modern multimeters often display data on LCD monitors for better visibility and can be equipped with networking and communication technologies for convenience. It’s important to balance visibility, environment suitability, and technical specifications to find the best-suited multimeter for your needs.


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