
Floor Tacker

What Is a Floor Tacker?

A Floor Tacker is a power tool used to apply flooring. It drives in U-shaped staples that look like staple needles. The legs are not bent like staples, but are inserted in a U-shape.

A Floor Tacker is a type of air tucker that is connected to an air compressor and uses air pressure to drive staples. Since it is designed for flooring only, it cannot be used for the same purpose as a regular air tacker.

Uses of Floor Tackers

Floor Tackers are mainly used on professional job sites. Recently, floor tackers have also been used for DIY flooring.

It is an air tacker specially designed for applying flooring materials. Because it is designed to handle raised floors and cracks. It can apply flooring more neatly than a regular air tacker.

Compared to nailing by hand, the air tacker, which can easily staple, is also superior in terms of work efficiency and the accuracy and beauty of the finished product.

Principle of Floor Tackers

A Floor Tacker uses an air compressor to compress air and then releases it all at once to drive in the staples. The shape and center of gravity of the staples are such that they can be easily driven in at an angle when applying flooring materials.

The shape of the staple is thicker than the staple of a regular air-tacker. They are not interchangeable with regular air tackers, so you will need to check when purchasing.

Types of Floor Tacker

There are two types of floor tackers: floor tackers for high pressure and floor tacker for normal pressure.

High-pressure for normal pressure is used at about 1.2 to 2.3 MPa, and normal pressure is used at about 0.39 to 0.83 MPa.

Air compressors connected to floor tackers also have both high pressure and normal pressure versions, so you must prepare both high pressure and normal pressure versions in a unified manner.

How to Select a Floor Tacker

1. For High Pressure and for Normal Pressure

Floor Tackers for high-pressure use are suitable for hammering into hard materials because of their high power. However, because of their high power, they lose air quickly and are not suitable for long hours of work.

Floor Tackers for normal pressure is less powerful and cannot drive staples into hard materials, but it is suitable for long hours of work. 

2. Staple Standards

Floor Tacker staples are available in 4mm, 8mm, 9mm, and 11.3mm widths. Generally, 4mm width staples are used, and wider staples are used when stronger fixation is required.

Air Tackers also have 4mm width staples, but the staples for floor tackers are thicker than those for air tackers. Therefore, they are not compatible with staples for air tackers.

Other Information on Floor Tackers

How to Use Floor Tackers

When using the floor tacker, first set up the air hose that sends compressed air from the air compressor. Then, lock the trigger to ensure safety before setting the staples.

When placing staples accurately, the basic method is to place one staple at a time in a single shot. Press the floor tacker’s contact arm against the spot where you want to drive the staple, pull the trigger, and the staple will be fired pneumatically.

When stapling roofs, floors, walls, etc., continuous stapling is used, since the positioning accuracy is not required. By pressing the contact arm against the object while the trigger is pulled, staples can be fired continuously.

Note that when work is interrupted or after use, it is important to always disconnect the air hose and remove all unused staples for safety. Also, always use an air compressor with the specified air pressure. Use of an air compressor with a pressure other than the specified pressure may cause the staples to penetrate through the material or cause it to crack.


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