
Diamond Grinding Cup

What Is a Diamond Grinding Cup?

Diamond Grinding Cups

A diamond grinding cup is an abrasive used for grinding concrete, block, brick, stone, etc. It is called a diamond grinding cup because diamonds are used for the abrasive grains (hard grains for grinding) of the cup wheel. Attached to power tools such as disk grinders, they are used for chamfering and grinding large areas of hard materials.

Abrasive grains used for abrasive materials can be broadly divided into general abrasive grains and super abrasive grains. General abrasive grains are divided into alumina and silicon carbide, while super abrasive grains are divided into cubic boron nitride and diamond. The ability to sharpen hard materials follows the order of alumina < silicon carbide < cubic boron nitride < diamond, with diamond being the most effective.

How to Use Diamond Grinding Cups

Diamond grinding cups are attached to power tools such as disk grinders. Since the direction of rotation of the diamond grinding cups is fixed, it should be attached to the power tool with attention to the direction of rotation.

There are two types of diamond grinding cups: single cups for corner grinding and double cups for surface grinding. For grinding a larger area, use a double cup with diamonds on both the outer and inner circumference of the cup.

Protective goggles and masks must be worn during use. Fix the object to be cut and make sure it will not move before starting work. Attach a protective cover to the power tool and avoid touching the diamond grinding cup while it is rotating.

How to Select Diamond Grinding Cups

Select the diamond grinding cups to be installed according to the object to be ground, the grinding process, and the specifications of the power tool to be used.

How to Select Diamond Grinding Cups According to the Workpiece to Be Ground

Check the application indicated on the diamond grinding cups and confirm that it is suitable for the object to be ground.

Select a single cup for grinding a large area, or a double cup for grinding a small area.

Selection by Grinding Process

Grinding processes can be roughly divided into rough finishing, which removes excess material, and medium finishing, which is a preparatory stage for finishing. Diamond grinding cups for rough or medium finishing should be selected according to the grinding process.

How to Select a Power Tool According to Its Specifications

Check the various sizes of diamond grinding cups and select one that can be attached to the power tool to be used.

Start by checking the “outer diameter” and the “hole diameter.” The size of the diamond grinding cups that can be attached to the power tool is determined by the model of the power tool. Select one whose outer diameter is less than the maximum value of the power tool. The inside diameter should match the value of the power tool. The dimensions that can be installed on the power tool are as follows:

Outer diameter: 4″, 5″, 6″, 7″
Inner diameter: 0.5″, 0.85″, 1″, 1.2″

Make sure that the rotational speed of the power tool is also within the range specified for the diamond grinding cups.


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