

What Is ASSP?

ASSP (Application Specific Standard Product) is a type of semiconductor integrated circuit (IC), which is designed and developed with specialized functions for a specific application.

While ASICs are custom or semi-custom products designed and developed according to customer requirements, ASSPs are general-purpose products designed and developed by ASSP manufacturers for specific purposes.

Because ASSP is a standard product, it can be mass-produced.

Uses of ASSPs

ASSPs are general-purpose products developed and designed by semiconductor manufacturers for specific applications and offered to multiple customers.

Since ASSP can be provided to a large number of customers and the larger the volume of shipments, the greater the benefits to the ASSP manufacturer from mass production, ASSPs are targeted at products and component fields in which a large number of manufacturers are involved.

Specifically, ASSPs are widely used for functions such as power management, image processing, voice processing, data transmission/reception, security, and sensors in cell phones, digital cameras, communication, AV equipment, OA equipment, and automotive fields.

Features of ASSPs

ASSPs are general-purpose products of application-specific integrated circuits.

Users of ASSP incorporate it to realize some functions when they develop and manufacture their own final or intermediate products.

Since ASSP are standard products developed by ASSP manufacturers, their functions and performance may be excessive or insufficient.

Normally, ASSP products with no deficiencies are selected, so chips with unnecessary functions are often used, which has the disadvantage of increasing the unit cost of chips.

Another disadvantage is that when incorporating ASSP, it is difficult to optimize performance and power consumption for their products.

On the other hand, the advantage is that there is no need for ASSP development costs since all development costs for standard ASSP products are borne by the ASSP manufacturer.

In recent years, an increasing number of products use SOCs (System on a Chip), which incorporate all or most of the required functions on a single chip; of ASSP.


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