
Chip Saw Grinder

What Is a Chip Saw Grinder?

A chip saw grinder is a machine specifically designed for grinding circular saw blades, known as chip saws. Chip saw blades can be sharpened with a blade grinder. However, their circular shape and numerous teeth make the process time-consuming and potentially risky. A chip saw grinder, tailored for these blades, rotates and grinds all the teeth efficiently and in a short time, reducing the risk of injury.

Uses of a Chip Saw Grinder

Chip saw grinders are used to maintain and enhance the sharpness of chip saw blades. Regular use of these grinders prolongs the lifespan of the blades, eliminating the frequent need for replacements. This regular maintenance ensures that the blades remain sharp for efficient and effective use over time.

Features of a Chip Saw Grinder


  • Uniform and Quick Grinding: The grinder allows for even and rapid sharpening of chip saws, a task that is challenging and time-consuming to do manually.
  • Economic Benefits: Regular maintenance with the grinder extends the life of chip saws, leading to cost savings by reducing the frequency of blade replacements. Better sharpness also enhances fuel efficiency.
  • Prevention of Equipment Problems: Using a grinder to maintain sharpness can prevent the burden on equipment that comes from using dull blades, thereby reducing the likelihood of equipment breakdowns.


  • Learning Curve: Mastering the use of a chip saw grinder can take time, as it requires skill to adjust angles and positions effectively.
  • Cost: Chip saw grinders are more expensive than general-purpose grinders and are specialized for chip saws only. While they offer long-term utility, the initial investment is substantial.

Types of Chip Saw Grinder

Chip saw grinders vary based on the size of the chip saw blades they accommodate. Different models support various types of sharpening, including the tip clearance angle, horizontal rake angle, and forestry clam angle, which are crucial for brush cutter chip saws. Some grinders also feature enhancements like magnifying glasses and variable speed functions for improved performance and ease of use.

How to Select a Chip Saw Grinder

When selecting a chip saw grinder, first ensure it matches the size of the chip saw blades you use. Consider the specific features of each model, such as magnifying glasses for easier adjustment and variable speed functions for adaptable grinding speeds. These features can enhance safety and convenience, allowing for more precise and efficient sharpening.


Lock U-Channel

What Is a Lock U-Channel?

A lock U-channel is a specialized metal component designed for securing greenhouse film. It features a long, narrow rail shape with grooves on both sides. To secure the film, it’s draped over the channel, and then a spring is inserted into the grooves, clamping the film in place. The effectiveness of the lock U-channel depends on the depth of the grooves and how much the lip is folded inward; deeper grooves and more inwardly folded lips make it harder for the spring to dislodge. When securing multiple layers of film, the appropriate groove specification should be chosen.

Uses of a Lock U-Channel

Lock U-channels are primarily used in the construction of agricultural greenhouses, where they play a key role in sheeting. These channels are particularly useful in multi-layered greenhouse structures, allowing for the fixation of several sheets simultaneously.

For instance, in greenhouses designed for seedling cultivation, a double-layered structure is common. This structure typically includes one sheet for wind and rain protection and another for sun protection. Both sheets can be fixed securely using the lock U-channel. Additionally, special joints are available to connect the lock U-channel to pipes in a cross manner, enhancing the structural integrity of the greenhouse. Modifications at the end of the lock U-channel spring can also be made to attach a mica wire. The use of lock U-channels significantly streamlines the assembly process of greenhouses.


Garden Edging Sheet

What Is a Garden Edging Sheet?

A garden edging sheet, also known as a flat sheet, is an agricultural material primarily used along the footpaths between rice fields. Its main function is to prevent water leakage in rice paddies, but it serves several other purposes as well.

There are two main types of garden edging sheets: film type and thin sheet type. The film-type sheets are soft and thin, typically used to cover surfaces. Conversely, thin sheet types are thicker and more resilient, designed for insertion along the edges of furrows.

These sheets come in diverse styles, with options in height, thickness, and shape to suit different applications.

Uses of Garden Edging Sheets

Garden edging sheets are crucial for maintaining the structural integrity of “ridges between rice fields” – the embankments around or on the boundaries of fields. These ridges serve multiple functions, such as marking boundaries, providing passageways, and acting as resting places. The primary role of an edging sheet is to prevent water in the paddy field from escaping into irrigation canals or adjacent fields.

While hardening the slopes of furrows with soil can help prevent water leakage, it’s not a complete solution. Natural cracks and gradual water infiltration can lead to brittleness and leakage, exacerbated by burrowing animals like moles or crayfish.

Made from water-impermeable materials, garden edging sheets prevent the collapse of furrows due to water penetration. Even in the event of cracks, these sheets ensure that water leakage is minimized. The thickness and durability of these sheets can also deter the burrowing activities of moles and crayfish, adding an extra layer of protection to the paddy field embankments.


Striping Machine

What Is a Striping Machine?

A striping machine is a crucial tool in field preparation, used for tasks like creating rows, sowing seeds, and planting seedlings. Often referred to as “liners,” these machines are essential for drawing straight lines in fields for agricultural purposes. They are also used to mark white lines on school grounds and other areas.

Uses of Striping Machine

Striping machines streamline the process of making ridges, sowing seeds, and planting seedlings by ensuring alignment along straight lines. This alignment aids in uniform seed sowing and neat row maintenance, making subsequent planting tasks more manageable.

Features of Striping Machine


  • Enables accurate plot setup and improves work efficiency.
  • Facilitates fixed-width operations, simplifying tasks compared to manual labor.
  • Useful for maintaining straight and regularly spaced rows for easier picking and harvesting.


  • Usage may require a learning curve and initial investment.
  • Operational efficiency can be hindered by weeds or poor machine conditions.

Types of Striping Machines

While choices are limited due to few manufacturers, striping machines vary in size from 1.4 to 4 meters in width, constructed from lightweight aluminum or rust-resistant steel. Their design typically features a handle for pulling and a freely adjustable “claw part” for grooving the soil at desired intervals.

How to Select Striping Machine

Selection depends on the field area and desired line width. Consider the physical effort required for operation and choose between models based on the direction of pulling—either backward only or both directions—for ease of use.

Other Information on Striping Machine

1. Precautions When Using a Striping Machine

Ensure the ground is even before use and apply pulling force evenly for accurate line drawing.

2. Alternatives to Striping Machine

Considering the cost, alternatives like a “tabor wheel” or DIY methods using a hose reel or rope winder can be considered for small-scale applications.


Speed Sprayer

What Is a Speed Sprayer?

A speed sprayer is an agricultural implement designed to spray chemicals while in motion, sometimes abbreviated as “SS.” These are primarily used in orchards to prevent pest infestations, significantly reducing labor, especially on large farms. A speed sprayer typically comprises a driver’s seat, a blower and pump for spraying chemicals, and an engine.

Uses of Speed Sprayers

Speed sprayers are essential for pesticide application in orchards, enabling efficient coverage of large areas. They are versatile and can be adapted for various orchard environments, such as standing trees and trellises. Different driving systems, like 4WD and 6-wheel drive, cater to various terrains, including slopes and uneven surfaces.

Features of Speed Sprayer


  • Improved Pest Control Efficiency: With a large fan, speed sprayers distribute chemicals in mist form over high elevations or broad areas. They can operate on slopes or soft ground, eliminating the need for manual pest control and increasing operational efficiency.


  • Risk of Drift: The powerful fan airflow can scatter pesticides beyond the intended target, especially on windy days or near other crops.

Types of Speed Sprayers

1. Classification by Vehicle Body: Speed sprayers come in cabin and open types. Cabin types protect the operator from chemical exposure, while open types are less expensive but require protective gear for the operator.

2. Classification by Driving Type: Options include 4WD, 4WS (4-wheel steering), 6-wheel, and 3-wheel systems. Each is suited for specific field conditions and terrain challenges.

How to Select a Speed Sprayer

1. Field Type: Choose a sprayer designed for your specific orchard environment. Confirm compatibility with standing trees, terraced orchards, etc.

2. Chemical Tank Capacity: Capacities range from 500L to 1000L. Larger tanks offer greater efficiency for vast fields but are more costly. Select a tank that balances capacity needs and budget.

3. Driving Type: 4WD is suitable for soft ground, 4WS and 3-wheel for tight turns (3-wheel is less effective on inclines), and 6-wheel for stability on slopes and soft terrain.

4. Body Type: Choose between open and cabin types based on budget and safety requirements. Open types are cheaper but require additional protective gear for the operator.

How to Use a Speed Sprayer

1. Starting the Engine: Ensure the pump and fan are off before starting to prevent malfunctions or accidents.

2. Filling the Chemical Tank: Add water to the tank.

3. Starting the Spray Pump: Lubricate the piston with a few drops of engine oil before starting to prevent malfunctions.

4. Mixing the Chemical: After adding the chemical, close the spray nozzle and agitate the mixture well. Always follow the manufacturer’s dilution instructions.

5. Starting to Spray: Once stable airflow from the blower fan is confirmed, open the spray valve to begin spraying.


Malonato de dimetilo

¿Qué es Malonato de Dimetilo?

El Malonato de dimetilo es un compuesto orgánico con la fórmula química CH2(COOCH3)2. Es un líquido transparente incoloro o ligeramente amarillo pálido con un aroma débil. Es soluble en alcoholes y éteres y muy insoluble en agua.

Se produce por esterificación directa de metanol con ácido malónico en condiciones azeotrópicas. Es un reactivo común que se utiliza a menudo en síntesis orgánica.

Usos del Malonato de Dimetilo

El malonato de dimetilo, también conocido como malonato de dimetilo, tiene un olor característico y se utiliza en fragancias y algunos aromatizantes sintéticos, y también está permitido como aditivo alimentario. También se utiliza como materia prima agroquímica y farmacéutica.

También se utiliza ampliamente como reactivo en otras síntesis orgánicas, por ejemplo como precursor del ácido barbitúrico. Otros usos incluyen la síntesis de ésteres de ácido malónico y como precursor en la síntesis de las vitaminas B1 y B6.


Aluminum Shovel

What Is an Aluminum Shovel?

An aluminum shovel, as the name suggests, is a shovel made out of aluminum. These shovels are used in various outdoor settings, including livestock farming, agriculture, gardening, snow shoveling, and camping. Compared to shovels made from materials like iron, stainless steel, and plastic, aluminum shovels are more robust than plastic but less durable than iron. They are lighter and easier to handle than steel shovels, yet heavier than plastic ones. Various tip shapes are available, including square, sword-tip, and window shovels (with holes).

Different shovel heads are specialized for tasks such as digging into the ground with good soil penetration or scooping gravel or compost. Shovel handles may be made of wood or metal, with metal handles being more durable but colder to the touch in winter.

Uses of Aluminum Shovel

Aluminum shovels have diverse applications in dairy and livestock farming, agriculture, gardening, civil engineering, construction work, and snow removal. Typically around 3ft (1m) in length, these lightweight, rust-resistant shovels are also convenient for camping and other outdoor activities. They come in various sizes and tip shapes, including foldable types for vehicle storage. Specific tip designs, like the sword-tip, are efficient for digging hard ground, while square shovels are great for scooping leaf litter, fertilizer, or asphalt. Window shovels with holes are ideal for digging in clayey soil or sifting out large stones.

Features of Aluminum Shovel


Advantages of aluminum shovels include their lightweight, corrosion-resistant nature, making them easier to handle for various tasks like excavation and carrying heavy materials. They come in a wide range of shapes and sizes, allowing for selection based on specific needs. Their heat-resistant and rust-resistant properties make them excellent for outdoor use, reducing user fatigue in demanding tasks.


The main drawback of aluminum shovels is their weaker mechanical strength compared to steel, making them prone to chipping or bending in hard conditions. They are also susceptible to abrasion, although there are hardened, wear-resistant products available. Aluminum’s high thermal conductivity may cause snow to stick to the shovel. However, this issue can be addressed with silicon spray.

Types of Aluminum Shovel

Aluminum shovels are classified based on their blade tip shape:

  • Square Shovel: Flat tip for scooping and carrying materials like gravel.
  • Sword-Tip Shovel: Triangular tip, best for digging into soil and biting into hard ground.
  • Spade-Shaped Shovel: Spade-like tip, slightly curved toward the end.
  • Window Shovel: Perforated blade, lighter and ideal for clayey or wet soil.
  • Coal Shovel: Dustpan-like shape with raised edges, suitable for scooping many items at once.

How to Choose an Aluminum Shovel

When choosing an aluminum shovel, the shape of the shovel’s head is a key factor. Determine whether you need a shovel for digging or for scooping and moving materials. A sword-tip shovel is recommended for versatility, as it is suitable for both digging and carrying various materials. It may not have the large capacity of a square shovel, but it offers dual functionality.



¿Qué es el Maltol?

El maltol es un compuesto cetónico-éter-alcohólico cíclico de fórmula química C6H6O3.

Es un cristal blanco y su solución tiene un elegante olor dulce, similar al del caramelo o la patata asada. Es soluble en acetona y prácticamente insoluble en agua. De forma natural, se encuentra en árboles como la corteza de alerce y las agujas de pino, así como en el trigo, la soja y la mantequilla.

Debido a su seguridad demostrada, se utiliza ampliamente en aditivos alimentarios y aplicaciones farmacéuticas y se produce industrialmente.

Usos del Maltol

El maltol se utiliza principalmente en la industria alimentaria. Por ejemplo, se utiliza como aromatizante alimentario para dar al pan y los pasteles un aroma y sabor a recién horneado y como aromatizante de frutas. También se utiliza para mejorar el sabor de bebidas alcohólicas como la cerveza. También se ha demostrado su inocuidad en la alimentación animal.

También se utiliza como intermedio farmacéutico (API) en la fabricación de productos farmacéuticos y como agente aromatizante en la industria cosmética y de cuidado personal.



¿Qué es la Magnesita?

La magnesita es un mineral compuesto principalmente por carbonato de magnesio (MgCO3 ), un carbonato de magnesio. En Japón también se conoce como ryo-kudo-ko o ryo-kudoseki.

La Magnesita es una sustancia blanca opaca con una dureza de 3,5-4,5. Se tiñe fácilmente. Se tiñe con facilidad.

Cuando la magnesita se calcina a unos 1000ºC, el dióxido de carbono se desprende de su componente principal, el carbonato de magnesio, para dar óxido de magnesio (MgO).

Usos de la Magnesita

La magnesita se utiliza principalmente en aplicaciones en las que se trata térmicamente para producir óxido de magnesio. El óxido de magnesio obtenido a partir de la magnesita mediante tratamiento térmico se conoce como “magnesita quemada ligera”, es muy reactiva y se utiliza en diversas aplicaciones.

La Magnesita se utiliza como materia prima para agentes de eliminación y se emplea para eliminar el dióxido de azufre de los gases de combustión generados en las fábricas.

La Magnesita de calcinación ligera también se utiliza como endurecedor de suelos. Actúa como endurecedor a través del hidróxido de magnesio, que se desencadena por reacción con el agua del suelo y acaba convirtiéndose en carbonato de magnesio. Se utiliza principalmente en el sector agrícola por ser respetuoso con el medio ambiente.



What Is Flusulfamide?

Flusulfamide is a soil fungicide primarily used to control diseases in crops. It is effective against potato blight in potatoes and other root crops, and root-knot blight in cabbage, broccoli, and other cruciferous crops. The active ingredient is 0.30% flusulfamide.

This benzene sulfonanilide fungicide is known for its environmentally friendly toxicity, as it is not classified as a poisonous, toxic, or deleterious substance.

Flusulfamide is applicable for crops such as cabbage, Chinese cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, turnips, and radishes against root-knot disease. It is also used for potatoes and burdock rootworm control.

Uses of Flusulfamide

Available in powder, fine granule, and liquid forms, Flusulfamide is used for soil disinfection. The powder or granules should be applied and mixed with the soil using a hoe or tractor. A depth of 10 to 15 cm is usually sufficient, as pathogens are most common on the soil surface.

After application, planting can proceed immediately. Flusulfamide is effective in controlling bacterial blight and root-knot blight, with pathogens often residing in the soil.

1. Potato Blight

Potato blight affects root crops, particularly potatoes, and is caused by soil-dwelling bacteria. It thrives in hot, dry, and alkaline conditions, leading to rough crop surfaces and lesions on leaves and fruit. This disease can slow plant growth and reduce yields.

Additionally, flusulfamide can control powdery mildew, another disease affecting potatoes in humid conditions.

2. Root-Knot Disease

Root-knot disease creates bumps on the roots of cruciferous vegetables and is caused by fungi. Symptoms include wilting leaves and stems, with roots developing large bumps that inhibit water and nutrient absorption, eventually killing the plant. This disease is more prevalent in humid or poorly drained soils.

Features of Flusulfamide


  • Effectively controls pathogens dormant in soil over long periods.
  • Registered for a wide range of Brassica crops, allowing for versatile use.
  • Enables immediate planting post-application, facilitating smooth agricultural operations.


  • High costs for chemicals and spraying equipment.
  • While inhibiting germination and release of dormant spores, it doesn’t reduce pathogen spore density, requiring careful management.

Other Information on Flusulfamide

Precautions for Use

  • Tillage is necessary after spraying to ensure proper soil mixing before seeding or planting.
  • Usage limitations exist per cultivation cycle and for the total number of applications of Flusulfamide.
  • The product has a shelf life of 5 years; it must be used within this timeframe.
  • Protective gear like gloves and masks should be worn during application, especially with powder form in windy conditions, to avoid skin, eye, and respiratory exposure.