
Water and Oil Resistant Coating Agent

What Is a Water- and Oil-Resistant Coating Agent?

Water- and oil-resistant coating agents, typically solutions of dissolved fluoropolymers, are applied to surfaces to impart water- and oil-repellent properties. Easily applied by brushing or dipping, these agents can dry at room temperature.

Uses of Water- and Oil-Resistant Coating Agents

These agents are widely used across various industries and in everyday items that require water and oil repellence. Common applications include enhancing touch panels with water and oil repellence, preventing fingerprints, serving as waterproofing sprays for textiles like silk and cotton, and providing protection for industrial components like bearings in mini motors and barriers in HDD fluid dynamic bearings.

Additionally, they are applied for waterproofing materials such as wood and leather.

Principle of Water and Oil Resistant Coating Agents

The primary component, fluorine, forms stable C-F bonds resulting in low surface tension, making these coatings repellent to water and oil, which have higher surface tensions. This property is quantified as the contact angle, reflecting the wettability of a surface. A larger contact angle indicates superior water and oil repellence.

What Is Super-hydrophobicity?

Super-hydrophobicity refers to an extreme level of water repellence, differentiated from standard water repellence by a higher contact angle.

Types of Water and Oil Resistant Coating Agents

Various types of water- and oil-resistant coating agents exist:

  • Non-flammable solvents: Safe and non-flammable.
  • Water-based coatings: Dilutable with water or alcohol, requiring no curing.
  • Petroleum-based solvents: Offers superior cost performance.

Recent developments include agents without C8 telomere or fluorine, responding to environmental and health concerns related to PFOA impurities in traditional fluorinated agents.

Examples of Water and Oil Resistant Coating Agents

These agents are commonly used in the inkjet printing industry. They prevent ink clogs when applied inside inkjet printer nozzles. Similarly, they are used inside ink cartridges to ensure efficient ink delivery without internal adhesion. Their suitability for plastic components like ink cartridges, without the need for heating or special treatment, makes them especially useful.


Display Glare Measuring Device

What Is a Display Glare Measuring Device?

A display glare measuring device assesses the degree of glare on the screens of TVs, smartphones, and other devices. This glare, seen as fine bright spots flickering on a display, results from surface irregularities acting as lenses, causing variations in brightness and color. Factors like dirt, sebum, and fine pixel density can exacerbate glare, making accurate quantitative evaluation increasingly important.

Uses of Display Glare Measuring Devices

These devices evaluate glare and resolution characteristics of various displays, including 8K/4K TVs, monitors, projectors, smartphones, tablets, large displays, and in-vehicle systems. They are essential for assessing anti-glare films applied to PCs and smartphone screens, which can also contribute to glare due to surface irregularities affecting light emission.

Principle of Display Glare Measuring Devices

Display glare measuring devices use cameras to photograph the display surface. They measure luminance non-uniformity, calculating a glare rating value based on the glare pattern’s frequency distribution. A lower glare rating indicates less luminance variation and reduced glare. The process involves photographing the display with a CCD camera, then dividing the standard deviation of the luminance distribution by the mean value from the image, displayed as a percentage. The measurement accuracy is influenced by the position of the camera lens aperture and the measurement surface on the display.

Countermeasure Against Display Glare

To mitigate glare, anti-glare films are applied to display surfaces. These films reduce glare from lighting and enhance image contrast. Low glare AG films, suitable for high-definition displays like smartphones, offer smooth touch panel operation and fingerprint resistance, effectively reducing glare even on OLED displays.

Display Glare Measurement Standards

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has initiated standardization for display glare contrast measurement.

Manufacturers of Display Glare Measuring Devices

Few manufacturers specialize in display glare measuring devices.

DM&S, a German company, offers the SMS-1000 system, which measures glare and evaluates sharpness, anti-glare, and transmission characteristics, adhering to IEC and ASTM standards. The system is recognized globally for its accuracy and ease of use. Topcon Technohouse Corporation’s SR-5100 2D spectroradiometer spectrally analyzes images and quantitatively evaluates glare and glare contrast, expressing the glare contrast value as a coefficient of variation.


Display MTF Measurement System

What Is a Display MTF Measurement System?

Display MTF Measurement Systems

A display modulation transfer function (MTF) measurement system is a device for assessing display resolution using MTF, a spatial frequency characteristic of optical systems, commonly found in displays.

Display resolution depends on factors beyond pixel count and scanning lines, such as pixel arrangement, luminance, contrast, gamma characteristics, color reproduction range, color temperature, and white balance. MTF is a theoretically solid method for evaluating overall system resolution, from TV camera lenses to transmission systems, display characteristics, and human visual perception.

Optical property evaluation of displays includes glare, sharpness, anti-glare, and transmission distribution. Sharpness, or the blurriness of an image, is assessed using point spread function (PSF), line spread function (LSF), and amplitude transfer function (MTF).

MTF is plotted against spatial frequency, with higher values indicating better transfer characteristics and less blur.

Uses of Display MTF Measurement Systems

Display MTF measurement systems evaluate the sharpness of displays and their components, serving as vital quality control tools.

They are particularly used for assessing LCD panels in devices like 4K/8K TVs, cell phones, PCs, in-vehicle systems, and measuring instruments. MTF measurement features high accuracy, cost-effectiveness, and ease of operation.

Principle of Display MTF Measurement Systems

In MTF measurement, the input signal from a camera maintains a constant amplitude at high frequencies, with the output amplitude decreasing with increasing frequency. This output is the MTF.

MTF can be measured using three methods: slit, edge, and chart methods.

1. Slit Method

This method involves capturing a metal slit image and performing a Fourier transform. It is primarily used in the United States and requires relatively expensive test devices.

2. Edge Method

The edge method, recommended by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), calculates MTF by Fourier transforming an edge image to obtain the LSF.

3. Chart Method

The chart method captures a square wave test pattern, corrects it to obtain the input/output contrast ratio of a sine wave, and is commonly used in Japan and Europe due to lower test device costs.

Features of Display MTF Measurement Systems

Display MTF measurement systems, combined with a signal generator and a measurement camera, can evaluate display MTF effectively. They can also measure graininess, luminance uniformity, and gradation curve with high accuracy.

Display MTF Measurement Systems Manufacturers

Few manufacturers specialize in display MTF measurement systems.

DM&S, a German company, offers the SMS-1000, measuring glare and evaluating sharpness, anti-glare, and transmission characteristics. Astrodesign Inc. provides the DT series, developed in collaboration with NHK, for real-time MTF measurement of displays. S.S. Giken Co., Ltd. offers the NS-2002 system, evaluating resolution, graininess, and tonality of X-ray display images using MTF.


Automated Quotation Creation

What Is Automated Quotation Creation?

The manufacturing industry, historically focused on efficiency improvements on the manufacturing floor, now recognizes the potential for significant productivity and workflow enhancements in the sales department. Automated quotation creation has emerged as a key driver for these improvements.

These systems employ AI and other tools to automatically calculate prices and format quotations, addressing inefficiencies in traditional, experience-based quotation processes often undertaken by various levels of staff, including executives.

Automated quotation systems have been developed to address issues such as high-cost quotes and administrative overload on senior staff, hindering future planning and execution.

Key types of automated quotation systems include:

  • Systems that generate quotes based on past machining results.
  • Systems that calculate quotes by inputting machining information into drawing feature elements.

Uses of Automated Quotation Creation

Automated quotation systems replace human experience with AI or logic-based algorithms for quoting manufacturing drawings. This standardizes drawing processes and expedites budgeting, benefiting various industry players, from parts suppliers to large clients and trading companies.

Primary applications span multiple sectors:


  • Major manufacturers, assembly manufacturers, and parts and material trading companies – Similar drawing searches.
  • Small and medium-sized parts manufacturers – Automatic quotations.

Main Machining Processes in Automatic Quotation

Main Target Fields

  • Industrial machinery.
  • Vehicles.
  • Semiconductor.
  • Home appliances, OA.
  • Medical.
  • Aerospace.

One type of automated quotation system specializes in quote generation with a user-friendly interface, enabling easy and accurate quotations by anyone. Cloud-based management enhances the flow from creation to confirmation.

The other, integrated with ERP, links quotation creation with production and business systems, facilitating communication across departments.

Some systems combine both functionalities, particularly benefiting the manufacturing sector by lowering costs and focusing on core tasks.

Automated systems reduce communication costs compared to traditional methods like fax, ensuring prompt, error-free price transmission via cloud-based management and electronic commerce.

Principles of Automated Quotation Creation

Automated quotation systems generally employ two calculation methods:

  • Calculation based on past machining results.
  • Calculation by inputting machining information into drawing feature elements.

Systems based on past results become increasingly accurate with AI learning, covering most estimates. They offer easy and quick estimation, but may initially lack precision until a sufficient database is built.

The second type, requiring more skill and time due to detailed process calculations, provides high accuracy from the onset.

Both systems should be chosen based on their alignment with a company’s fundamental sales challenges.

Key information for automated quotation includes quotation number, creation date, expiration date, customer name, product unit price, total amount, and past performance data. Additional data varies depending on the system type, with cloud-based systems offering mobile access and training opportunities.

Security considerations are crucial, especially for cloud-managed systems.

Advantages of Automated Quotation Creation

1. Focus on Human Resource Development

Automating quotations frees up time for staff training and knowledge sharing, eliminating reliance on specific individuals for quotation tasks.

2. Improvement of Quotation Accuracy

Systems using past data and AI learning provide more accurate estimates, enabling even novices to create precise quotations.

3. Strengthen Sales and Product Development

EDI-equipped systems help understand product and personnel performance, aiding in resource allocation and informing strategic decisions.

Benefits of Automated Quotation Creation

Automated quotation creation offers diverse benefits across various company roles:

Sales Employee Perspective

  • Reduction in manpower shortages.
  • Decrease in overtime.
  • Increased rate of productive work.

Sales Manager Perspective

  • Quicker quotation responses.
  • Consistency in quotations.
  • Enhanced sales analysis.

Management Perspective

  • Cost reduction.
  • Improved employee satisfaction, aiding recruitment.

Competitive Advantage

  1. Increasing order acceptance by providing faster quotations than competitors.
  2. Reducing labor and SG & A costs through efficient quotation processes.
  3. Accumulating data for accurate pricing, further enhanced by AI learning.
  4. Simplifying quotation creation and submission processes, allowing focus on primary tasks.

Drawing Search System

What Is a Drawing Search System?

In the manufacturing industry, drawing search systems register and manage company drawings in a database, enabling quick retrieval based on past data.

These systems are predominantly used in sales, design, and procurement departments to streamline the extraction of past drawings.

Recent advancements incorporate AI technology, making these systems simpler, more accurate, and user-friendly for searching reference and similar drawings.

Typically, a drawing search system consists of a PC and a database (DB) server or cloud storage.

By entering master data such as customer, product, quotation information, and prices during the drawing import process, AI learns from past data, allowing multifaceted immediate searches and significant operational improvements.

Many companies still rely on paper-based drawing storage, leading to issues like lost or bulky drawings that are difficult to locate. Drawing search systems address these challenges.

Uses of Drawing Search Systems

Drawing search systems serve two primary purposes:

  • Preventing redundant design and manufacture of similar products.
  • Facilitating rapid budgeting.

Key application areas include:


  • Large manufacturers.
  • Assembly manufacturers.
  • Parts and materials trading companies.
  • Small and medium-sized parts manufacturers.

Major Machining in Similar Drawing Searches

Main Fields

  • Industrial machinery.
  • Vehicles.
  • Semiconductor.
  • Home appliances, office automation.
  • Medical.
  • Aerospace.

Principles of Drawing Search Systems

Modern systems for similar drawing searches, primarily for PDF 2D drawings, use three major calculation methods.

1. AI-Based Shape Recognition and Calculation

Pros: No human effort; accuracy increases with data volume.
Cons: Requires substantial data.

2. Manual Recognition and Calculation

Pros: Quick calculation of similar products.
Cons: Time and effort-intensive.

3. Model-Based Calculation

Pros: Generally more accurate.
Cons: Cost-benefit analysis required.

Drawings and results are stored on DB servers or, increasingly, cloud services, given server storage limits.

PDF is the prevalent format for importing drawings. Converting paper drawings to PDF for system import streamlines similar drawing searches.

General Procedure for Searching Similar Drawings

  1. Import PDF drawings and enter relevant data.
  2. Drawing search and retrieval – AI displays drawings with similar features or attributes from newly imported drawings.
  3. Utilization of past drawings and data – Visualize past quotes and processes for retrieved drawings. AI feedback improves search accuracy. The system also aggregates data on customer, machine, product, and personnel performance, aiding in loss analysis and resource optimization.
  4. Linking to ordering and production management systems – Extract project data as CSV files for integration with order management systems.

Benefits of Drawing Search Systems

Key benefits of implementing a drawing search system include:

1. Streamlining and Standardizing Design Work

Reusing similar past drawings accelerates design work and reduces the need for scratch designing. The system also facilitates error prevention and supports paperless operations.

2. Expedited Budgeting and Price Quotations

Quick retrieval of drawing and supplier data speeds up budgeting and price adjustments, streamlining the quotation process.

3. Enhancing Production and Sales Efficiency

Data analysis capabilities integrated into production management systems improve productivity, allowing departments to focus on their core functions.


Factory Digitalization

What Is Factory Digitalization?

Factory digitalization (DX) refers to the use of digital technology to break away from the analog aspects of the manufacturing industry and increase corporate advantage. It is also known as Manufacturing DX.

The term “DX” was coined by a Swedish university professor in 2004.

In Japan, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) created “Guidelines for Promoting DX” in 2018, and it is spreading throughout the country, but some companies are not familiar with it due to the nature of the manufacturing industry.

In fact, as of 2022, 65% of the manufacturing industry in the U.S. and Germany will have adopted DX, while only 13% of the manufacturing industry in Japan will have done so.

Therefore, the business environment is changing dramatically in Japan’s manufacturing industry today, and the ability to respond flexibly using digital technology is required.

Factory digitalization can sometimes bring about more than improvements in the manufacturing sector by DXing not only the manufacturing sector, but also upstream areas such as development, design, and sales from a strategic point of view.

For example, automation of quotation and extraction of drawings from past results can significantly improve efficiency, reduce SG&A expenses, increase order rates, and build competitive advantage.

Furthermore, feedback from the shop floor (factory) to sales, and from sales to the shop floor, can be used to improve productivity, reduce SG&A and labor costs, and get on with the work that needs to be done.

Uses of Factory Digitalization

There are many examples of factory digitalization, which can be divided into three main categories.

Example 1: Machinery and Equipment Manufacturers, Machine Tool Manufacturers

This is a case in which a single production management system is used to integrate the engineering of machines and automated processes from design to manufacturing, a supply chain that can flexibly respond to production in the face of recent material shortages and rising prices for single parts, and a management system for reusing performance data from human operators for similar products. This is a case of integrating a supply chain that can flexibly handle production in the face of rising prices for parts and materials.

In this case, the system can be more effective in improving and stabilizing quality and preventing accidents due to mistakes.

Case 2: Electrical Equipment Manufacturer

By introducing a system that simplifies and visualizes the business process from the receipt of an order to design, manufacturing, shipping, and delivery of a product at the company’s factory, it is possible to review the flow of order and supply management by paper or e-mail and process management at the factory’s manufacturing site, and to improve the company’s ability to secure human resources and reduce long overtime work. This will also clarify areas for corporate improvement, such as securing human resources and reducing long overtime work.

In other cases, the introduction of a delivery date management system, in which production plans are made in advance in anticipation of the quantities that customers will need in the future and products are not made in excess of what is required, in an environment of material shortages, component prices, and fluctuating prices, has had a significant effect, increasing sales by strengthening internal cooperation systems.

Case 3: Parts Manufacturer and Parts Processor

This is a case study of the most downstream part of the commercial flow.

By creating clear sales figures and data by customer, machine, product, and person in charge, it becomes possible to clearly identify the strengths and weaknesses of the company.

For example, if the order rate for Company A is good, but the order rate for Company B is declining, the company can immediately identify key areas for improvement and take measures for the next time.

In addition, as a common point between 1 and 2, it can improve quality and speed, simplify paper-based communication such as fax, secure human resources, and reduce long hours of overtime work.

Principle of Factory Digitalization

Factory digitalization are about creating new added value by making full use of AI and digitalization, and revolutionizing existing businesses through overwhelming efficiency gains through visualization and automation. It is also about changing the value of the customer experience and transforming it into a better business model.

There is one key point in the process of transformation. This is because it is necessary to proceed with reform gradually, in stages, rather than converting from analog to digital operations all at once.

There are three basic steps.

1. Use of In-House Data

The first step is to collect and analyze data within the company. By attaching sensors or barcodes to each manufacturing facility, machine, order form, etc., or by incorporating process management software, data must be collected to determine the amount of orders received by sales, the time from sales to the manufacturing site, the process at the manufacturing site, and shipping after production, etc.

By analyzing the data, it is possible to reduce unnecessary costs incurred within the company and find factors that may have contributed to quality problems, thereby facilitating improvements.

2. Automatic Improvement for the Next Time

Second, after analyzing data on the factors that caused the problem, digital technology can be used to automatically devise a remedy.

The system automatically derives the precursors to breakdowns and factors that cause quality degradation of machines installed at manufacturing sites using light sensors, temperature sensors, and other devices. As a result, machines can be replaced before they break down and quality can be assured.

3. AI and the Work That Should Be Done by Humans

Third, by delegating to machines and AI all tasks that can be replaced by people, the work that must be done by people can be done by human eyes and hands, and the production site can be reborn as a production site that can efficiently produce new products with stable high quality and create new value.

The Benefits of Factory Digitalization

1. Create New Customer Experiences and Generate Revenue From the Added Value

Factory digitalization makes it easier for executives and managers to conduct analysis that will be useful in the future. The strategies and tactics generated from this analysis can create new value that can expand the scope of differentiation from other companies and emphasize their strengths.

For example, by introducing factory digitalization, salespeople can leave the quotation work to AI and spend their time visiting customers. This allows them to listen to the needs and opinions of their customers.

For design and manufacturing departments, AI can be entrusted with the same tasks as in the sales department, such as estimating, and delivery date management and inventory control can be managed by the system, making it easier to concentrate on the design and development of new products.

2. Focus on Human Resource Development

By delegating tasks that do not necessarily need to be done by humans to machines or AI, more time can be freed up. This time can be used to train new employees.

3. Increase Profits

By analyzing data, it becomes possible to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the company, and to know which products to propose to which customers at which time, making it easier to create an environment that generates profits while increasing productivity.

The above three points are expected to be effective in the implementation of factory digitalization.

This article was supervised by REVOX Corporation, which manufactures and sells Factory DX.


Hydrogen Inhalation Device

What Is a Hydrogen Inhalation Device?

Hydrogen Inhalation Devices

Hydrogen inhalation devices enable users to inhale hydrogen gas through the nose, increasing hydrogen intake into the body.

These devices come in two varieties: ones that emit only hydrogen gas and others that emit both hydrogen and oxygen gas. They are available for both home and commercial use.

While devices emitting oxygen gas can benefit individuals with severe pneumonia, there’s a concern about lung damage risk in healthy people. Higher flow rates, although not necessarily better for the body, may cause nasal discomfort.

Uses of Hydrogen Inhalation Devices

Hydrogen inhalation devices are utilized in hydrogen inhalation therapy, an advanced medical technology. This therapy aims to improve the neurological condition of patients with post-cardiac arrest syndrome.

It targets patients who have regained their own heartbeat after an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, specifically those presumed to have experienced a cardiogenic cardiac arrest.

In the intensive care unit, eligible comatose patients, post-resumption of heartbeat, inhale 2% hydrogenated oxygen for 18 hours using a ventilator. This treatment follows intensive care guidelines. The inhalation of hydrogen gas is anticipated to protect brain cells and life, aiding patients’ return to society, a significant medical goal.

Principle of Hydrogen Inhalation Devices

Hydrogen inhalation devices operate based on the following principles:

1. Hydrogen Gas Generation Method

The predominant method for producing high-purity hydrogen is water electrolysis.

An electrolytic tank, containing an anode and cathode separated by an ion-exchange membrane, facilitates this reaction.

For the highest purity hydrogen, platinum catalyst electrodes are used. Continuous voltage application to these electrodes triggers water electrolysis.

At the anode, water molecules lose electrons, producing oxygen molecules and hydrogen ions. The generated oxygen is safely released into the atmosphere from the generator‘s rear.

Hydrogen ions, passing through the ion-exchange membrane to the cathode, combine with electrons to form hydrogen molecules. The membrane separates hydrogen from oxygen, allowing only hydrogen molecules to pass through.

2. Inhalation Method

The advanced medical technology-certified method uses a nasal cannula. This cannula, typically 3 to 5 mm in diameter, is the thinnest type and is inserted into the trachea through the nasal cavity.


Vacuum Circuit Breakers

What Is a Vacuum Circuit Breaker?

Vacuum circuit breakers (VCBs) are devices used to interrupt circuits during malfunctions in equipment or power systems.

Capable of interrupting all current types, including short-circuit, load, and overcurrent, VCBs excel in performance among circuit breakers. In the event of current surges reaching several thousand to tens of thousands of amperes, VCBs can extinguish the arc discharge and break the circuit. They are commonly used in large-scale, high-voltage power receiving and transforming facilities.

Uses of Vacuum Circuit Breakers

VCBs protect circuits from accidental currents and break circuits during abnormal currents. Preferred in high current scenarios, they are a cost-effective choice for high-voltage substations’ switchboards. Typical installations include substations, large factories, and commercial facilities.

As VCBs alone cannot detect abnormal currents, they are typically paired with an overcurrent relay for signal reception and automatic current interruption.

Principle of Vacuum Circuit Breakers

VCBs contain a vacuum valve with high vacuum levels, ranging from 10-3Pa to 10-5Pa. The valve includes two fixed and two movable electrodes forming a contact point, separating upon detection of abnormalities.

Interrupting the current requires separating the circuit contacts, generating an arc flash. To prevent potential fires or damage from arc discharge at high temperatures, VCBs use a vacuum environment to diffuse and extinguish arcs. When the electrodes in the vacuum valve separate, the arc dissipates spontaneously.

Regular maintenance of the vacuum valve mechanism in VCBs is essential to ensure reliability during emergencies. Unlike fuses that require replacement after each use, VCBs are reusable and notably quiet during operation.

Types of Vacuum Circuit Breakers

VCBs come in two types: fixed and pull-out, with variations including manual and electric spring types.

Differences in Mounting Method

Fixed VCBs are mounted directly onto the panel with N, R, and P installation directions. Compact yet requiring primary and secondary power shutdown for maintenance or breakdowns, they differ from pull-out VCBs, which are mounted on wheels for easy main circuit connection and disconnection. Pull-out VCBs simplify maintenance by only needing secondary side disconnection and are generally more expensive.

Differences Between Spring Types

VCBs use springs to physically break contacts. Manual spring VCBs involves energizing a mainspring by turning a handle, while the electric spring type employs a motor for spring loading. The electric variant is typically more costly. In both, the contacts remain open post-activation, requiring spring re-loading for restoration.

Other Variants

There are also tank VCBs, which are partially vacuumed gas circuit breakers used in larger substations.

How to Select Vacuum Circuit Breakers

When selecting VCBs, consider the rated interrupting current and capacity, ensuring they match the equipment’s requirements without exceeding the circuit’s short-circuit interrupting current. Overestimating this current can lead to accidents. This current can be provided by the power company or calculated considering wiring impedance.

Also, ensure the selected model fits the distribution panel’s shape.


Codificador Absoluto

¿Qué es un Codificador Absoluto?

Un codificadores absolutos es un codificador que emite un ángulo absoluto desde el origen.

Un codificador es un dispositivo que convierte los cambios de posición en una señal eléctrica y la emite. Absoluto (absolute) es un adjetivo inglés que significa “absoluto”. Se envía una señal específica en función del ángulo actual, de modo que se puede comprobar el ángulo actual sin ninguna información angular previa.

Se utiliza cuando es necesario detectar el ángulo inmediatamente después del encendido o cuando hay que garantizar la fiabilidad de la detección del ángulo, y la mayoría de los Codificadores absolutos utilizan Codificadores ópticos.

Usos de los Codificadores Absolutos

Debido a la alta fiabilidad de la detección de ángulos, el uso de codificadores absolutos se está extendiendo rápidamente en el campo de la robótica. Algunas aplicaciones específicas son

  • Robots de brazo articulado
  • Robots quirúrgicos remotos
  • Máquinas herramienta para componentes de precisión
  • Robots industriales para líneas de producción de automóviles
  • Equipos industriales de entrega de productos
  • Movimientos de las articulaciones de manos y pies para Robots cooperativos

Dado que se espera que los robots de teleoperación evolucionen rápidamente en consonancia con la creciente sofisticación de los sistemas de control en el futuro, es probable que aumente la necesidad de codificadores absolutos.

Principio de los Codificadores Absolutos

Los codificadores absolutos tienen un disco con una pequeña ranura en el eje giratorio, que es leído por un sensor óptico. La estructura es similar a la de un CD fijado al eje. Esta estructura permite al encóder leer con precisión la posición del disco y emitir el ángulo actual, incluso en el momento en que se conecta la alimentación.

Sin embargo, el mecanismo de lectura del ángulo es más complejo y, por tanto, más caro que un codificador de detección de ángulo relativo. También existen métodos de transmisión de señales digitales y analógicas.

  • Método Digital de Eliminación de Ruido
    El método digital es más robusto, pero requiere más líneas de señal. Si se utiliza una comunicación de transmisión como la comunicación serie, se puede reducir el número de líneas de señal. Sin embargo, pueden producirse retrasos en la comunicación y se necesitan transmisores/receptores dedicados tanto para el transmisor como para el receptor.
  • Método Analógico
    Se utilizan dos líneas de señal y no se producen retrasos, pero este método es vulnerable al ruido durante la transmisión.

En función de las características anteriores, es necesario seleccionar un método de transmisión que se adapte al propósito.

Otra Información sobre Codificadores Absolutos

1. Utilización del Código Gris en los Codificadores Absolutos

Existen codificadores absolutos de tipo magnético y óptico, siendo el tipo óptico el más común. El código gris se utiliza a menudo como técnica de codificación para discos giratorios de tipo óptico.

El código gris es un tipo de codificación numérica conocido como código binario alterno. Es un tipo de codificación en el que los bits vecinos cambian sólo un bit. Se utilizan para garantizar la fiabilidad: si dos o más bits cambian simultáneamente, no se puede garantizar la fiabilidad de la señal debido a problemas de precisión; si sólo cambia un bit, es posible evitar la lectura errónea de la señal.

Para convertir un número binario normal en un código gris, el valor binario se desplaza un carácter a la derecha y se toma una disyunción exclusiva con el valor binario original. Por ejemplo, la representación binaria de 6 en decimal es 0110. Si se desplaza un bit a la derecha se obtiene 0011; la OR exclusiva de 0110 y 0011 es 0101. Este es el código gris del 6 en decimal.

2. Codificadores Absolutos sin Batería

Existen codificadores absolutos sin batería para servomotores. Los codificadores absolutos detectan la posición absoluta con una pequeña ranura y almacenan la información de posición en la batería, de modo que no es necesario volver a la posición inicial cuando se desconecta y se vuelve a conectar la alimentación. Sin embargo, como funcionan con pilas, es necesario realizar un mantenimiento debido a la duración de éstas.

Para compensar este inconveniente, varios fabricantes ofrecen codificadores absolutos sin batería. El principio de funcionamiento sin pilas varía de una empresa a otra, pero un ejemplo es el uso de memoria no volátil. Cuando el motor gira, los imanes unidos al eje giran juntos y generan su propia energía. La energía generada se utiliza para escribir la información de posición en la memoria no volátil, con lo que se consigue un sistema sin pilas.


Earthquake Early Warning Transmitter

What Is an Earthquake Early Warning Transmitter?

Earthquake Early Warning Transmitters

An earthquake early warning transmitter is a device that receives and transmits earthquake early warnings. There are two types of Earthquake Early Warning System (EWS) alerts: warnings and forecasts. A warning is issued for seismic waves detected at multiple stations with an expected maximum intensity of 5 or lower. A forecast is released when P-waves or S-waves exceed 100 gals at any station, with a magnitude of 3.5 or more or an expected maximum intensity of 3 or more. These forecasts are updated for accuracy and transmitted by earthquake early warning transmitters to display predicted seismic intensity and arrival time, controlling devices like elevators and building announcement systems.

Uses of Earthquake Early Warning Transmitters

Earthquake early warnings are transmitted through TV, radio, and cell phones, or via specialized transmitters. Transmitters, distributed by a licensed forecasting service provider, deliver both warnings and forecasts, offering faster and more accurate information. These transmitters are utilized in homes, stores, offices, buildings, factories, transportation facilities, and schools, with some types even notifying apartment intercoms.

Principle of Earthquake Early Warning Transmitters

Seismic waves consist of initial microtremors known as P-waves and main tremors known as S-waves. P-waves travel faster and are detected first, allowing prediction of the epicenter, seismic intensity, and arrival time, which are announced as early warnings. Transmitters receive these signals, calculate intensity and arrival time, and promptly transmit this information to users.

Features of Earthquake Early Warning Transmitters

These transmitters activate easily via an internet connection, notifying users with audiovisual alerts. Optional child units can be connected for wider coverage. They can be assigned fixed IP addresses for integration into corporate networks and interlinked with in-house broadcasting systems, making them suitable for large buildings and factories. Some models include built-in seismometers for faster response.

There are two types of transmitters: internet-based and FM radio wave-based. The latter is useful when internet access is blocked, although they mainly transmit warnings only.

General and Advanced Use of Earthquake Early Warnings

General warnings are issued through TV, radio, and cell phones without specific details like arrival time. Advanced use involves specialized transmitters providing detailed on-screen and voice information, including seismic intensity and arrival time, for precise locations. They can be interlinked with external devices for comprehensive safety measures.

Earthquake Early Warning Plum Method

The propagation of local undamped motion (PLUM) method, more accurately predicts seismic intensity for large earthquakes with a wide epicenter area. Earthquake early warnings are issued based on the higher prediction from either the PLUM method or the conventional method.