




一方、個人差や体調の影響を受け易いという欠点があるため、客観的定量的な測定には不向きで、あまり測定精度を必要とされない場合や物理測色法には不向きな場合 (例えば、空の色、海の色) に利用されることがあります。

物理測色法は、肉眼に代わる物理眼 (センサー等) を用いて、予め約束された照明および受光の条件下で照明したときの色を測定する方法で、色彩計を使用します。





色彩計により色を数値で表すと都合が良いのは、主に工業製品で同じ色を生産する場合です。日本の工業製品は工業標準化法に基づいて制定された日本工業規格 (英: Japanese Industrial Standards, JIS) で分野別に認められる色の範囲が決まっているため、色彩管理の信頼度が高いです。認められる色は、範囲が狭い分野から順に概ね次のようになります。






1. 刺激値直読型

刺激値直読型は、網膜上の3種の視細胞に相当する3つのセンサーを有し、測色値演算部 は色を知覚する脳に相当しています。3つのセンサーで直接3つの刺激値X、Y、Zを測定して色を判定します。この方式では、国際照明委員会CIEが規定した標準イルミナント (標準光源) に近い分光分布の照明で、CIE測色標準観測者の等色関数に近い分光感度のセンサーで測定する必要があります。

2. 分光型





1. 刺激値直読型



2. 分光型

分光型は、試料に照明光源を照射して、反射した光を複数の分光センサー (一般に数十個程度で、製品によって異なる。) で波長ごとに受け、コンピュータが演算して3つの刺激値X、Y、Zを算出します。



Bird Net

What Is a Bird Net?

A bird net is a netting material designed to prevent birds from accessing areas such as balconies, agricultural fields, and trash disposal sites. It serves as a barrier against birds, thereby protecting crops, and properties, and preventing garbage scavenging.

Uses of Bird Nets

Bird nets are primarily employed to deter birds from entering specific areas, protect crops from damage, and prevent the scattering of trash by birds.

Features of Bird Nets


Bird nets effectively prevent damage caused by birds in various settings. For instance, they protect fruit trees in orchards from bird attacks and prevent bird droppings on property premises, maintaining cleanliness. Additionally, when used over garbage dumps, they stop birds from scavenging and spreading waste.


However, if bird nets are not properly installed or if they fail to deter birds, they may not be effective. Correct installation is critical to ensure that birds do not learn how to bypass the barrier.

Types of Bird Nets

Bird nets are available in various forms, each suited for specific purposes:

1. For Balconies

Bird nets for balconies are often designed to be inconspicuous, not obstructing views. Some are made with thicker threads to reduce the risk of birds getting entangled.

2. For Garbage Dumps

These nets are made with a fine mesh to prevent birds, especially crows, from accessing trash. They are large enough to cover entire garbage areas and are made from durable materials.

3. For Vegetable Gardens

Available in various sizes, bird nets for vegetable gardens should be chosen based on the specific garden dimensions. Select nets that can be cut to fit perfectly and stretched properly to prevent bird access.

How to Choose Bird Nets

When selecting bird nets, consider the following factors:

1. Thickness of Thread

Thicker threads are more durable and less likely to entangle birds, making them suitable for stronger birds and for those who wish to avoid dealing with trapped birds.

2. Mesh Size

The mesh size should be chosen based on the type of bird you are trying to deter. Larger birds like crows can be kept out with larger mesh sizes, while smaller birds require finer meshes.

3. Color

Color options range from transparent to colored. Transparent nets are preferable for balconies to maintain aesthetics. However, they should be sufficiently visible to deter birds effectively.

How to Use Bird Nets

Bird nets can be employed in various ways depending on the location:

1. For Simple Intrusion Blocking

For straightforward bird prevention, hanging the net using a curtain rail can be an effective method. This allows for easy installation and removal as needed.

2. Installation on a Balcony

When installing on a balcony, use a long pole to avoid wall damage, especially in rental properties. Opt for removable fixtures that do not cause permanent alterations.



What Is a Trap?

A trap is a device designed to capture wildlife, often used when direct capture by hand is challenging or dangerous.

Uses of Traps

Traps are commonly employed to capture vermin that negatively impact agriculture, as well as wild cats. They are also useful for retrieving domestic dogs or cats that have escaped. Proper usage of traps is crucial to ensure the captured animals are not harmed.

Characteristics of Traps

1. Advantages

The primary advantage of traps is the safety they provide both to humans and animals. Capturing wild animals, particularly those unaccustomed to human interaction can be hazardous. Traps allow for safe and injury-free handling.

2. Disadvantages

However, traps can be complex to set up effectively. Understanding the target animal’s habits and territory is essential for successful capture. Additionally, placing traps at feeding locations can improve their effectiveness, but this requires time and effort to determine.

Types of Traps

Traps are generally categorized into treadle and hanging types:

1. Treadle Type

Treadle traps feature a board at the base that triggers the entrance door to close when stepped on. Bait is used to lure animals onto the board. However, some animals may avoid the board and access the bait without triggering the trap.

2. Hanging Type

Hanging traps contain a hook for bait at the back. When an animal moves the hook to eat the bait, the door closes. This type can be more effective than treadle traps, as it requires only movement to trigger. However, the presence of the hook can pose an injury risk if the animal becomes agitated inside the trap.

How to Choose Traps

Selection of traps should be based on the animal’s size and behavior:

1. Capturing Cats

For capturing cats, especially for sterilization purposes, long and deep traps are preferred. Cats can be agile, and shallow traps may allow them to escape. Extra caution is needed with wild cats, particularly when using hanging traps, to prevent injury from the hooks.

2. Capturing Moles

Moles, often considered agricultural pests, require specialized tube-shaped traps placed in their tunnels. Their habitual movements through fixed paths are exploited for effective trapping.

3. Capturing Wild Boars

Wild boars, also regarded as vermin in some areas, require large, robust traps. Given their strength and potential for violent behavior, sturdy traps designed specifically for boars are recommended. Safety and preparation for difficult scenarios, like the need for anesthesia, should be considered in advance.

How to Use Traps

General guidelines for trap usage include:

1. Preparing and Setting the Bait

Select and place the appropriate bait in the trap, ensuring the trap functions correctly.

2. Setting up the Trap

Position the trap in a location frequently visited by the target animal or within its known territory.

3. Post-Capture Handling

Once an animal is captured, it should be dealt with promptly. In cases like capturing wild boars, be prepared for aggressive behavior to prevent injury to the animal and handlers.


Glass Recycling Service

What Is a Glass Recycling Service?

Glass recycling service encompasses the process of collecting, processing, and repurposing used and discarded glass materials. Following the Law for Promotion of Effective Utilization of Resources enacted in 2001, the glass industry has emphasized the importance of the 3Rs: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Recycling glass significantly lowers energy consumption by reducing the need to source fresh materials such as silica sand, soda ash, and limestone, all of which require high energy for glass production.

While the recovery rate for beer bottles is impressively close to 100%, other glass items often end up in landfills, underscoring the need for comprehensive glass recycling efforts.

Uses for Glass Recycling Services

Recycled glass, or cullet, finds a new life in various products, from glass bottles to building materials like tiles, flooring, and outdoor furniture. Prioritizing the reuse of glass, particularly through returnable bottles, is crucial for maximizing the efficiency and environmental benefits of glass recycling services.

Principles of Glass Recycling Services

1. Collection and Sorting

Glass items are collected and sorted by color and type to maintain the purity of the recycled material. This step is essential for ensuring that recycled glass can be efficiently processed into cullet.

2. Crushing and Grinding

Sorted glass is then crushed and ground into small pieces, removing any dirt or foreign matter, preparing it for the melting process.

3. Melting and Refining

The crushed glass is melted at high temperatures and refined to remove impurities, returning it to its raw material form for the production of new glass items.

4. Forming and Cooling

The molten glass is shaped into new products and cooled. This versatile process accommodates the production of a wide range of glass items, from bottles to window glass.

Other Information on Glass Recycling Services

1. Benefits of Glass Recycling Service

Recycling glass saves raw materials and significantly reduces CO2 emissions by decreasing the energy required for glass production. It also extends the life of landfills by reducing the volume of waste. However, the benefits are balanced by the need to reduce the weight of glass products to minimize CO2 emissions during transportation and to increase the reuse rate of returnable bottles.

2. Glass Recycling Service Flow by Type

Different types of glass, such as flat glass, bottle glass, automobile glass, and high-performance glass, undergo specific recycling processes to ensure they are repurposed efficiently. Each category requires distinct sorting, cleaning, and processing steps to prepare the glass for its next use, ranging from new bottles to soil conditioners.


Radio Remote Control

What Is a Radio Remote Control?

Radio remote controls enable the wireless operation of objects from a distance without the need for a cable connection. These controls use a teleconverter to transform control signals, such as from switches, into radio waves, transmitting them to a remote location for operation.

Uses of Radio Remote Controls

Radio remote controls are used in a variety of fields, ranging from hobbyist radio-controlled vehicles to industrial and military applications. Hobby devices generally use low-power radios, focusing on cost-effectiveness and user-friendliness rather than safety or durability.

Industrial radio remote control systems, on the other hand, must adhere to strict safety standards and are designed for durability and ease of maintenance. These systems often utilize license-free radio stations and don’t require dedicated radio wave administrators.

They are commonly used in industrial machinery like cranes, bulldozers, excavators, and other heavy equipment, where safety and durability are essential. Industrial remote control devices, known as telecons, are distinct from hobbyist devices.

Principle of Radio Remote Controls

The principles of radio remote control operation are as follows:

1. Industrial Remote Control (Telecon)

An industrial telecontroller system consists of a controller (transmitter), receiver, antenna, and charger. Operators use the controller to send signals, which are received by antennas on machinery like cranes, processed by receivers, and then used to operate the equipment.

2. Hobby Remote Control (Radio Control)

Hobby radio-controlled equipment typically includes a receiver, transmitter, motor, speed controller, steering servo, and battery. Signals from the transmitter are received and used to control the motor and steering mechanisms of the device.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Radio Remote Controls

The primary advantage of radio remote controls is the elimination of cables, simplifying installation and maintenance while enhancing safety and efficiency by allowing operation from safe distances or inaccessible areas.

However, radio remote controls can be less reliable than wired systems due to potential radio interference and noise. It’s crucial for critical equipment to conduct a radio wave survey beforehand to select a frequency band with minimal interference.


Precision Air Conditioning

What Is Precision Air Conditioning?

Precision air conditioners are devices designed for highly precise localized air conditioning. While some adjust only the air temperature, others manage both temperature and humidity.

Why Precision Air Conditioning?

Consistent indoor temperature or a constant temperature and humidity environment are critical in industrial, medical, and research facilities. Traditionally, maintaining constant conditions throughout a laboratory or workroom was common. However, recent advancements have shifted focus to precision air conditioning, which controls temperature and humidity locally and with high precision. This approach enhances accuracy and reduces running costs. Additionally, it reduces installation and construction costs since the system only needs local installation, and it simplifies changes in areas not under high-precision control.

Uses of Precision Air Conditioning

1. Production Process Applications

High-precision control of temperature and humidity is required in air conditioners used in production processes. This includes industries such as automotive, semiconductors, liquid crystals, ultra-precision processing machines, and energy-related fields like solar cells and biomass.

2. Facility Applications

Medical and biotechnology facilities, universities, private research institutes, research departments of various companies, and data centers with many heat-sensitive devices also use precision air conditioning.

Principle and Types of Precision Air Conditioning

1. Principle of Precision Air Conditioning

In a precision air conditioning unit, a refrigerant is first compressed into a high-temperature, high-pressure gas, then cooled. This cooled refrigerant is used to condition the air to a predetermined temperature. The cooled air is then heated to the supply temperature for accurate control management.

2. Types of Temperature Control Methods

  • Direct Heating Control
    This method warms air cooled to a specific temperature using a heater. It’s effective, but may lead to higher running costs due to increased power consumption.
  • Heater-less
    “Heater-less” technology in precision air conditioning units combines a cooling system with a heating system, using the same refrigerant. These units heat the air, once cooled by the cooling system, to a precise temperature, thus achieving accurate temperature control.

3. Types of Refrigerant Cooling System

  • Air-Cooling
    The air-cooling method cools the refrigerant by applying air to it.
  • Water Cooling
    The water-cooling type uses water to cool the refrigerant, providing more precise control than air-cooling systems.
  • Glycol Cooling
    This method uses glycol, or other antifreeze substances, to cool the refrigerant.

4. Types of Refrigerants

Some precision air conditioning units use traditional chlorofluorocarbons as a refrigerant, while others use non-CFC refrigerants like R1234yf. Non-Freon refrigerants have a low global warming potential (GWP) and are not regulated by emission laws, eliminating the costs and labor associated with CFC management.


Precision air conditioning units are used for localized precision control of rooms in existing buildings and are available as part of application sets.

Examples include:

1. Printing Machines

Printing processes use various solvents and cream solders sensitive to temperature and humidity. Precision air conditioning helps maintain optimal conditions, preventing issues like blurring or dripping during printing.

2. Mold Press

Mold presses require precise temperature and humidity control in the powder storage to ensure quality production. Precision air conditioning is essential for both equipment and storage areas.

3. Electronic Balances

Electronic balances, used for precise mass measurements, require stable temperature and humidity conditions for the measured objects. Therefore, combining them with precision air conditioning is highly beneficial.



What Is a Sprayer?

Sprayers are devices that atomize water, chemicals, or other liquids and spray them into spaces. They are most commonly used in agriculture, but can also serve as humidifiers or coolers when spraying water. Atomization can be achieved by pressurizing the liquid and expelling it through a nozzle, using compressed air or other gases, or employing ultrasonic waves.

In agriculture, sprayers come in various types, including bottles, small shoulder- or back-mounted, powered, and large mobile sprayers. Their drive methods range from manual to battery-powered, engine-powered, and electric-powered.

Uses of Sprayers

Agricultural sprayers are utilized for disinfecting, weeding, irrigating crops and fruit trees, controlling pests, and applying fertilizers. In professional settings, paint sprayers use compressed air to atomize paint, while washing machines combine water and air for cleaning tasks like washing cars and roofs. Household sprayers, manually operated or powered by gas pressure, are common for disinfecting hands, dressing wounds, and applying various detergents and insect repellents.

Principle of Sprayers

Liquids can be sprayed using nozzle and ultrasonic methods. Nozzle spraying is classified into three types: high-pressure liquid, compressed air, and gas pressure.

1. High-Pressure Liquid Method

This method pressurizes liquid via tap water pressure or a pump, then expels it through a one-fluid nozzle. Common in agricultural sprayers, it produces an average particle size of 20 to 30 µm at about 4 MPa pressure.

2. Compressed Air Method

Compressed air is used in a two-fluid nozzle to atomize the liquid. This method, producing finer particles of about 10µ, is used in space cooling systems and on large farms.

3. Method Using Gas Pressure

A chemical bottle filled with high-pressure gas, such as hydrocarbon, sprays the liquid for purposes like disinfection and insect control.

4. Ultrasonic Method

Ultrasonic waves from a device in a liquid container atomize the liquid. This method, creating a fine mist, is mainly used for humidification and small-scale chemical atomization.

Types of Sprayers

Sprayers come in various forms, including those with integrated or separate chemical tanks, and those powered manually, electrically, by battery, or compressed air. Common agricultural types include backpack sprayers, shoulder sprayers, and mobile power sprayers.

1. Backpack

Backpack sprayers can be manual, electric, battery, or engine-powered.

2. Shoulder-Mounted

These small sprayers, typically with a 10-liter tank, are worn over one shoulder and are ideal for home vegetable gardens.

3. Mobile Powered

These sprayers, mounted on a wheeled cart, include a chemical tank, engine or electric motor, and spray hose. Some advanced models are radio-controlled or drone-mounted.

How to Select Sprayers

Choosing the right sprayer depends on the specific application, ranging from small home units to large professional models.

1. For Home Use

For home use, manual or rechargeable battery-powered sprayers are recommended. Choose a tank capacity that suits the size of your garden, with smaller gardens requiring 1.5 to 2-gallon tanks, and larger areas needing about 15 gallons.

2. For Farm Use

For rice pest control, select sprayers with large water volumes and specialized nozzles. High-pressure models that produce a fine mist are preferable for vegetable pest control, with multiple nozzles enhancing efficiency.

3. For Fruit Orchards

Fruit tree sprayers should offer a good balance between high pressure and ample water volume for optimal efficacy.


Misting Shower

What Is a Misting Shower?

Misting showers are devices that spray water as a fine mist, reducing ambient temperature by 10 to 15°F outdoors through evaporation. They use only 1/20th the energy of a standard home air conditioner, making them energy-efficient heat stroke countermeasures.

Not all misting showers are cooling devices. In bathrooms, they serve to gently wash the body with a fine mist and can also be used for deodorizing and sterilizing. Additionally, misting showers function as humidifiers.

Uses of Misting Showers

Misting showers are versatile for both home and commercial use, with water supply pressure-driven models being particularly economical. At home, they can be installed on balconies or eaves for heat prevention, children’s water play, or to cool air conditioner outdoor units, enhancing efficiency. Commercially, they’re used at store entrances, hospitals, beauty salons, cafés, and more, to provide a cooling sensation. They’re also effective at sporting events, schools, construction sites, dairy farms, and in cooling factory and convenience store roofs.

They also find applications in sterilizing and deodorizing at food factory entrances and in saving energy by cooling air conditioner outdoor units and refrigeration units at stores.

Principle and Features of Misting Showers

Misting showers operate on the heat of vaporization principle, with each gram of water absorbing 584 kcal when evaporating. This process cools the surrounding air. When water is atomized into a mist, especially under high pressure (up to 7 MPa), it produces a fine, non-wetting mist that vaporizes quickly for rapid cooling. Alternative misting methods use only water supply pressure, resulting in slightly larger mist particles but saving electricity.

These showers not only cool outdoors but consume minimal electricity compared to conventional air conditioners.

How to Use Misting Showers

Misting showers, installed around the target area, can cool a wide range of spaces. For indoor use, they are more effective in high temperatures and low humidity, but adequate ventilation is crucial to prevent excessive indoor humidity. In factories, for example, they can reduce temperatures by 10 to 15°F without increasing humidity, providing energy-efficient heat stroke prevention.

The cooling capacity is calculated based on the desired temperature drop and ventilation volume. Then, the water amount and nozzle specifications are determined. If the required ventilation volume differs significantly from the plan, it’s recalculated to optimize performance.

Misting showers improve environments not only outdoors but also in processing plants, assembly plants, heat treatment plants, and large spaces like automobile repair shops, warehouses, and gymnasiums.

Humidifying Effects of Misting Showers

Misting showers increase indoor humidity without wetting surroundings. They’re crucial in maintaining humidity in paper, textile, wood processing, and printing plants. Humidity control devices with sensors ensure constant humidity, but heating devices may be necessary as showers alone can lower temperature.

In agriculture, like greenhouses and mushroom cultivation, misting showers effectively control humidity, cooling in summer and humidifying during dry periods.


Mist/Fog Cooling Fan

What Is a Mist/Fog Cooling Fan?

Mist/fog cooling fans are cooling devices that release mist generated by ultrasonic waves or other means, combined with airflow from a blower. By utilizing the heat of vaporization principle, where heat is absorbed as water evaporates, these fans can lower the temperature by 37 to 41 °F below ambient temperature.

They are suitable for those preferring mild cooling effects over the strong cooling of air conditioners, offering a balance of coolness and humidity. These fans are versatile, providing humidification in winter and cooling in summer.

Uses of Mist/Fog Cooling Fans

Portable and tabletop mist/fog cooling fans are popular for personal use during outdoor activities, such as watching sports or walking, or as desk cooling fans in the office or kitchen. Stationary mist/fog cooling fans often supplement air conditioning or traditional fans and are equipped with various functions.

In commercial settings, mobile misting fans, attached to large fans, are used in spacious areas like factories, construction sites, and outdoor events. Some powerful models deliver cool air up to 30 meters away.

Principle of Mist/Fog Cooling Fans

Mist/fog cooling fans use the heat of vaporization principle to cool the air. Water is atomized into mist and combined with the fan’s airflow to efficiently evaporate and cool the surrounding air. Unlike air conditioners, which lower temperature by passing air through a cooled heat exchanger, these fans do not dehumidify. However, the evaporated water increases room humidity, often requiring a ventilation system.

How to Choose Mist/Fog Cooling Fans

1. Choose the Type That Best Suits Your Application

Choose from four types: handheld, tabletop, stationary, and large commercial. Handheld or tabletop fans are ideal for personal use, while stationary types are better for cooling larger rooms. Large commercial models are effective as spot coolers in expansive spaces.

2. Check the Capacity of the Water Tank

Consider tank capacity for prolonged mist emission. Handheld models typically hold 1 to 2 oz., tabletop models around 10-12 oz., and stationary models about a gallon. Larger capacities are generally preferable.

3. Convenient Functions

Look for models with adjustable airflow and mist volume, and those with air/mist mode switching for year-round use. Models with antibacterial material for the tank are easier to clean and maintain.

Precautions for Using Mist/Fog Cooling Fans

1. Do Not Use Around Electronic Devices

Avoid using mist/fog cooling fans near electronic devices to prevent malfunctions caused by moisture. Special caution is needed with USB-charged models connected to computers.

2. Avoid Use in Dusty Places

Using these fans in dusty areas may cause dirt accumulation due to mist absorbing dust, leading to potential fan and room cleanliness issues.

3. Do Not Operate for Long Periods at High Mist Volume

Operating the fan with high mist volume for extended periods can increase room humidity and wet surfaces, potentially creating conditions conducive to mold growth. Adjust the mist volume appropriately for the environment.


High Power Laser

What Is a High Power Laser?

High power lasers are industrial lasers known for their significant output power. They perform a range of processes like cutting and bending on materials such as metals, glass, and resins.

Uses of High Power Lasers

These lasers vary in application depending on their power output. Lower power 20-100 watt lasers handle materials like alumina, stainless steel, steel, magnesium, fluoropolymers, acrylic resins, and polyimide films, performing drilling, cutting, scribing, and marking.

Mid-range 100~1000 watt lasers are used for surface modifications like annealing and lithography. Lasers above 1000W, often mounted on industrial robots, are used for large-scale 3D metal processing.

Waveforms of High Power Lasers for Processing

High power lasers for processing are either pulsed lasers or continuous wave (CW) lasers. Pulsed lemit output intermittently, with their output expressed in peak output [W], pulse energy [J], and repetition frequency [Hz]. CW lasers, on the other hand, continuously oscillate at a constant power, measured in watts [W].

Types and Applications of Processing Lasers

Processing lasers fall into two broad categories: solid-state lasers and gas lasers. Solid-state lasers include YAG lasers, fiber lasers, and semiconductor lasers. YAG lasers process a range of materials, but not transparent ones like glass. Fiber lasers, using optical fibers doped with elements like ytterbium (Yb), are common for marking. Semiconductor lasers, though challenged by high output, are expected to be used for thermal processing.