
Corner Clamp

What Is Corner Clamp?

Corner Clamps are clamps that hold materials at right angles to each other. They are used for temporary fixing and adhesive bonding when assembling materials at right angles, such as in the production of picture frames and panels and gluing the corners of wooden boxes.

Corner Clamps can be used to fix materials with edges cut at 45° or 90° at right angles to each other. They are important in the production of wooden frames and boxes, as misaligned corners can adversely affect the finished product.

Uses of Corner Clamps

Corner Clamps are used in a wide range of applications, from general DIY to usage in professional workplaces. In particular, they are often used for assembly and fabrication work at sites such as woodworking production sites.

Corner Clamps are used to secure materials at right angles. The basic function is simply to clamp the material to be fixed. It assists in operations such as gluing materials together, driving screws into them, or processing them.

It simply fixes materials at right angles, but if the corner angle shifts even slightly, it will affect the finished product more than expected. It is a simple tool, but it plays an important role in the work process.

Principle of Corner Clamp

Corner Clamps use screws or springs to fix materials to be fixed at right angles. When using a screw to fix a material, turn the screw to widen the mouth opening, clamp the material, and turn the screw to tighten it.

For spring-loaded clamps, pull the handle to widen the opening and clamp the material. The spring type applies pressure according to the strength of the spring.

Types of Corner Clamps

Corner Clamps are available in three types: the single-handle type, which uses one handle to tighten screws; the double-handle type, which uses two handles to tighten screws at 90° to each material; and the right-angle ruler type, which uses an L-shaped ruler clamped by a clamp.

1. Single-Handled Type

The single-hand type has a screw or spring inside the right-angled mouth opening that clamps the material. Since there is only one handle for tightening the material, the tightening force is weaker than the double-handled type, but only one screw tightening operation is required, which shortens the working time.

This type is suitable for making small items such as picture frames and shelves, and for improving work efficiency. If the handle axis can be adjusted to the left or right, it can be used for materials of different widths.

2. Double-Handled Type

The double-handle type has one clamp per side on the outside of the right-angled opening that clamps the material, and since two handles are used for clamping, the work takes twice as long as with a single-handle type, but the clamping force is stronger. Therefore, this type is suitable for processing large materials and for construction sites. 

3. Right Angle Ruler Type

This type is L-shaped like a right-angle ruler. The body does not have a clamp to fix the material, so a C-shaped clamp, L-shaped clamp, or spring clamp is used separately to fix the material. The main unit has a scale on it for easy measurement of length and angle.

Materials include ABS resin and aluminum alloy, and there are also different sizes. Besides the above three types, belt clamps can also be used as corner fixation.

How to Select Corner Clamps

1. Maximum Opening Size

Corner Clamps range in size from about 10 mm to 200 mm in maximum mouth opening size. Corner clamps are tightened by screws to secure the material, so the maximum opening size should be larger than the width of the material to be secured. 

2. Material

Aluminum and alloys are the most common materials used for corner clamps. However, if you need to clamp materials that you do not want to clamp too tightly, such as soft materials, resin corner clamps are an option.

3. Other

When fastening large pieces of wood or other materials, those fastened with double-handle type screws can be fastened securely. It is convenient to have several sets of 2 or 4 clamps.


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