
Tool Balancer

What Is a Tool Balancer?

A tool balancer is a device that suspends tools, such as hand tools, via a wire or air hose in areas where manual labor is performed.

When a suspended tool is used, the wire or air hose extends to the length pulled and retracts to its original length when released. This feature allows the tool to be kept out of the way when not in use, maintaining a tidy workspace and improving work efficiency. Tool balancers are also beneficial for suspending heavy tools that are difficult to hold for extended periods.

Uses of Tool Balancers

Tool balancers are utilized in various workplaces to suspend tools for manual tasks. Common settings include automotive assembly lines, machine tool setup areas, and electrical product assembly lines.

Tools typically suspended include hand tools such as wrenches, electric screwdrivers, air impact wrenches, and air guns. Using multiple tool balancers allows for the selection and use of the necessary tools as needed.

Principles of Tool Balancers

Tool balancers are designed to exert a force on the wire that slightly exceeds the weight of the tool, ensuring smooth extension and retraction. The wire extends when a tool is pulled and retracts to its original length upon release.

The primary mechanisms for generating rewinding force are springs and electric motors. In spring-operated balancers, the winding force increases with the length of wire unwound. To counteract this and maintain a constant pulling force, the winding section is designed with a tapered helix shape, allowing the radius to increase as the spring’s elastic force grows. Electric motor types adjust the take-up torque based on the weight of the suspended tool.

For suspending air tools, an air hose is used in place of wire in tool balancers. The hose is designed to withstand the force of suspending the tool while also providing an internal air channel to supply air to the tool.


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