
Cleanroom Tape

What Is a Cleanroom Tape?

Cleanroom tape, applicable in cleanrooms, comes in various types including double-sided, curing, line, and regular tape. These tapes are manufactured using special methods and materials to minimize dust emission. They often feature antistatic coatings, chemical-resistant films, and sterilization, serving functions beyond just dust control.

Uses of Cleanroom Tapes

In semiconductor and biological clean environments, cleanroom tapes are versatile. They replace regular adhesive tape for tasks like posting notices in cleanrooms. Some are used as curing tapes for construction and repairs, or as line tapes on floors for area demarcation. Traditional cellophane tape, commonly used outside cleanrooms, is unsuitable inside due to dust generation that can compromise product quality. However, cleanroom tapes, being dustproof, are perfectly suitable for use in these environments.

Principles of Cleanroom Tapes

The primary goal of cleanroom tapes is to minimize dust contamination. Unlike regular cellophane tape with a cardboard core prone to dust generation, cleanroom tapes use a plastic core, such as polyethylene, to prevent dust creation. The tape’s base material also comprises dust-resistant plastic films like polyolefins, including polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride, and polypropylene. Produced and packaged in clean environments, cleanroom tapes significantly reduce the risk of dust contamination upon package opening.


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