
Linear Encoders

What Is a Linear Encoder?


A linear encoder is a sensor-based device that determines the linear position of a moving part. It comes in two main types: incremental, which measures the distance traveled, and absolute, which provides the exact position at any given time, even after power loss.

These devices allow for precise measurement in digital format and can be easily connected to computers or other devices for data logging.

Uses of Linear Encoders

Linear encoders are essential in industries requiring precise positioning, such as in machinery operated by motors, hydraulics, or pneumatics, and in systems demanding accurate, multi-point positioning.

They are commonly found in measuring devices, precision length measurement systems, and semiconductor manufacturing inspection equipment.

Principle of Linear Encoders

Linear encoders consist of a scale with a coded position and a sensor that reads this scale, employing either optical or magnetic detection methods.

1. Optical Linear Encoder

These encoders use light passing through slits or reflecting off a surface to determine position. Suitable for high-precision tasks, they require protection from environmental contaminants, resulting in more complex and larger structures.

2. Magnetic Linear Encoder

Magnetic encoders detect changes in magnetic fields to determine position. They are compact, simple, and resilient to dust, oil, and water, making them versatile for various environments.

While absolute encoders utilize unique patterns for precise location identification, incremental types produce pulse signals for distance traveled, necessitating regular recalibration to avoid misalignment.

Other Information on Linear Encoders

1. Higher Accuracy in Position Detection

As the demand for precision in semiconductor manufacturing and other electronic devices grows, so does the need for accurate position detection. Linear encoders play a crucial role in achieving the high precision required for the production of increasingly integrated and dense semiconductor components.

2. Linear Encoder Resolution and Installation

Key to the manufacturing of precision tools and semiconductor equipment, linear encoders offer resolutions down to the micron level. Installation accuracy is vital for optimal performance, with specific requirements detailed in manufacturers’ manuals. Precision jigs and manual adjustments may be necessary during installation to ensure accuracy.


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