
Voltage Regulators

What Is a Voltage Regulator?

Voltage Regulators

A voltage regulator is a device that can adjust its voltage output to any desired value. It is used for high-precision voltage variation in various applications.

Voltage regulators are commonly employed to provide variable voltage according to the specific voltage requirements of facilities in factories or buildings.

There is a wide range of voltage regulators available from power supply equipment manufacturers, and it is crucial to select one that fits the operating environment and intended equipment uses and purposes.

The demand for voltage regulators in the telecommunications equipment industry has been increasing, particularly due to the advent of 5G technology.

Uses of Voltage Regulators

Voltage regulators, featuring variable output voltage, consist of a toroidal transformer, sliding brushes, and a sliding mechanism. They are used for generating any required voltage.

Currently, voltage regulators can be categorized broadly into two types. The appropriate type should be chosen based on the purpose of use and the operating environment.

The categories of voltage regulators are listed below:

  • Sliding Type Voltage Regulator: Consists of a toroidal transformer, sliding brushes, and a sliding mechanism.
  • Semiconductor Type Voltage Regulator: Characterized by having a transformer mechanism with elements in a semiconductor substrate.

Although more compact than the sliding type, there is a risk of damage due to noise, etc.

Principles of Voltage Regulators

The voltage generator varies the output voltage by means of a toroidal transformer mounted in the equipment and a sliding brush and sliding mechanism.

The input voltage can be immediately varied to any desired value and output after operation with a touch panel or incidental switch.

Voltage regulators are mainly classified into four types: single-phase 100 V, single-phase 200 V, three-phase 200 V, and three-phase 400 V. They are used for different purposes.

The main features are described below:

  1. Input voltage variable from 100V to 440V and output
  2. Unlike power supplies that use semiconductors, they are resistant to instantaneous over-currents

When using a voltage regulator, it is necessary to decide whether it will be used for DC or AC applications. Then select the type of power converter that best suits the purpose of use and the environment in which it will be used.

Since each manufacturer has various characteristics, it is important to adjust the voltage to the appropriate voltage and supply the voltage after differentiating between different types of voltage regulators according to the intended use.


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