

What Is a Crusher?

A crusher is a device that crushes granular or clumped agglomerated materials to reduce their size.

It functions similarly to a shredder in that it shreds the material, but it plays a different role. In crushing, the material is crushed until it becomes a powder, so it is discharged as powder or granules, whereas in crushing, the material is discharged when it reaches a certain grain size, so it can be obtained as granules.

This function is used in the process of breaking down food products such as bread, biscuits, and snacks into flakes, and in the process of reducing granulated materials to the required grain size.

Uses of Crushers

Crushers are used to break up lumps of material to a certain size and to break up agglomerates of powder.

In the food industry, crushers are used to break up bread, noodles, cookies, snacks, etc., to a certain size, and have been used in the production of flaky curry roux, chocolate chips, dog food, etc.

In the manufacturing field, it is used to break down granulated materials to the required grain size to make flakes or to eliminate unintentional lumps. Installed downstream of the granulation process, the crusher can be combined with a sieving machine or other equipment that sorts the grain sizes to obtain materials with grain sizes within a certain range.

Principle of Crushers

Crushers are mainly composed of internally rotating blades and a screen-like mesh. Material fed into the crusher is repeatedly crushed by impacting the blades and sent downstream through the crusher. Through the above process, large-sized materials can be reduced to a certain grain size.

The grain size of the material obtained by the crusher is determined by the fineness of the mesh, but repeated collisions with the blades in the crusher before reaching the mesh can result in a material that is smaller than the required grain size. Therefore, downstream of the crusher, a sieving device is often used to sort the grain size, and the material with a smaller grain size is discharged or returned to the previous process. In some cases, the crusher and the grain size sorting device are combined as a unit.

The size of the blade and mesh required depends on the size of the material to be fed, the size of the grains required, the processing capacity, etc. Therefore, the equipment itself is often custom-made to some extent, and the size varies depending on the use of the equipment. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the specifications after the process and production capacity of the production line have been determined to some extent.


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