
Barcode Verifiers

What Is a Barcode Verifier?

Barcode Verifiers

Barcode verifiers are devices designed to ensure barcodes meet established standards for print quality. Proper verification is crucial as barcodes enable universal product identification, requiring consistent readability across different barcode readers.

Uses of Barcode Verifiers

These tools are essential in industries that apply barcodes to products, including food and pharmaceuticals, and in the printing sector for packaging materials. Barcode verifiers are also instrumental in direct part marking (DPM), allowing for efficient process control and enhanced traceability in parts manufacturing. This technology supports effective recall management, supply chain oversight, and brand integrity assurance.

Principle of Barcode Verifiers

Barcode verifiers standardize barcodes by analyzing them for readability and conformity to specifications. Traditionally employing laser or CCD technologies, modern verifiers increasingly utilize image analysis to quantify compliance across various barcode types, including two-dimensional codes. These devices process barcode images to verify adherence to standards.

Types of Barcode Verifiers

Diverse barcode verifiers cater to specific measurement needs, differentiated by application, accuracy, and technology:

  • Off-Line Measurement: High-accuracy devices for lab analysis or print original verification.
  • On-Line Measurement: Integrated into production lines for real-time quality control, equipped to reject non-conforming products.
  • Handheld: Portable verifiers for logistics, prototypes, and on-site evaluations.
  • Convenience Store Use: Specialized for processing extended digit codes in utility bill payments.
  • Medical Use: Designed for verifying GS1 barcodes on pharmaceuticals to prevent prescription errors.
  • Standard-Compliant Products: Adhering to ANSI, CEN, IEC, GS1, and UDI standards, chosen based on application requirements.

Other Information on Barcode Verifiers

Calibration of Barcode Verifiers

To maintain accuracy, barcode verifiers require regular calibration using a test card to confirm performance against specified results. Calibration services are offered by manufacturers, or test cards can be independently purchased for self-calibration.


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