
Metoree Joins the Royal Institution of Naval Architects

We are excited to announce that Metoree has proudly become a member of the Royal Institution of Naval Architects!

As a dedicated member of the Royal Institution of Naval Architects, Metoree is committed to advancing the field of naval architecture and maritime engineering on a global scale. 

The Royal Institution of Naval Architects boasts a storied legacy and extensive expertise in fostering advancements and connections in the maritime world. We are confident that our association will amplify the value we offer to the maritime sector.

At Metoree, we wholeheartedly embrace the objectives of the Royal Institution of Naval Architects and eagerly anticipate our active contributions in the coming years. We remain dedicated to the maritime community and are driven towards a bright and innovative future.

We are profoundly thankful for this prestigious affiliation and sincerely request your unwavering support.

Warm regards, Metoree by ZAZA Inc.


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