
Laser Driver

What Is a Laser Driver?

Laser Drivers

A laser driver is a power supply or controller used primarily for semiconductors.

It is also called a laser diode driver, LD power supply, or laser power supply. There are many elemental technologies required, and various functions such as temperature control, current control, and output control are implemented. There is a wide lineup from integrated types in which all functions are implemented to types in which each function can be used independently.

Applications of Laser Drivers

Laser drivers are used for stable control of semiconductor lasers.

By designing circuits and selecting components for integration, miniaturization, etc., it is possible to create a Laser Driver that meets the needs of each application. Various product selections are available, including component and module units and mounting options.

Types of Laser Drivers

Some devices retain each of these functions independently, such as the use of a constant-current power supply, the installation of protection circuits, and circuit elements that maintain a constant optical output, while others have them all as a single power supply unit. The pin layout is also designed to allow for easy integration into circuits, etc.

Other Information on Laser Drivers

Controlling Laser Drivers

To stabilize the wavelength and output of a laser, drive control and temperature control must be performed. For drive control, the Laser Driver eliminates noise from the power supply, prevents driver malfunctions due to disturbance noise or misconnection, and controls output power. For temperature control, the temperature controller and functions are linked to provide stable control.


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