

What Is Magumit?

Magumit is a drug prescribed as an antacid and laxative.

The name Magumit is a trade name; the generic name is magnesium oxide. It is sold by various pharmaceutical manufacturers.

Its main indications include antacid action and improvement in diseases such as gastric and duodenal ulcers, gastritis, and upper gastrointestinal dysfunctions, improvement of constipation, and prevention of the formation of calcium oxalic stones in the urinary tract. Because it is a prescription drug, a doctor’s prescription is required to purchase it.

Historically, it is said that German physician Philip Franz von Siebold brought it to Japan when he came to Japan in 1823.

Uses of Magumit

Magumit is a drug administered to improve gastric and duodenal ulcers, gastritis, and upper gastrointestinal dysfunctions through its antacid action, to treat constipation through its laxative action, and to prevent urinary tract stones.

As a laxative, it does not directly stimulate the movement of the intestinal tract, but instead works by increasing the absorption of water in the intestinal tract, thereby aiding peristalsis of the large intestine and promoting defecation.

Properties of Magumit

The active pharmaceutical ingredient in Magumit is magnesium oxide (CAS number 1309-48-4), which itself is a colorless crystal or powder at room temperature with a molecular weight of 40.30, a melting point of 2852°C, and a boiling point of 3600°C. Magnesium oxide has a density of 3.65 g/kg and a viscosity of 3.65 g/kg. It has a density of 3.65 g/mL and is virtually insoluble in water and ethanol.

Magnesium oxide is produced by the combustion of metallic magnesium, thermal decomposition of magnesium hydroxide or magnesium carbonate, and other methods.

Types of Magumit

Magumit is a prescription drug that requires a doctor’s prescription, and is manufactured and sold by a variety of pharmaceutical manufacturers, including Magumit Pharmaceuticals, Maruishi Pharmaceuticals, Shioe Pharmaceuticals, and Nippon Shinyaku.

In addition to Magumit, many other manufacturers sell magnesium oxide preparations, and there are also over-the-counter drugs that do not require a prescription.

Magumit is available in white tablet form, in 200 mg, 250 mg, 330 mg, 50 mg, and other forms.

Other Information on Magumit

1. Pharmacological Action of Magumit

As an antacid, 1 g of magnesium oxide can neutralize approximately 500 mL of 0.1 mol/L hydrochloric acid. It exerts its antacid effect in the stomach and is considered less irritating because it does not produce carbon dioxide. Since it is insoluble in water, its antacid action is slow-acting and has a longer duration of action compared to sodium bicarbonate.

As a laxative, it becomes bicarbonate in the intestine, increasing osmotic pressure in the intestine and drawing water into the intestinal lumen. This softens the intestinal contents and causes the intestinal contents to expand, stimulating dilation of the intestinal tract and promoting defecation.

2. Side Effects of Magumit

A serious side effect of Magumit is hypermagnesemia. The risk is particularly high in patients with renal dysfunction, so the drug is administered with caution to patients with renal dysfunction.

Symptoms of hypermagnesemia include nausea, vomiting, dry mouth, hypotension, bradycardia, skin flushing, muscle weakness, and somnolence, and in severe cases, respiratory depression, impaired consciousness, arrhythmia, and cardiac arrest. In severe cases, respiratory depression, impaired consciousness, arrhythmia, and cardiac arrest may occur. If abnormality is observed, it is necessary to discontinue the administration of magnesium.

If abnormalities are observed, administration should be discontinued. In addition, cases of hypermagnesemia in elderly patients have been reported, resulting in serious outcomes.

Therefore, the dosage should be reduced in elderly patients, and careful monitoring, such as a periodic measurement of serum magnesium levels, should be performed. In patients with cardiac dysfunction, bradycardia may occur and symptoms may worsen.

3. Interactions With Other Drugs

Because Magumit has adsorption, antacid, and other effects, it may affect the absorption and excretion of other drugs. For example, when Magumit is used in combination with new quinolines or tetracyclines, the antibacterial effect is diminished, so it is necessary to allow at least two hours between doses.

In addition, when combined with large amounts of milk or calcium products, the calcium concentration in the blood may increase, causing the blood to become alkaline, so care should be taken while taking these medications and periodic blood tests are necessary.


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