Wind Power Generators

What Are Wind Power Generators?

Wind power generators are devices that convert the force of the wind into the rotational energy of a windmill, which is then converted into electrical energy.

The most popular type is the propeller type with three blades, but Darius-type wind turbines with vertically curved blades are also gradually being used because they are superior in terms of cost and location.

Since they do not emit CO2 when generating electricity and are superior to photovoltaic power generation systems, which are also natural energy sources, in terms of life cycle assessment, they are being introduced as the next generation of power generation equipment.

Applications of Wind Power Generators

Wind power generators were once used only to supplement energy supplies on remote islands, but in recent years, they have come to provide about half of the world’s renewable energy, mainly in Europe, the United States, and China.

In recent years, to compensate for their shortcomings, such as unstable output, power generation methods combining them with storage batteries and other renewable energies are being considered.

Photovoltaic power generators are preferred in Japan because their installation is limited to locations where seasonal wind fluctuations are small and where large areas of land and roads are available.

Principle of Wind Power Generators

Propeller-type wind power generators convert wind, which is the source of energy, into rotational energy by means of the blades at the tip of the propeller.

The basic rotation speed of the propeller depends on the number of blades in the wind turbine; the fewer the blades, the higher the rotation speed, but three blades are the most common type because they provide a good balance between speed and stability.

In order to stabilize the rotation speed, a variable pitch mechanism is installed at the tip to change the blade angle according to the wind power, and a tracking device is installed at the connection of the tower to the propeller to change the direction of the tip according to the wind direction. In addition, a braking mechanism is installed to stop the rotor when the wind speed exceeds the upper limit due to typhoons, etc., protecting the equipment from damage.

The rotation of the propeller is connected to the generator either as it is or through a speed increasing device that increases the speed to a speed suitable for power generation, and the power generated by the generator is converted to a frequency and voltage suitable for power transmission through an inverter and transformer before being connected to the power grid.


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