
Temperature Monitoring System

What Is a Temperature Monitoring System?

Temperature monitoring systems are employed in various fields, such as the storage of vaccines, investigational drugs, and pharmaceuticals that necessitate temperature monitoring and recording.

They are also used for chemicals like paints and adhesives, which may denature due to temperature changes, and in the manufacturing, processing, and selling of food products. These products require low-temperature storage to control bacterial growth and comply with HACCP mandates.

Temperature Monitoring in HACCP

Technological advancements have led to an increased implementation of temperature monitoring systems in diverse industries, especially in the food industry. This trend is accelerating with the upcoming mandatory adoption of HACCP in June 2021.

HACCP, an acronym for Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points, was developed by NASA in the 1960s for managing food production and preventing food poisoning among astronauts during the Apollo program. It’s now a method and guideline in the international food standard CODEX, jointly managed by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

A critical component of HACCP is controlling the temperature of food products. This includes monitoring the temperatures of refrigerators and freezers, water in heat sterilization tanks, and chillers for rapid cooling. Directly recording and controlling the core temperature of food products is also essential.

Automatic Recording and Remote Monitoring of Temperature Monitoring

While a few single-product, mass-production plants employ machine-controlled processes, most food factories still rely on manual temperature monitoring through visual and handwritten records.

However, with the advent of IoT technologies like wireless communication and sensing, the development of IoT-based temperature monitoring systems is increasing. Previously, wired LAN-based systems were common, but their installation in 24/7 operating food factories posed challenges due to extensive wiring work and the need for waterproofing in environments with high water and steam usage.

Recent years have seen a rise in IoT sensor-based temperature monitoring and automatic recording systems. The growing labor shortages in manufacturing have also contributed to the adoption of these systems. Waterproof, wireless sensors offer easy retrofitting to existing facilities and adaptability to layout changes, unlike wired systems. Consequently, food businesses of all sizes are increasingly implementing these systems, keeping the HACCP mandate in mind.

Advantages of Remote Monitoring

Manual temperature checks and records limit continuous monitoring, making it challenging to ascertain accurate temperatures in refrigerators. Remote monitoring systems, operating 24/7/365, have revealed occasional temperature irregularities, sometimes following identifiable patterns, allowing for corrective actions.

Often, water temperature measurement in heat sterilization tanks and chillers is a critical control point (CCP) in HACCP. The ability to monitor these temperatures systematically, rather than visually, is significantly beneficial. Remote monitoring and real-time automatic recording of temperatures contribute to food safety and security, and corporate SDG activities, such as preventing food waste by detecting refrigeration failures early.

How to Choose Temperature Monitoring Systems

When selecting a temperature monitoring system, it’s crucial to consider whether it’s a wired or wireless system. Wired systems present installation challenges in existing facilities and may lack flexibility for expanding measurement points post-installation.

Wireless systems vary in features. It’s important to understand the type of wireless system being used. For instance, systems using WiFi may interfere with other devices and have high power consumption, leading to rapid battery drainage in temperature sensors, increasing maintenance costs and labor.

While IoT technology is evolving quickly, choosing inexpensive products can lead to issues like intermittent communication failures, hindering real-time monitoring. Selecting products and services that offer substantial operational support is crucial for medium- to long-term benefits, avoiding scenarios where installed systems are underutilized or ineffective due to communication issues.

Additionally, consider the maintenance services offered, as temperature sensors require periodic replacement, typically every three years.


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