
Thionoc Flowable

What Is Thionoc Flowable?

Thionoc Flowable is a type of fungicide used to prevent diseases in fruit trees. Its active ingredient is thiuram, with a concentration of 40%, and “Thionoc Flowable” serves as the trade name.

Originally utilized as an accelerator to enhance the elasticity of rubber, thiuram has also been adopted in agriculture for its fungicidal properties.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has established the acceptable daily intake of thiuram at 0.01 mg per kg of body weight.

Uses of Thionoc Flowable

Thionoc Flowable is primarily employed in the prevention of fruit tree diseases.

It is applicable to a variety of crops, including apples, pears, peaches, plums, apricots, grapes, strawberries, flowering plants, and ornamentals. The range of diseases it combats includes spotted deciduous leaf disease, black star disease, black spot disease, brown spot disease, red star disease, anthracnose, heart rot, shrinking leaf disease, bacterial blight, powdery mildew, mycorrhiza on young fruits, late rot, mildew, and gray mold.

Due to its broad-spectrum antibacterial activity against various pathogens, Thionoc Flowable is cost-effective, preventing multiple diseases with a single application. However, its use on certain fruit trees, like pears, has been reported to reduce pollen germination rates. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid application during pollination periods.


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